/** * Handle virtual list of the TreeNodes. */ import { computed, defineComponent, ref, shallowRef, watch } from 'vue'; import VirtualList from '../vc-virtual-list'; import type { FlattenNode, DataEntity, DataNode, ScrollTo } from './interface'; import MotionTreeNode from './MotionTreeNode'; import { nodeListProps } from './props'; import { findExpandedKeys, getExpandRange } from './utils/diffUtil'; import { getTreeNodeProps, getKey } from './utils/treeUtil'; const HIDDEN_STYLE = { width: 0, height: 0, display: 'flex', overflow: 'hidden', opacity: 0, border: 0, padding: 0, margin: 0, }; const noop = () => {}; export const MOTION_KEY = `RC_TREE_MOTION_${Math.random()}`; const MotionNode: DataNode = { key: MOTION_KEY, }; export const MotionEntity: DataEntity = { key: MOTION_KEY, level: 0, index: 0, pos: '0', node: MotionNode, }; const MotionFlattenData: FlattenNode = { parent: null, children: [], pos: MotionEntity.pos, data: MotionNode, title: null, key: MOTION_KEY, /** Hold empty list here since we do not use it */ isStart: [], isEnd: [], }; export interface NodeListRef { scrollTo: ScrollTo; getIndentWidth: () => number; } /** * We only need get visible content items to play the animation. */ export function getMinimumRangeTransitionRange( list: FlattenNode[], virtual: boolean, height: number, itemHeight: number, ) { if (virtual === false || !height) { return list; } return list.slice(0, Math.ceil(height / itemHeight) + 1); } function itemKey(item: FlattenNode) { const { key, pos } = item; return getKey(key, pos); } function getAccessibilityPath(item: FlattenNode): string { let path = String(item.key); let current = item; while (current.parent) { current = current.parent; path = `${current.key} > ${path}`; } return path; } export default defineComponent({ name: 'NodeList', inheritAttrs: false, props: nodeListProps, setup(props, { expose, attrs }) { // =============================== Ref ================================ const listRef = ref(); const indentMeasurerRef = ref(); expose({ scrollTo: scroll => { listRef.value.scrollTo(scroll); }, getIndentWidth: () => indentMeasurerRef.value.offsetWidth, }); // ============================== Motion ============================== const transitionData = shallowRef<FlattenNode[]>(props.data); const transitionRange = shallowRef([]); const motionType = ref<'show' | 'hide' | null>(null); function onMotionEnd() { transitionData.value = props.data; transitionRange.value = []; motionType.value = null; props.onListChangeEnd(); } watch( [() => [...props.expandedKeys], () => props.data], ([expandedKeys, data], [prevExpandedKeys, prevData]) => { const diffExpanded = findExpandedKeys(prevExpandedKeys, expandedKeys); if (diffExpanded.key !== null) { const { virtual, height, itemHeight } = props; if (diffExpanded.add) { const keyIndex = prevData.findIndex(({ key }) => key === diffExpanded.key); const rangeNodes = getMinimumRangeTransitionRange( getExpandRange(prevData, data, diffExpanded.key), virtual, height, itemHeight, ); const newTransitionData: FlattenNode[] = prevData.slice(); newTransitionData.splice(keyIndex + 1, 0, MotionFlattenData); transitionData.value = newTransitionData; transitionRange.value = rangeNodes; motionType.value = 'show'; } else { const keyIndex = data.findIndex(({ key }) => key === diffExpanded.key); const rangeNodes = getMinimumRangeTransitionRange( getExpandRange(data, prevData, diffExpanded.key), virtual, height, itemHeight, ); const newTransitionData: FlattenNode[] = data.slice(); newTransitionData.splice(keyIndex + 1, 0, MotionFlattenData); transitionData.value = newTransitionData; transitionRange.value = rangeNodes; motionType.value = 'hide'; } } else if (prevData !== data) { transitionData.value = data; } }, ); // We should clean up motion if is changed by dragging watch( () => props.dragging, dragging => { if (!dragging) { onMotionEnd(); } }, ); const mergedData = computed(() => props.motion === undefined ? transitionData.value : props.data, ); return () => { const { prefixCls, data, selectable, checkable, expandedKeys, selectedKeys, checkedKeys, loadedKeys, loadingKeys, halfCheckedKeys, keyEntities, disabled, dragging, dragOverNodeKey, dropPosition, motion, height, itemHeight, virtual, focusable, activeItem, focused, tabindex, onKeydown, onFocus, onBlur, onActiveChange, onListChangeStart, onListChangeEnd, ...domProps } = { ...props, ...attrs }; const treeNodeRequiredProps = { expandedKeys, selectedKeys, loadedKeys, loadingKeys, checkedKeys, halfCheckedKeys, dragOverNodeKey, dropPosition, keyEntities, }; return ( <> {focused && activeItem && ( <span style={HIDDEN_STYLE} aria-live="assertive"> {getAccessibilityPath(activeItem)} </span> )} <div> <input style={HIDDEN_STYLE} disabled={focusable === false || disabled} tabindex={focusable !== false ? tabindex : null} onKeydown={onKeydown} onFocus={onFocus} onBlur={onBlur} value="" onChange={noop} aria-label="for screen reader" /> </div> <div class={`${prefixCls}-treenode`} aria-hidden style={{ position: 'absolute', pointerEvents: 'none', visibility: 'hidden', height: 0, overflow: 'hidden', }} > <div class={`${prefixCls}-indent`}> <div ref={indentMeasurerRef} class={`${prefixCls}-indent-unit`} /> </div> </div> <VirtualList {...domProps} data={mergedData.value} itemKey={itemKey as any} height={height} fullHeight={false} virtual={virtual} itemHeight={itemHeight} prefixCls={`${prefixCls}-list`} ref={listRef} v-slots={{ default: (treeNode: FlattenNode) => { const { pos, data: { ...restProps }, title, key, isStart, isEnd, } = treeNode; const mergedKey = getKey(key, pos); delete restProps.key; delete restProps.children; const treeNodeProps = getTreeNodeProps(mergedKey, treeNodeRequiredProps); return ( <MotionTreeNode {...restProps} {...treeNodeProps} title={title} active={!!activeItem && key === activeItem.key} pos={pos} data={treeNode.data} isStart={isStart} isEnd={isEnd} motion={motion} motionNodes={key === MOTION_KEY ? transitionRange.value : null} motionType={motionType.value} onMotionStart={onListChangeStart} onMotionEnd={onMotionEnd} treeNodeRequiredProps={treeNodeRequiredProps} onMousemove={() => { onActiveChange(null); }} /> ); }, }} ></VirtualList> </> ); }; }, });