/* stylelint-disable at-rule-empty-line-before,at-rule-name-space-after,at-rule-no-unknown */ @import "../color/colors"; // The prefix to use on all css classes from ant. @ant-prefix : ant; // -------- Colors ----------- @primary-color : @blue-6; @info-color : @blue-6; @success-color : @green-6; @error-color : @red-6; @highlight-color : @red-6; @warning-color : @yellow-6; @normal-color : #d9d9d9; // Color used by default to control hover and active backgrounds and for // alert info backgrounds. @primary-1: color(~`colorPalette("@{primary-color}", 1)`); // replace tint(@primary-color, 90%) @primary-2: color(~`colorPalette("@{primary-color}", 2)`); // replace tint(@primary-color, 80%) @primary-3: color(~`colorPalette("@{primary-color}", 3)`); // unused @primary-4: color(~`colorPalette("@{primary-color}", 4)`); // unused @primary-5: color(~`colorPalette("@{primary-color}", 5)`); // color used to control the text color in many active and hover states, replace tint(@primary-color, 20%) @primary-6: @primary-color; // color used to control the text color of active buttons, don't use, use @primary-color @primary-7: color(~`colorPalette("@{primary-color}", 7)`); // replace shade(@primary-color, 5%) @primary-8: color(~`colorPalette("@{primary-color}", 8)`); // unused @primary-9: color(~`colorPalette("@{primary-color}", 9)`); // unused @primary-10: color(~`colorPalette("@{primary-color}", 10)`); // unused // Base Scaffolding Variables // --- // Background color for `` @body-background : #fff; // Base background color for most components @component-background : #fff; @font-family-no-number : -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "PingFang SC", "Hiragino Sans GB", "Microsoft YaHei", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; @font-family : "Helvetica Neue For Number", @font-family-no-number; @code-family : Consolas, Menlo, Courier, monospace; @heading-color : fade(#000, 85%); @text-color : fade(#000, 65%); @text-color-secondary : fade(#000, 43%); @heading-color-dark : fade(#fff, 97%); @text-color-dark : fade(#fff, 91%); @text-color-secondary-dark: fade(#fff, 67%); @font-size-base : 12px; @font-size-lg : @font-size-base + 2px; @font-size-sm : 12px; @line-height-base : 1.5; @border-radius-base : 4px; @border-radius-sm : 2px; // vertical paddings @padding-lg : 24px; // containers @padding-md : 16px; // small containers and buttons @padding-sm : 12px; // Form controls and items @padding-xs : 8px; // small items // vertical padding for all form controls @control-padding-horizontal: @padding-sm; @control-padding-horizontal-sm: @padding-xs; // The background colors for active and hover states for things like // list items or table cells. @item-active-bg : @primary-1; @item-hover-bg : @primary-1; // ICONFONT @iconfont-css-prefix : anticon; @icon-url : "https://at.alicdn.com/t/font_zck90zmlh7hf47vi"; // LINK @link-color : @primary-color; @link-hover-color : @primary-5; @link-active-color : @primary-7; @link-decoration : none; @link-hover-decoration : none; // Animation @ease-out : cubic-bezier(0.215, 0.61, 0.355, 1); @ease-in : cubic-bezier(0.55, 0.055, 0.675, 0.19); @ease-in-out : cubic-bezier(0.645, 0.045, 0.355, 1); @ease-out-back : cubic-bezier(0.12, 0.4, 0.29, 1.46); @ease-in-back : cubic-bezier(0.71, -0.46, 0.88, 0.6); @ease-in-out-back : cubic-bezier(0.71, -0.46, 0.29, 1.46); @ease-out-circ : cubic-bezier(0.08, 0.82, 0.17, 1); @ease-in-circ : cubic-bezier(0.6, 0.04, 0.98, 0.34); @ease-in-out-circ : cubic-bezier(0.78, 0.14, 0.15, 0.86); @ease-out-quint : cubic-bezier(0.23, 1, 