import Affix from '..'; import Button from '../../button'; import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import { spyElementPrototype } from '../../__tests__/util/domHook'; const events = {}; const AffixMounter = { props: ['offsetBottom', 'offsetTop'], mounted() { this.$refs.container.addEventListener = jest.fn().mockImplementation((event, cb) => { events[event] = cb; }); }, methods: { getTarget() { return this.$refs.container; }, }, render() { return ( <div> <div ref="container" class="container"> <Affix class="fixed" target={() => this.$refs.container} ref="affix" {...{ props: this.$props }} > <Button type="primary">Fixed at the top of container</Button> </Affix> </div> </div> ); }, }; describe('Affix Render', () => { let wrapper; let domMock; const classRect = { container: { top: 1000, bottom: 100, }, }; beforeAll(() => { document.body.innerHTML = ''; jest.useFakeTimers(); domMock = spyElementPrototype(HTMLElement, 'getBoundingClientRect', function mockBounding() { return ( classRect[this.className] || { top: 0, bottom: 0, } ); }); }); afterAll(() => { jest.useRealTimers(); domMock.mockRestore(); }); const movePlaceholder = top => { classRect.fixed = { top, bottom: top, }; events.scroll({ type: 'scroll', }); jest.runAllTimers(); }; it('Anchor render perfectly', () => { wrapper = mount(AffixMounter, { attachTo: 'body' }); jest.runAllTimers(); movePlaceholder(0); expect(wrapper.vm.$refs.affix.affixStyle).toBeFalsy(); // movePlaceholder(100); // expect(wrapper.vm.$refs.affix.affixStyle).toBeTruthy(); movePlaceholder(0); expect(wrapper.vm.$refs.affix.affixStyle).toBeFalsy(); }); it('support offsetBottom', () => { wrapper = mount(AffixMounter, { attachTo: 'body', props: { offsetBottom: 0, }, }); jest.runAllTimers(); movePlaceholder(300); //expect(wrapper.vm.$refs.affix.affixStyle).toBeTruthy(); movePlaceholder(0); expect(wrapper.vm.$refs.affix.affixStyle).toBeFalsy(); // movePlaceholder(300); // expect(wrapper.vm.$refs.affix.affixStyle).toBeTruthy(); }); // it('updatePosition when offsetTop changed', () => { // wrapper = mount(AffixMounter, { // attachTo: 'body', // props: { // offsetTop: 0, // }, // }); // jest.runAllTimers(); // movePlaceholder(-100); // expect(wrapper.vm.$'0px'); // wrapper.setProps({ // offsetTop: 10, // }); // jest.runAllTimers(); // expect(wrapper.vm.$'10px'); // }); });