import OptionList from './OptionList'; import { formatStrategyValues, SHOW_CHILD } from './utils/strategyUtil'; import type { CheckedStrategy } from './utils/strategyUtil'; import { useProvideSelectContext } from './TreeSelectContext'; import type { TreeSelectContextProps } from './TreeSelectContext'; import type { LegacyContextProps } from './LegacyContext'; import { useProvideLegacySelectContext } from './LegacyContext'; import useTreeData from './hooks/useTreeData'; import { toArray, fillFieldNames, isNil } from './utils/valueUtil'; import useCache from './hooks/useCache'; import useDataEntities from './hooks/useDataEntities'; import { fillAdditionalInfo, fillLegacyProps } from './utils/legacyUtil'; import useCheckedKeys from './hooks/useCheckedKeys'; import useFilterTreeData from './hooks/useFilterTreeData'; import warningProps from './utils/warningPropsUtil'; import type { Key } from './interface'; import type { DisplayValueType } from '../vc-select/BaseSelect'; import { baseSelectPropsWithoutPrivate } from '../vc-select/BaseSelect'; import { computed, defineComponent, ref, shallowRef, toRaw, toRef, toRefs, watchEffect } from 'vue'; import type { ExtractPropTypes, PropType } from 'vue'; import omit from '../_util/omit'; import PropTypes from '../_util/vue-types'; import type { SelectProps, BaseSelectProps, BaseSelectRef } from '../vc-select'; import { BaseSelect } from '../vc-select'; import { initDefaultProps } from '../_util/props-util'; import useId from '../vc-select/hooks/useId'; import useMergedState from '../_util/hooks/useMergedState'; import type { VueNode } from '../_util/type'; import { conductCheck } from '../vc-tree/utils/conductUtil'; import { warning } from '../vc-util/warning'; import { toReactive } from '../_util/toReactive'; export type OnInternalSelect = (value: RawValueType, info: { selected: boolean }) => void; export type RawValueType = string | number; export interface LabeledValueType { key?: Key; value?: RawValueType; label?: any; /** Only works on `treeCheckStrictly` */ halfChecked?: boolean; } export type SelectSource = 'option' | 'selection' | 'input' | 'clear'; export type DraftValueType = RawValueType | LabeledValueType | (RawValueType | LabeledValueType)[]; /** @deprecated This is only used for legacy compatible. Not works on new code. */ export interface LegacyCheckedNode { pos: string; node: any; children?: LegacyCheckedNode[]; } export interface ChangeEventExtra { /** @deprecated Please save prev value by control logic instead */ preValue: LabeledValueType[]; triggerValue: RawValueType; /** @deprecated Use `onSelect` or `onDeselect` instead. */ selected?: boolean; /** @deprecated Use `onSelect` or `onDeselect` instead. */ checked?: boolean; // Not sure if exist user still use this. We have to keep but not recommend user to use /** @deprecated This prop not work as react node anymore. */ triggerNode: any; /** @deprecated This prop not work as react node anymore. */ allCheckedNodes: LegacyCheckedNode[]; } export interface FieldNames { value?: string; label?: string; children?: string; } export interface InternalFieldName extends Omit { _title: string[]; } export interface SimpleModeConfig { id?: Key; pId?: Key; rootPId?: Key; } export interface BaseOptionType { disabled?: boolean; checkable?: boolean; disableCheckbox?: boolean; children?: BaseOptionType[]; [name: string]: any; } export interface DefaultOptionType extends BaseOptionType { value?: RawValueType; title?: any; label?: any; key?: Key; children?: DefaultOptionType[]; } export interface LegacyDataNode extends DefaultOptionType { props: any; } export function treeSelectProps< ValueType = any, OptionType extends BaseOptionType = DefaultOptionType, >() { return { ...omit(baseSelectPropsWithoutPrivate(), ['mode']), prefixCls: