<cn> #### 图标按钮 当需要在 `Button` 内嵌入 `Icon` 时,可以设置 `icon` 属性,或者直接在 `Button` 内使用 `Icon` 组件。 如果想控制 `Icon` 具体的位置,只能直接使用 `Icon` 组件,而非 `icon` 属性。 </cn> <us> #### Icon `Button` components can contain an `Icon`. This is done by setting the `icon` property or placing an `Icon` component within the `Button` If you want specific control over the positioning and placement of the `Icon`, then that should be done by placing the `Icon` component within the `Button` rather than using the `icon` property. </us> ```html <template> <div> <a-button type="primary" shape="circle" icon="search"></a-button> <a-button type="primary" icon="search">Search</a-button> <a-button shape="circle" icon="search" /> <a-button icon="search">Search</a-button> <a-button shape="circle" icon="search" /> <a-button icon="search">Search</a-button> <a-button type="dashed" shape="circle" icon="search" /> <a-button type="dashed" icon="search">Search</a-button> </div> </template> ```