import { asyncExpect } from '@/tests/utils' import notification from '..' describe('notification', () => { beforeEach(() => { document.body.outerHTML = '' }) afterEach(() => { notification.destroy() }) it('should be able to hide manually', async () => {{ message: 'Notification Title', duration: 0, key: '1', }) await asyncExpect(() => {{ message: 'Notification Title', duration: 0, key: '2', }) }) await asyncExpect(() => { expect(document.querySelectorAll('.ant-notification-notice').length).toBe(2) notification.close('1') }, 0) await asyncExpect(() => { expect(document.querySelectorAll('.ant-notification-notice').length).toBe(1) notification.close('2') }, 0) await asyncExpect(() => { expect(document.querySelectorAll('.ant-notification-notice').length).toBe(0) }, 0) }) it('should be able to destroy globally', async () => {{ message: 'Notification Title', duration: 0, }) await asyncExpect(() => {{ message: 'Notification Title', duration: 0, }) }) await asyncExpect(() => { expect(document.querySelectorAll('.ant-notification').length).toBe(1) expect(document.querySelectorAll('.ant-notification-notice').length).toBe(2) notification.destroy() }, 0) await asyncExpect(() => { expect(document.querySelectorAll('.ant-notification').length).toBe(0) expect(document.querySelectorAll('.ant-notification-notice').length).toBe(0) }, 0) }) it('should be able to destroy after config', () => { notification.config({ bottom: 100, }) notification.destroy() }) it('should be able to open with icon', (done) => { const openNotificationWithIcon = async (type) => { const iconPrefix = '.ant-notification-notice-icon' notification[type]({ message: 'Notification Title', duration: 0, description: 'This is the content of the notification.', }) await asyncExpect(() => { expect(document.querySelectorAll(`${iconPrefix}-${type}`).length).toBe(1) }, 0) }; ['success', 'info', 'warning', 'error'].forEach((type) => { openNotificationWithIcon(type) }) done() }) it('trigger onClick', () => {{ message: 'Notification Title', duration: 0, }) expect(document.querySelectorAll('.ant-notification').length).toBe(1) }) })