0.32, 1); @ease-in-quint : cubic-bezier(0.755, 0.05, 0.855, 0.06); @ease-in-out-quint : cubic-bezier(0.86, 0, 0.07, 1); // Border color @border-color-base : #d9d9d9; // base border outline a component @border-color-split : #e9e9e9; // split border inside a component @border-width-base : 1px; // width of the border for a component @border-style-base : solid; // style of a components border // Outline @outline-blur-size : 0; @outline-width : 2px; @outline-color : @primary-color; // Default background color for disabled states, Collapse wrappers, // and several active and hover states. @background-color-base : #f7f7f7; @background-color-active: #eee; // Disabled states @disabled-color : fade(#000, 25%); @disabled-bg : @background-color-base; @disabled-color-dark : fade(#fff, 35%); // Shadow @shadow-color : rgba(0, 0, 0, .2); @box-shadow-base : @shadow-1-down; @shadow-1-up : 0 -1px 6px @shadow-color; @shadow-1-down : 0 1px 6px @shadow-color; @shadow-1-left : -1px 0 6px @shadow-color; @shadow-1-right : 1px 0 6px @shadow-color; @shadow-2 : 0 2px 8px @shadow-color; // Buttons @btn-font-weight : 500; @btn-border-radius-base : @border-radius-base; @btn-border-radius-sm : @border-radius-base; @btn-primary-color : #fff; @btn-primary-bg : @primary-color; @btn-default-color : @text-color; @btn-default-bg : #fff; @btn-default-border : @border-color-base; @btn-danger-color : @error-color; @btn-danger-bg : @background-color-base; @btn-danger-border : @border-color-base; @btn-disable-color : @disabled-color; @btn-disable-bg : @disabled-bg; @btn-disable-border : @border-color-base; @btn-padding-base : 0 15px; @btn-font-size-lg : @font-size-lg; @btn-padding-lg : @btn-padding-base; @btn-padding-sm : 0 7px; @btn-height-base : 28px; @btn-height-lg : 32px; @btn-height-sm : 22px; @btn-circle-size : @btn-height-base; @btn-circle-size-lg : @btn-height-lg; @btn-circle-size-sm : @btn-height-sm; @btn-group-border : @primary-7; // Checkbox @checkbox-size : 14px; // Radio buttons @radio-button-bg : @btn-default-bg; @radio-button-color : @btn-default-color; // Media queries breakpoints // Extra small screen / phone @screen-xs : 480px; @screen-xs-min : @screen-xs; // Small screen / tablet @screen-sm : 768px; @screen-sm-min : @screen-sm; // Medium screen / desktop @screen-md : 992px; @screen-md-min : @screen-md; // Large screen / wide desktop @screen-lg : 1200px; @screen-lg-min : @screen-lg; // Extra Large screen / full hd @screen-xl : 1600px; @screen-xl-min : @screen-xl; // provide a maximum @screen-xs-max : (@screen-sm-min - 1px); @screen-sm-max : (@screen-md-min - 1px); @screen-md-max : (@screen-lg-min - 1px); @screen-lg-max : (@screen-xl-min - 1px); // Grid system @grid-columns : 24; @grid-gutter-width : 0; // Layout @layout-body-background : #ececec; @layout-header-background : #404040; @layout-footer-background : @layout-body-background; @layout-header-height : 64px; @layout-header-padding : 0 50px; @layout-footer-padding : 24px 50px; @layout-sider-background : @layout-header-background; @layout-trigger-height : 48px; @layout-trigger-background : tint(@heading-color, 20%); @layout-trigger-color : #fff; @layout-zero-trigger-width : 36px; @layout-zero-trigger-height : 42px; // z-index list @zindex-affix : 10; @zindex-back-top : 10; @zindex-modal-mask : 1000; @zindex-modal : 1000; @zindex-notification : 1010; @zindex-message : 1010; @zindex-popover : 1030; @zindex-picker : 1050; @zindex-dropdown : 1050; @zindex-tooltip : 1060; // Animation @animation-duration-slow: .3s; // Modal @animation-duration-base: .2s; @animation-duration-fast: .1s; // Tooltip // Form // --- @label-required-color : @highlight-color; @label-color : @heading-color; @form-item-margin-bottom : 24px; @form-item-trailing-colon : true; @form-vertical-label-padding : 0 0 8px; @form-vertical-label-margin : 0; // Input // --- @input-height-base : 28px; @input-height-lg : 32px; @input-height-sm : 22px; @input-padding-horizontal : 7px; @input-padding-horizontal-base : @input-padding-horizontal; @input-padding-horizontal-sm : @input-padding-horizontal; @input-padding-horizontal-lg : @input-padding-horizontal; @input-padding-vertical-base : 4px; @input-padding-vertical-sm : 1px; @input-padding-vertical-lg : 6px; @input-placeholder-color : hsv(0, 0, 75%); @input-color : @text-color; @input-border-color : @border-color-base; @input-bg : #fff; @input-addon-bg : #eee; @input-hover-border-color : @primary-color; @input-disabled-bg : @disabled-bg; // Tooltip // --- //* Tooltip max width @tooltip-max-width: 250px; //** Tooltip text color @tooltip-color: #fff; //** Tooltip background color @tooltip-bg: rgba(0, 0, 0, .75); //** Tooltip arrow width @tooltip-arrow-width: 5px; //** Tooltip distance with trigger @tooltip-distance: @tooltip-arrow-width - 1px + 4px; //** Tooltip arrow color @tooltip-arrow-color: @tooltip-bg; // Popover // --- //** Popover body background color @popover-bg: #fff; //** Popover text color @popover-color: @text-color; //** Popover maximum width @popover-min-width: 177px; //** Popover arrow width @popover-arrow-width: 4px; //** Popover arrow color @popover-arrow-color: @popover-bg; //** Popover outer arrow width @popover-arrow-outer-width: (@popover-arrow-width + 1px); //** Popover outer arrow color @popover-arrow-outer-color: fadeout(@border-color-base, 30%); //** Popover distance with trigger @popover-distance: @popover-arrow-width + 4px; // Modal // -- @modal-mask-bg: rgba(55, 55, 55, 0.6); // Progress // -- @process-default-color: @primary-color; @progress-remaining-color: @background-color-base; // Menu // --- @menu-dark-bg: @layout-header-background; @menu-dark-submenu-bg: #333; @menu-collapsed-width: 64px; // Spin // --- @spin-dot-size-sm: 14px; @spin-dot-size: 20px; @spin-dot-size-lg: 32px; // Table // -- @table-header-bg: @background-color-base; @table-header-sort-bg: @background-color-active; @table-row-hover-bg: @primary-1; @table-selected-row-bg: #fafafa; @table-padding-vertical: 16px; @table-padding-horizontal: 8px; // Tag // -- @tag-default-bg: #f3f3f3; @tag-default-color: @text-color; @tag-font-size: @font-size-base; // TimePicker // --- @time-picker-panel-column-width: 56px; @time-picker-panel-width: @time-picker-panel-column-width * 3; @time-picker-selected-bg: @background-color-base; // Carousel // --- @carousel-dot-width: 16px; @carousel-dot-height: 3px; @carousel-dot-active-width: 24px; // Badge // --- @badge-height: 20px; @badge-dot-size: 8px; @badge-font-size: @font-size-base; // Rate // --- @rate-star-color: #f5a623; @rate-star-bg: #e9e9e9; // Card // --- @card-head-height: 48px; @card-head-color: @heading-color; @card-head-background: @component-background; // Tabs // --- @tabs-card-head-background: #f9f9f9; @tabs-title-font-size: @font-size-lg; // BackTop @back-top-color: #fff; @back-top-bg: rgba(64, 64, 64, 0.4); @back-top-hover-bg: rgba(64, 64, 64, 0.6); // Avatar @avatar-size-base: 32px; @avatar-size-lg: 40px; @avatar-size-sm: 24px; @avatar-font-size-base: 18px; @avatar-font-size-lg: 24px; @avatar-font-size-sm: 14px; @avatar-bg: #ccc; @avatar-color: #fff; @avatar-border-radius: @border-radius-base;