// Project: https://github.com/vueComponent/ant-design-vue // Definitions by: akki-jat // Definitions: https://github.com/vueComponent/ant-design-vue/types import { AntdComponent } from './component'; import { VNode } from "vue"; export interface Route { path?: String; breadcrumbName?: String; } export declare class Breadcrumb extends AntdComponent { /** * The routing stack information of router * @type Route[] */ routes: Route[]; /** * Routing parameters * @type object */ params: object; /** * Custom separator * @default '/' * @type any (string | slot) */ separator: any; /** * Custom item renderer, slot="itemRender" and slot-scope="{route, params, routes, paths}" * @type Function */ itemRender: ( { route, params, routes, paths }: { route: any; params: any; routes: any; paths: any } ) => VNode; }