String, id: String, value: { type: [String, Number, Object, Array] as PropType }, defaultValue: { type: [String, Number, Object, Array] as PropType }, onChange: { type: Function as PropType< (value: ValueType, labelList: any[], extra: ChangeEventExtra) => void >, }, searchValue: String, /** @deprecated Use `searchValue` instead */ inputValue: String, onSearch: { type: Function as PropType<(value: string) => void> }, autoClearSearchValue: { type: Boolean, default: undefined }, filterTreeNode: { type: [Boolean, Function] as PropType< boolean | ((inputValue: string, treeNode: DefaultOptionType) => boolean) >, default: undefined, }, treeNodeFilterProp: String, // >>> Select onSelect: Function as PropType, onDeselect: Function as PropType, showCheckedStrategy: { type: String as PropType }, treeNodeLabelProp: String, fieldNames: { type: Object as PropType }, // >>> Mode multiple: { type: Boolean, default: undefined }, treeCheckable: { type: Boolean, default: undefined }, treeCheckStrictly: { type: Boolean, default: undefined }, labelInValue: { type: Boolean, default: undefined }, // >>> Data treeData: { type: Array as PropType }, treeDataSimpleMode: { type: [Boolean, Object] as PropType, default: undefined, }, loadData: { type: Function as PropType<(dataNode: LegacyDataNode) => Promise> }, treeLoadedKeys: { type: Array as PropType }, onTreeLoad: { type: Function as PropType<(loadedKeys: Key[]) => void> }, // >>> Expanded treeDefaultExpandAll: { type: Boolean, default: undefined }, treeExpandedKeys: { type: Array as PropType }, treeDefaultExpandedKeys: { type: Array as PropType }, onTreeExpand: { type: Function as PropType<(expandedKeys: Key[]) => void> }, // >>> Options virtual: { type: Boolean, default: undefined }, listHeight: Number, listItemHeight: Number, onDropdownVisibleChange: { type: Function as PropType<(open: boolean) => void> }, // >>> Tree treeLine: { type: [Boolean, Object], default: undefined }, treeIcon: PropTypes.any, showTreeIcon: { type: Boolean, default: undefined }, switcherIcon: PropTypes.any, treeMotion: PropTypes.any, children: Array as PropType, showArrow: { type: Boolean, default: undefined }, showSearch: { type: Boolean, default: undefined }, open: { type: Boolean, default: undefined }, defaultOpen: { type: Boolean, default: undefined }, disabled: { type: Boolean, default: undefined }, placeholder: PropTypes.any, maxTagPlaceholder: { type: Function as PropType<(omittedValues: DisplayValueType[]) => any> }, dropdownPopupAlign: PropTypes.any, customSlots: Object, }; } export type TreeSelectProps = Partial>>; function isRawValue(value: RawValueType | LabeledValueType): value is RawValueType { return !value || typeof value !== 'object'; } export default defineComponent({ name: 'TreeSelect', inheritAttrs: false, props: initDefaultProps(treeSelectProps(), { treeNodeFilterProp: 'value', autoClearSearchValue: true, showCheckedStrategy: SHOW_CHILD, listHeight: 200, listItemHeight: 20, prefixCls: 'vc-tree-select', }), setup(props, { attrs, expose, slots }) { const mergedId = useId(toRef(props, 'id')); const treeConduction = computed(() => props.treeCheckable && !props.treeCheckStrictly); const mergedCheckable = computed(() => props.treeCheckable || props.treeCheckStrictly); const mergedLabelInValue = computed(() => props.treeCheckStrictly || props.labelInValue); const mergedMultiple = computed(() => mergedCheckable.value || props.multiple); // ========================== Warning =========================== if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { watchEffect(() => { warningProps(props); }); } // ========================= FieldNames ========================= const mergedFieldNames = computed(() => fillFieldNames(props.fieldNames)); // =========================== Search =========================== const [mergedSearchValue, setSearchValue] = useMergedState('', { value: computed(() => props.searchValue !