import Cell from '../Cell'; import { getColumnsKey } from '../utils/valueUtil'; import type { CustomizeComponent, GetComponentProps, Key, GetRowKey } from '../interface'; import ExpandedRow from './ExpandedRow'; import { computed, defineComponent, shallowRef, watchEffect } from 'vue'; import { useInjectTable } from '../context/TableContext'; import { useInjectBody } from '../context/BodyContext'; import classNames from '../../_util/classNames'; import type { MouseEventHandler } from '../../_util/EventInterface'; export interface BodyRowProps { record: RecordType; index: number; renderIndex: number; recordKey: Key; expandedKeys: Set; rowComponent: CustomizeComponent; cellComponent: CustomizeComponent; customRow: GetComponentProps; rowExpandable: (record: RecordType) => boolean; indent?: number; rowKey: Key; getRowKey: GetRowKey; childrenColumnName: string; } export default defineComponent>({ name: 'BodyRow', inheritAttrs: false, props: [ 'record', 'index', 'renderIndex', 'recordKey', 'expandedKeys', 'rowComponent', 'cellComponent', 'customRow', 'rowExpandable', 'indent', 'rowKey', 'getRowKey', 'childrenColumnName', ] as any, setup(props, { attrs }) { const tableContext = useInjectTable(); const bodyContext = useInjectBody(); const expandRended = shallowRef(false); const expanded = computed(() => props.expandedKeys && props.expandedKeys.has(props.recordKey)); watchEffect(() => { if (expanded.value) { expandRended.value = true; } }); const rowSupportExpand = computed( () => bodyContext.expandableType === 'row' && (!props.rowExpandable || props.rowExpandable(props.record)), ); // Only when row is not expandable and `children` exist in record const nestExpandable = computed(() => bodyContext.expandableType === 'nest'); const hasNestChildren = computed( () => props.childrenColumnName && props.record && props.record[props.childrenColumnName], ); const mergedExpandable = computed(() => rowSupportExpand.value || nestExpandable.value); const onInternalTriggerExpand = (record, event) => { bodyContext.onTriggerExpand(record, event); }; // =========================== onRow =========================== const additionalProps = computed>( () => props.customRow?.(props.record, props.index) || {}, ); const onClick: MouseEventHandler = (event, ...args) => { if (bodyContext.expandRowByClick && mergedExpandable.value) { onInternalTriggerExpand(props.record, event); } additionalProps.value?.onClick?.(event, ...args); }; const computeRowClassName = computed(() => { const { record, index, indent } = props; const { rowClassName } = bodyContext; if (typeof rowClassName === 'string') { return rowClassName; } else if (typeof rowClassName === 'function') { return rowClassName(record, index, indent); } return ''; }); const columnsKey = computed(() => getColumnsKey(bodyContext.flattenColumns)); return () => { const { class: className, style } = attrs as any; const { record, index, rowKey, indent = 0, rowComponent: RowComponent, cellComponent, } = props; const { prefixCls, fixedInfoList, transformCellText } = tableContext; const { flattenColumns, expandedRowClassName, indentSize, expandIcon, expandedRowRender, expandIconColumnIndex, } = bodyContext; const baseRowNode = ( {, colIndex) => { const { customRender, dataIndex, className: columnClassName } = column; const key = columnsKey[colIndex]; const fixedInfo = fixedInfoList[colIndex]; let additionalCellProps; if (column.customCell) { additionalCellProps = column.customCell(record, index, column); } // not use slot to fix const appendNode = colIndex === (expandIconColumnIndex || 0) && nestExpandable.value ? ( <> {expandIcon({ prefixCls, expanded: expanded.value, expandable: hasNestChildren.value, record, onExpand: onInternalTriggerExpand, })} ) : null; return ( ); })} ); // ======================== Expand Row ========================= let expandRowNode; if (rowSupportExpand.value && (expandRended.value || expanded.value)) { const expandContent = expandedRowRender({ record, index, indent: indent + 1, expanded: expanded.value, }); const computedExpandedRowClassName = expandedRowClassName && expandedRowClassName(record, index, indent); expandRowNode = ( {expandContent} ); } return ( <> {baseRowNode} {expandRowNode} ); }; }, });