import canUseDom from '../../_util/canUseDom'; import contains from './contains'; const APPEND_ORDER = 'data-vc-order'; const MARK_KEY = `vc-util-key`; const containerCache = new Map(); export type ContainerType = Element | ShadowRoot; export type Prepend = boolean | 'queue'; export type AppendType = 'prependQueue' | 'append' | 'prepend'; interface Options { attachTo?: ContainerType; csp?: { nonce?: string }; prepend?: Prepend; mark?: string; priority?: number; } function getMark({ mark }: Options = {}) { if (mark) { return mark.startsWith('data-') ? mark : `data-${mark}`; } return MARK_KEY; } function getContainer(option: Options) { if (option.attachTo) { return option.attachTo; } const head = document.querySelector('head'); return head || document.body; } function getOrder(prepend?: Prepend): AppendType { if (prepend === 'queue') { return 'prependQueue'; } return prepend ? 'prepend' : 'append'; } /** * Find style which inject by rc-util */ function findStyles(container: ContainerType) { return Array.from((containerCache.get(container) || container).children).filter( node => node.tagName === 'STYLE', ) as HTMLStyleElement[]; } export function injectCSS(css: string, option: Options = {}) { if (!canUseDom()) { return null; } const { csp, prepend } = option; const styleNode = document.createElement('style'); styleNode.setAttribute(APPEND_ORDER, getOrder(prepend)); if (csp?.nonce) { styleNode.nonce = csp?.nonce; } styleNode.innerHTML = css; const container = getContainer(option); const { firstChild } = container; if (prepend) { // If is queue `prepend`, it will prepend first style and then append rest style if (prepend === 'queue') { const existStyle = findStyles(container).filter(node => ['prepend', 'prependQueue'].includes(node.getAttribute(APPEND_ORDER)), ); if (existStyle.length) { container.insertBefore(styleNode, existStyle[existStyle.length - 1].nextSibling); return styleNode; } } // Use `insertBefore` as `prepend` container.insertBefore(styleNode, firstChild); } else { container.appendChild(styleNode); } return styleNode; } function findExistNode(key: string, option: Options = {}) { const container = getContainer(option); return findStyles(container).find(node => node.getAttribute(getMark(option)) === key); } export function removeCSS(key: string, option: Options = {}) { const existNode = findExistNode(key, option); if (existNode) { const container = getContainer(option); container.removeChild(existNode); } } /** * qiankun will inject `appendChild` to insert into other */ function syncRealContainer(container: ContainerType, option: Options) { const cachedRealContainer = containerCache.get(container); // Find real container when not cached or cached container removed if (!cachedRealContainer || !contains(document, cachedRealContainer)) { const placeholderStyle = injectCSS('', option); const { parentNode } = placeholderStyle; containerCache.set(container, parentNode); container.removeChild(placeholderStyle); } } /** * manually clear container cache to avoid global cache in unit testes */ export function clearContainerCache() { containerCache.clear(); } export function updateCSS(css: string, key: string, option: Options = {}) { const container = getContainer(option); // Sync real parent syncRealContainer(container, option); const existNode = findExistNode(key, option); if (existNode) { if (option.csp?.nonce && existNode.nonce !== option.csp?.nonce) { existNode.nonce = option.csp?.nonce; } if (existNode.innerHTML !== css) { existNode.innerHTML = css; } return existNode; } const newNode = injectCSS(css, option); newNode.setAttribute(getMark(option), key); return newNode; }