== undefined ? props.searchValue : props.inputValue, ), postState: search => search || '', }); const onInternalSearch: BaseSelectProps['onSearch'] = searchText => { setSearchValue(searchText); props.onSearch?.(searchText); }; // ============================ Data ============================ // `useTreeData` only do convert of `children` or `simpleMode`. // Else will return origin `treeData` for perf consideration. // Do not do anything to loop the data. const mergedTreeData = useTreeData( toRef(props, 'treeData'), toRef(props, 'children'), toRef(props, 'treeDataSimpleMode'), ); const { keyEntities, valueEntities } = useDataEntities(mergedTreeData, mergedFieldNames); /** Get `missingRawValues` which not exist in the tree yet */ const splitRawValues = (newRawValues: RawValueType[]) => { const missingRawValues = []; const existRawValues = []; // Keep missing value in the cache newRawValues.forEach(val => { if (valueEntities.value.has(val)) { existRawValues.push(val); } else { missingRawValues.push(val); } }); return { missingRawValues, existRawValues }; }; // Filtered Tree const filteredTreeData = useFilterTreeData(mergedTreeData, mergedSearchValue, { fieldNames: mergedFieldNames, treeNodeFilterProp: toRef(props, 'treeNodeFilterProp'), filterTreeNode: toRef(props, 'filterTreeNode'), }); // =========================== Label ============================ const getLabel = (item: DefaultOptionType) => { if (item) { if (props.treeNodeLabelProp) { return item[props.treeNodeLabelProp]; } // Loop from fieldNames const { _title: titleList } = mergedFieldNames.value; for (let i = 0; i < titleList.length; i += 1) { const title = item[titleList[i]]; if (title !== undefined) { return title; } } } }; // ========================= Wrap Value ========================= const toLabeledValues = (draftValues: DraftValueType) => { const values = toArray(draftValues); return => { if (isRawValue(val)) { return { value: val }; } return val; }); }; const convert2LabelValues = (draftValues: DraftValueType) => { const values = toLabeledValues(draftValues); return => { let { label: rawLabel } = item; const { value: rawValue, halfChecked: rawHalfChecked } = item; let rawDisabled: boolean | undefined; const entity = valueEntities.value.get(rawValue); // Fill missing label & status if (entity) { rawLabel = rawLabel ?? getLabel(entity.node); rawDisabled = entity.node.disabled; } return { label: rawLabel, value: rawValue, halfChecked: rawHalfChecked, disabled: rawDisabled, }; }); }; // =========================== Values =========================== const [internalValue, setInternalValue] = useMergedState(props.defaultValue, { value: toRef(props, 'value'), }); const rawMixedLabeledValues = computed(() => toLabeledValues(internalValue.value)); // Split value into full check and half check const rawLabeledValues = shallowRef([]); const rawHalfLabeledValues = shallowRef([]); watchEffect(() => { const fullCheckValues: LabeledValueType[] = []; const halfCheckValues: LabeledValueType[] = []; rawMixedLabeledValues.value.forEach(item => { if (item.halfChecked) { halfCheckValues.push(item); } else { fullCheckValues.push(item); } }); rawLabeledValues.value = fullCheckValues; rawHalfLabeledValues.value = halfCheckValues; }); // const [mergedValues] = useCache(rawLabeledValues); const rawValues = computed(() => => item.value)); // Convert value to key. Will fill missed keys for conduct check. const [rawCheckedValues, rawHalfCheckedValues] = useCheckedKeys( rawLabeledValues, rawHalfLabeledValues, treeConduction, keyEntities, ); // Convert rawCheckedKeys to check strategy related values const displayValues = computed(() => { // Collect keys which need to show const displayKeys = formatStrategyValues( rawCheckedValues.value, props.showCheckedStrategy, keyEntities.value, mergedFieldNames.value, ); // Convert to value and filled with label const values = key => keyEntities.value[key]?.node?.