import type { PropType } from 'vue'; import { defineComponent, onBeforeUnmount, shallowRef, watch, watchEffect } from 'vue'; import contains from '../vc-util/Dom/contains'; import type ScrollLocker from '../vc-util/Dom/scrollLocker'; import classNames from '../_util/classNames'; import type { MouseEventHandler } from '../_util/EventInterface'; import KeyCode from '../_util/KeyCode'; import omit from '../_util/omit'; import pickAttrs from '../_util/pickAttrs'; import { initDefaultProps } from '../_util/props-util'; import type { ContentRef } from './Content'; import Content from './Content'; import dialogPropTypes from './IDialogPropTypes'; import Mask from './Mask'; import { getMotionName, getUUID } from './util'; export default defineComponent({ compatConfig: { MODE: 3 }, name: 'Dialog', inheritAttrs: false, props: initDefaultProps( { ...dialogPropTypes(), getOpenCount: Function as PropType<() => number>, scrollLocker: Object as PropType, }, { mask: true, visible: false, keyboard: true, closable: true, maskClosable: true, destroyOnClose: false, prefixCls: 'rc-dialog', getOpenCount: () => null, focusTriggerAfterClose: true, }, ), setup(props, { attrs, slots }) { const lastOutSideActiveElementRef = shallowRef(); const wrapperRef = shallowRef(); const contentRef = shallowRef(); const animatedVisible = shallowRef(props.visible); const ariaIdRef = shallowRef(`vcDialogTitle${getUUID()}`); // ========================= Events ========================= const onDialogVisibleChanged = (newVisible: boolean) => { if (newVisible) { // Try to focus if (!contains(wrapperRef.value, document.activeElement as HTMLElement)) { lastOutSideActiveElementRef.value = document.activeElement as HTMLElement; contentRef.value?.focus(); } } else { const preAnimatedVisible = animatedVisible.value; // Clean up scroll bar & focus back animatedVisible.value = false; if (props.mask && lastOutSideActiveElementRef.value && props.focusTriggerAfterClose) { try { lastOutSideActiveElementRef.value.focus({ preventScroll: true }); } catch (e) { // Do nothing } lastOutSideActiveElementRef.value = null; } // Trigger afterClose only when change visible from true to false if (preAnimatedVisible) { props.afterClose?.(); } } }; const onInternalClose = (e: MouseEvent | KeyboardEvent) => { props.onClose?.(e); }; // >>> Content const contentClickRef = shallowRef(false); const contentTimeoutRef = shallowRef(); // We need record content click incase content popup out of dialog const onContentMouseDown: MouseEventHandler = () => { clearTimeout(contentTimeoutRef.value); contentClickRef.value = true; }; const onContentMouseUp: MouseEventHandler = () => { contentTimeoutRef.value = setTimeout(() => { contentClickRef.value = false; }); }; const onWrapperClick = (e: MouseEvent) => { if (!props.maskClosable) return null; if (contentClickRef.value) { contentClickRef.value = false; } else if (wrapperRef.value === { onInternalClose(e); } }; const onWrapperKeyDown = (e: KeyboardEvent) => { if (props.keyboard && e.keyCode === KeyCode.ESC) { e.stopPropagation(); onInternalClose(e); return; } // keep focus inside dialog if (props.visible) { if (e.keyCode === KeyCode.TAB) { contentRef.value.changeActive(!e.shiftKey); } } }; watch( () => props.visible, () => { if (props.visible) { animatedVisible.value = true; } }, { flush: 'post' }, ); onBeforeUnmount(() => { clearTimeout(contentTimeoutRef.value); props.scrollLocker?.unLock(); }); watchEffect(() => { props.scrollLocker?.unLock(); if (animatedVisible.value) { props.scrollLocker?.lock(); } }); return () => { const { prefixCls, mask, visible, maskTransitionName, maskAnimation, zIndex, wrapClassName, rootClassName, wrapStyle, closable, maskProps, maskStyle, transitionName, animation, wrapProps, title = slots.title, } = props; const { style, class: className } = attrs; return (
); }; }, });