import type { ExtractPropTypes, PropType } from 'vue'; import { nextTick, onUpdated, ref, watch, defineComponent, computed } from 'vue'; import debounce from 'lodash-es/debounce'; import FolderOpenOutlined from '@ant-design/icons-vue/FolderOpenOutlined'; import FolderOutlined from '@ant-design/icons-vue/FolderOutlined'; import FileOutlined from '@ant-design/icons-vue/FileOutlined'; import classNames from '../_util/classNames'; import type { AntdTreeNodeAttribute, TreeProps } from './Tree'; import Tree, { treeProps } from './Tree'; import initDefaultProps from '../_util/props-util/initDefaultProps'; import { convertDataToEntities, convertTreeToData, fillFieldNames, } from '../vc-tree/utils/treeUtil'; import type { DataNode, EventDataNode, Key } from '../vc-tree/interface'; import { conductExpandParent } from '../vc-tree/util'; import { calcRangeKeys, convertDirectoryKeysToNodes } from './utils/dictUtil'; import useConfigInject from '../_util/hooks/useConfigInject'; import { filterEmpty } from '../_util/props-util'; export type ExpandAction = false | 'click' | 'doubleclick' | 'dblclick'; const directoryTreeProps = { ...treeProps(), expandAction: { type: [Boolean, String] as PropType<ExpandAction> }, }; export type DirectoryTreeProps = Partial<ExtractPropTypes<typeof directoryTreeProps>>; function getIcon(props: AntdTreeNodeAttribute) { const { isLeaf, expanded } = props; if (isLeaf) { return <FileOutlined />; } return expanded ? <FolderOpenOutlined /> : <FolderOutlined />; } export default defineComponent({ name: 'ADirectoryTree', inheritAttrs: false, props: initDefaultProps(directoryTreeProps, { showIcon: true, expandAction: 'click', }), slots: ['icon', 'title', 'switcherIcon', 'titleRender'], emits: [ 'update:selectedKeys', 'update:checkedKeys', 'update:expandedKeys', 'expand', 'select', 'check', 'doubleclick', 'dblclick', 'click', ], setup(props, { attrs, slots, emit, expose }) { // convertTreeToData 兼容 a-tree-node 历史写法,未来a-tree-node移除后,删除相关代码,不要再render中调用 treeData,否则死循环 const treeData = ref<DataNode[]>( props.treeData || convertTreeToData(filterEmpty(slots.default?.())), ); watch( () => props.treeData, () => { treeData.value = props.treeData; }, ); onUpdated(() => { nextTick(() => { if (props.treeData === undefined && slots.default) { treeData.value = convertTreeToData(filterEmpty(slots.default?.())); } }); }); // Shift click usage const lastSelectedKey = ref<Key>(); const cachedSelectedKeys = ref<Key[]>(); const treeRef = ref(); expose({ selectedKeys: computed(() => treeRef.value?.selectedKeys), checkedKeys: computed(() => treeRef.value?.checkedKeys), halfCheckedKeys: computed(() => treeRef.value?.halfCheckedKeys), loadedKeys: computed(() => treeRef.value?.loadedKeys), loadingKeys: computed(() => treeRef.value?.loadingKeys), expandedKeys: computed(() => treeRef.value?.expandedKeys), }); const getInitExpandedKeys = () => { const { keyEntities } = convertDataToEntities(treeData.value); let initExpandedKeys: any; // Expanded keys if (props.defaultExpandAll) { initExpandedKeys = Object.keys(keyEntities); } else if (props.defaultExpandParent) { initExpandedKeys = conductExpandParent( props.expandedKeys || props.defaultExpandedKeys, keyEntities, ); } else { initExpandedKeys = props.expandedKeys || props.defaultExpandedKeys; } return initExpandedKeys; }; const selectedKeys = ref(props.selectedKeys || props.defaultSelectedKeys || []); const expandedKeys = ref<Key[]>(getInitExpandedKeys()); watch( () => props.selectedKeys, () => { if (props.selectedKeys !== undefined) { selectedKeys.value = props.selectedKeys; } }, { immediate: true }, ); watch( () => props.expandedKeys, () => { if (props.expandedKeys !