[mergedFieldNames.value.value] ?? key, ); const rawDisplayValues = convert2LabelValues(values); const firstVal = rawDisplayValues[0]; if (!mergedMultiple.value && firstVal && isNil(firstVal.value) && isNil(firstVal.label)) { return []; } return => ({ ...item, label: item.label ?? item.value, })); }); const [cachedDisplayValues] = useCache(displayValues); // =========================== Change =========================== const triggerChange = ( newRawValues: RawValueType[], extra: { triggerValue?: RawValueType; selected?: boolean }, source: SelectSource, ) => { const labeledValues = convert2LabelValues(newRawValues); setInternalValue(labeledValues); // Clean up if needed if (props.autoClearSearchValue) { setSearchValue(''); } // Generate rest parameters is costly, so only do it when necessary if (props.onChange) { let eventValues: RawValueType[] = newRawValues; if (treeConduction.value) { const formattedKeyList = formatStrategyValues( newRawValues, props.showCheckedStrategy, keyEntities.value, mergedFieldNames.value, ); eventValues = => { const entity = valueEntities.value.get(key); return entity ? entity.node[mergedFieldNames.value.value] : key; }); } const { triggerValue, selected } = extra || { triggerValue: undefined, selected: undefined, }; let returnRawValues: (LabeledValueType | RawValueType)[] = eventValues; // We need fill half check back if (props.treeCheckStrictly) { const halfValues = rawHalfLabeledValues.value.filter( item => !eventValues.includes(item.value), ); returnRawValues = [...returnRawValues, ...halfValues]; } const returnLabeledValues = convert2LabelValues(returnRawValues); const additionalInfo = { // [Legacy] Always return as array contains label & value preValue: rawLabeledValues.value, triggerValue, } as ChangeEventExtra; // [Legacy] Fill legacy data if user query. // This is expansive that we only fill when user query // let showPosition = true; if (props.treeCheckStrictly || (source === 'selection' && !selected)) { showPosition = false; } fillAdditionalInfo( additionalInfo, triggerValue, newRawValues, mergedTreeData.value, showPosition, mergedFieldNames.value, ); if (mergedCheckable.value) { additionalInfo.checked = selected; } else { additionalInfo.selected = selected; } const returnValues = mergedLabelInValue.value ? returnLabeledValues : => item.value); props.onChange( mergedMultiple.value ? returnValues : returnValues[0], mergedLabelInValue.value ? null : => item.label), additionalInfo, ); } }; // ========================== Options =========================== /** Trigger by option list */ const onOptionSelect = ( selectedKey: Key, { selected, source }: { selected: boolean; source: SelectSource }, ) => { const entity = keyEntities.value[selectedKey]; const node = entity?.node; const selectedValue = node?.[mergedFieldNames.value.value] ?? selectedKey; // Never be falsy but keep it safe if (!mergedMultiple.value) { // Single mode always set value triggerChange([selectedValue], { selected: true, triggerValue: selectedValue }, 'option'); } else { let newRawValues = selected ? [...rawValues.value, selectedValue] : rawCheckedValues.value.filter(v => v !== selectedValue); // Add keys if tree conduction if (treeConduction.value) { // Should keep missing values const { missingRawValues, existRawValues } = splitRawValues(newRawValues); const keyList = => valueEntities.value.get(val).key); // Conduction by selected or not let checkedKeys: Key[]; if (selected) { ({ checkedKeys } = conductCheck(keyList, true, keyEntities.value)); } else { ({ checkedKeys } = conductCheck( keyList, { checked: false, halfCheckedKeys: rawHalfCheckedValues.value }, keyEntities.value, )); } // Fill back of keys newRawValues = [ ...missingRawValues, => keyEntities.value[key].node[mergedFieldNames.value.value]), ]; } triggerChange(newRawValues, { selected, triggerValue: selectedValue }, source || 'option'); } // Trigger select event if (selected || !mergedMultiple.value) { props.onSelect?.