import { computed, CSSProperties, defineComponent, onUnmounted, reactive, ref, watch } from 'vue'; import classNames from '../_util/classNames'; export interface UnitNumberProps { prefixCls: string; value: string | number; offset?: number; current?: boolean; } function UnitNumber({ prefixCls, value, current, offset = 0 }: UnitNumberProps) { let style: CSSProperties | undefined; if (offset) { style = { position: 'absolute', top: `${offset}00%`, left: 0, }; } return (
); } function getOffset(start: number, end: number, unit: -1 | 1) { let index = start; let offset = 0; while ((index + 10) % 10 !== end) { index += unit; offset += unit; } return offset; } export default defineComponent({ name: 'SingleNumber', props: { prefixCls: String, value: String, count: Number, }, setup(props) { const originValue = computed(() => Number(props.value)); const originCount = computed(() => Math.abs(props.count)); const state = reactive({ prevValue: originValue.value, prevCount: originCount.value, }); // ============================= Events ============================= const onTransitionEnd = () => { state.prevValue = originValue.value; state.prevCount = originCount.value; }; const timeout = ref(); // Fallback if transition event not support watch( originValue, () => { clearTimeout(timeout.value); timeout.value = setTimeout(() => { onTransitionEnd(); }, 1000); }, { flush: 'post' }, ); onUnmounted(() => { clearTimeout(timeout.value); }); return () => { let unitNodes: any[]; let offsetStyle: CSSProperties = {}; const value = originValue.value; if (state.prevValue === value || Number.isNaN(value) || Number.isNaN(state.prevValue)) { // Nothing to change unitNodes = [UnitNumber({ ...props, current: true } as UnitNumberProps)]; offsetStyle = { transition: 'none', }; } else { unitNodes = []; // Fill basic number units const end = value + 10; const unitNumberList: number[] = []; for (let index = value; index <= end; index += 1) { unitNumberList.push(index); } // Fill with number unit nodes const prevIndex = unitNumberList.findIndex(n => n % 10 === state.prevValue); unitNodes =, index) => { const singleUnit = n % 10; return UnitNumber({ ...props, value: singleUnit, offset: index - prevIndex, current: index === prevIndex, } as UnitNumberProps); }); // Calculate container offset value const unit = state.prevCount < originCount.value ? 1 : -1; offsetStyle = { transform: `translateY(${-getOffset(state.prevValue, value, unit)}00%)`, }; } return ( onTransitionEnd()} > {unitNodes} ); }; }, });