== undefined) { expandedKeys.value = props.expandedKeys; } }, { immediate: true }, ); const expandFolderNode = (event: MouseEvent, node: any) => { const { isLeaf } = node; if (isLeaf || event.shiftKey || event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey) { return; } // Call internal rc-tree expand function // treeRef.value!.onNodeExpand(event as any, node); }; const onDebounceExpand = debounce(expandFolderNode, 200, { leading: true, }); const onExpand = ( keys: Key[], info: { node: EventDataNode; expanded: boolean; nativeEvent: MouseEvent; }, ) => { if (props.expandedKeys === undefined) { expandedKeys.value = keys; } // Call origin function emit('update:expandedKeys', keys); emit('expand', keys, info); }; const onClick = (event: MouseEvent, node: EventDataNode) => { const { expandAction } = props; // Expand the tree if (expandAction === 'click') { onDebounceExpand(event, node); } emit('click', event, node); }; const onDoubleClick = (event: MouseEvent, node: EventDataNode) => { const { expandAction } = props; // Expand the tree if (expandAction === 'dblclick' || expandAction === 'doubleclick') { onDebounceExpand(event, node); } emit('doubleclick', event, node); emit('dblclick', event, node); }; const fieldNames = computed(() => fillFieldNames(props.fieldNames)); const onSelect = ( keys: Key[], event: { event: 'select'; selected: boolean; node: any; selectedNodes: DataNode[]; nativeEvent: MouseEvent; }, ) => { const { multiple } = props; const { node, nativeEvent } = event; const key = node[fieldNames.value.key]; // const newState: DirectoryTreeState = {}; // We need wrap this event since some value is not same const newEvent: any = { ...event, selected: true, // Directory selected always true }; // Windows / Mac single pick const ctrlPick: boolean = nativeEvent.ctrlKey || nativeEvent.metaKey; const shiftPick: boolean = nativeEvent.shiftKey; // Generate new selected keys let newSelectedKeys: Key[]; if (multiple && ctrlPick) { // Control click newSelectedKeys = keys; lastSelectedKey.value = key; cachedSelectedKeys.value = newSelectedKeys; newEvent.selectedNodes = convertDirectoryKeysToNodes( treeData.value, newSelectedKeys, fieldNames.value, ); } else if (multiple && shiftPick) { // Shift click newSelectedKeys = Array.from( new Set([ ...(cachedSelectedKeys.value || []), ...calcRangeKeys({ treeData: treeData.value, expandedKeys: expandedKeys.value, startKey: key, endKey: lastSelectedKey.value, fieldNames: fieldNames.value, }), ]), ); newEvent.selectedNodes = convertDirectoryKeysToNodes( treeData.value, newSelectedKeys, fieldNames.value, ); } else { // Single click newSelectedKeys = keys; lastSelectedKey.value = key; cachedSelectedKeys.value = newSelectedKeys; newEvent.selectedNodes = convertDirectoryKeysToNodes( treeData.value, newSelectedKeys, fieldNames.value, ); } emit('update:selectedKeys', newSelectedKeys); emit('select', newSelectedKeys, newEvent); if (props.selectedKeys === undefined) { selectedKeys.value = newSelectedKeys; } }; const onCheck: TreeProps['onCheck'] = (checkedObjOrKeys, eventObj) => { emit('update:checkedKeys', checkedObjOrKeys); emit('check', checkedObjOrKeys, eventObj); }; const { prefixCls, direction } = useConfigInject('tree', props); return () => { const connectClassName = classNames( `${prefixCls.value}-directory`, { [`${prefixCls.value}-directory-rtl`]: direction.value === 'rtl', }, attrs.class, ); const { icon = slots.icon, blockNode = true, ...otherProps } = props; return ( <Tree {...attrs} icon={icon || getIcon} ref={treeRef} blockNode={blockNode} {...otherProps} prefixCls={prefixCls.value} class={connectClassName} expandedKeys={expandedKeys.value} selectedKeys={selectedKeys.value} onSelect={onSelect} onClick={onClick} onDblclick={onDoubleClick} onExpand={onExpand} onCheck={onCheck} v-slots={slots} /> ); }; }, });