(selectedValue, fillLegacyProps(node)); } else { props.onDeselect?.(selectedValue, fillLegacyProps(node)); } }; // ========================== Dropdown ========================== const onInternalDropdownVisibleChange = (open: boolean) => { if (props.onDropdownVisibleChange) { const legacyParam = {}; Object.defineProperty(legacyParam, 'documentClickClose', { get() { warning(false, 'Second param of `onDropdownVisibleChange` has been removed.'); return false; }, }); (props.onDropdownVisibleChange as any)(open, legacyParam); } }; // ====================== Display Change ======================== const onDisplayValuesChange: BaseSelectProps['onDisplayValuesChange'] = (newValues, info) => { const newRawValues = => item.value); if (info.type === 'clear') { triggerChange(newRawValues, {}, 'selection'); return; } // TreeSelect only have multiple mode which means display change only has remove if (info.values.length) { onOptionSelect(info.values[0].value, { selected: false, source: 'selection' }); } }; const { treeNodeFilterProp, // Data loadData, treeLoadedKeys, onTreeLoad, // Expanded treeDefaultExpandAll, treeExpandedKeys, treeDefaultExpandedKeys, onTreeExpand, // Options virtual, listHeight, listItemHeight, // Tree treeLine, treeIcon, showTreeIcon, switcherIcon, treeMotion, customSlots, } = toRefs(props); toRaw; useProvideLegacySelectContext( toReactive({ checkable: mergedCheckable, loadData, treeLoadedKeys, onTreeLoad, checkedKeys: rawCheckedValues, halfCheckedKeys: rawHalfCheckedValues, treeDefaultExpandAll, treeExpandedKeys, treeDefaultExpandedKeys, onTreeExpand, treeIcon, treeMotion, showTreeIcon, switcherIcon, treeLine, treeNodeFilterProp, keyEntities, customSlots, } as unknown as LegacyContextProps), ); useProvideSelectContext( toReactive({ virtual, listHeight, listItemHeight, treeData: filteredTreeData, fieldNames: mergedFieldNames, onSelect: onOptionSelect, } as unknown as TreeSelectContextProps), ); const selectRef = ref(); expose({ focus() { selectRef.value?.focus(); }, blur() { selectRef.value?.blur(); }, scrollTo(arg) { selectRef.value?.scrollTo(arg); }, } as BaseSelectRef); return () => { const restProps = omit(props, [ 'id', 'prefixCls', // Value 'value', 'defaultValue', 'onChange', 'onSelect', 'onDeselect', // Search 'searchValue', 'inputValue', 'onSearch', 'autoClearSearchValue', 'filterTreeNode', 'treeNodeFilterProp', // Selector 'showCheckedStrategy', 'treeNodeLabelProp', // Mode 'multiple', 'treeCheckable', 'treeCheckStrictly', 'labelInValue', // FieldNames 'fieldNames', // Data 'treeDataSimpleMode', 'treeData', 'children', 'loadData', 'treeLoadedKeys', 'onTreeLoad', // Expanded 'treeDefaultExpandAll', 'treeExpandedKeys', 'treeDefaultExpandedKeys', 'onTreeExpand', // Options 'virtual', 'listHeight', 'listItemHeight', 'onDropdownVisibleChange', // Tree 'treeLine', 'treeIcon', 'showTreeIcon', 'switcherIcon', 'treeMotion', ]); return ( >> MISC id={mergedId} prefixCls={props.prefixCls} mode={mergedMultiple.value ? 'multiple' : undefined} // >>> Display Value displayValues={cachedDisplayValues.value} onDisplayValuesChange={onDisplayValuesChange} // >>> Search searchValue={mergedSearchValue.value} onSearch={onInternalSearch} // >>> Options OptionList={OptionList} emptyOptions={!mergedTreeData.value.length} onDropdownVisibleChange={onInternalDropdownVisibleChange} tagRender={props.tagRender || slots.tagRender} /> ); }; }, });