import classNames from 'classnames' import PropTypes from '../_util/vue-types' import BaseMixin from '../_util/BaseMixin' import { getStyle } from '../_util/props-util' import omit from 'omit.js' import { cloneElement } from '../_util/vnode' function getNumberArray (num) { return num ? num.toString() .split('') .reverse() .map(i => Number(i)) : [] } const ScrollNumberProps = { prefixCls: PropTypes.string.def('ant-scroll-number'), count: PropTypes.any, component: PropTypes.string, title: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.number, PropTypes.string, null]), displayComponent: PropTypes.any, className: PropTypes.object, } export default { mixins: [BaseMixin], props: ScrollNumberProps, data () { return { animateStarted: true, sCount: this.count, } }, watch: { count (val) { if (this.sCount !== val) { this.lastCount = this.sCount // 复原数字初始位置 this.setState({ animateStarted: true, }, () => { // 等待数字位置复原完毕 // 开始设置完整的数字 setTimeout(() => { this.setState({ animateStarted: false, sCount: val, }, () => { this.$emit('animated') }) }, 5) }) } }, }, methods: { getPositionByNum (num, i) { if (this.animateStarted) { return 10 + num } const currentDigit = getNumberArray(this.sCount)[i] const lastDigit = getNumberArray(this.lastCount)[i] // 同方向则在同一侧切换数字 if (this.sCount > this.lastCount) { if (currentDigit >= lastDigit) { return 10 + num } return 20 + num } if (currentDigit <= lastDigit) { return 10 + num } return num }, renderNumberList (position) { const childrenToReturn = [] for (let i = 0; i < 30; i++) { const currentClassName = (position === i) ? 'current' : '' childrenToReturn.push(
{i % 10}
) } return childrenToReturn }, renderCurrentNumber (num, i) { const position = this.getPositionByNum(num, i) const removeTransition = this.animateStarted || getNumberArray(this.lastCount)[i] === undefined const style = { transition: removeTransition ? 'none' : undefined, msTransform: `translateY(${-position * 100}%)`, WebkitTransform: `translateY(${-position * 100}%)`, transform: `translateY(${-position * 100}%)`, } return ( {this.renderNumberList(position)} ) }, renderNumberElement () { const { sCount } = this if (!sCount || isNaN(sCount)) { return sCount } return getNumberArray(sCount) .map((num, i) => this.renderCurrentNumber(num, i)).reverse() }, }, render () { const { prefixCls, title, component: Tag = 'sup', displayComponent, className } = this if (displayComponent) { return cloneElement(displayComponent, { class: `${prefixCls}-custom-component`, }) } const style = getStyle(this, true) // fix const restProps = omit(this.$props, [ 'count', 'component', 'prefixCls', 'displayComponent', ]) const newProps = { props: { ...restProps, }, attrs: { title, }, style, class: classNames(prefixCls, className), } // allow specify the border // mock border-color by box-shadow for compatible with old usage: //