import { defineComponent, inject, provide, toRef, App, ExtractPropTypes, Plugin } from 'vue'; import omit from 'omit.js'; import VcMenu, { Divider, ItemGroup } from '../vc-menu'; import SubMenu from './SubMenu'; import PropTypes from '../_util/vue-types'; import animation from '../_util/openAnimation'; import warning from '../_util/warning'; import Item from './MenuItem'; import { hasProp, getOptionProps, getSlot } from '../_util/props-util'; import BaseMixin from '../_util/BaseMixin'; import commonPropsType from '../vc-menu/commonPropsType'; import { defaultConfigProvider } from '../config-provider'; import { SiderContextProps } from '../layout/Sider'; import { tuple } from '../_util/type'; // import raf from '../_util/raf'; export const MenuMode = PropTypes.oneOf([ 'vertical', 'vertical-left', 'vertical-right', 'horizontal', 'inline', ]); export const menuProps = { ...commonPropsType, theme: PropTypes.oneOf(tuple('light', 'dark')).def('light'), mode: MenuMode.def('vertical'), selectable: PropTypes.looseBool, selectedKeys: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.number])), defaultSelectedKeys: PropTypes.array, openKeys: PropTypes.array, defaultOpenKeys: PropTypes.array, openAnimation: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.object]), openTransitionName: PropTypes.string, prefixCls: PropTypes.string, multiple: PropTypes.looseBool, inlineIndent: PropTypes.number.def(24), inlineCollapsed: PropTypes.looseBool, isRootMenu: PropTypes.looseBool.def(true), focusable: PropTypes.looseBool.def(false), onOpenChange: PropTypes.func, onSelect: PropTypes.func, onDeselect: PropTypes.func, onClick: PropTypes.func, onMouseenter: PropTypes.func, onSelectChange: PropTypes.func, }; export type MenuProps = Partial<ExtractPropTypes<typeof menuProps>>; const Menu = defineComponent({ name: 'AMenu', inheritAttrs: false, props: menuProps, Divider: { ...Divider, name: 'AMenuDivider' }, Item: { ...Item, name: 'AMenuItem' }, SubMenu: { ...SubMenu, name: 'ASubMenu' }, ItemGroup: { ...ItemGroup, name: 'AMenuItemGroup' }, mixins: [BaseMixin], emits: [ 'update:selectedKeys', 'update:openKeys', 'mouseenter', 'openChange', 'click', 'selectChange', 'select', 'deselect', ], created() { provide('getInlineCollapsed', this.getInlineCollapsed); provide('menuPropsContext', this.$props); }, setup() { const layoutSiderContext = inject<SiderContextProps>('layoutSiderContext', {}); const layoutSiderCollapsed = toRef(layoutSiderContext, 'sCollapsed'); return { configProvider: inject('configProvider', defaultConfigProvider), layoutSiderContext, layoutSiderCollapsed, propsUpdating: false, switchingModeFromInline: false, leaveAnimationExecutedWhenInlineCollapsed: false, inlineOpenKeys: [], }; }, updated() { this.propsUpdating = false; }, // beforeUnmount() { // raf.cancel(this.mountRafId); // }, watch: { mode(val, oldVal) { if (oldVal === 'inline' && val !== 'inline') { this.switchingModeFromInline = true; } }, openKeys(val) { this.setState({ sOpenKeys: val }); }, inlineCollapsed(val) { this.collapsedChange(val); }, layoutSiderCollapsed(val) { this.collapsedChange(val); }, }, data() { const props: MenuProps = getOptionProps(this); warning( !('inlineCollapsed' in props && props.mode !== 'inline'), 'Menu', "`inlineCollapsed` should only be used when Menu's `mode` is inline.", ); let sOpenKeys; if ('openKeys' in props) { sOpenKeys = props.openKeys; } else if ('defaultOpenKeys' in props) { sOpenKeys = props.defaultOpenKeys; } return { sOpenKeys, }; }, methods: { collapsedChange(val) { if (this.propsUpdating) { return; } this.propsUpdating = true; if (!hasProp(this, 'openKeys')) { if (val) { this.switchingModeFromInline = true; this.inlineOpenKeys = this.sOpenKeys; this.setState({ sOpenKeys: [] }); } else { this.setState({ sOpenKeys: this.inlineOpenKeys }); this.inlineOpenKeys = []; } } else if (val) { // 缩起时,openKeys置为空的动画会闪动,react可以通过是否传递openKeys避免闪动,vue不是很方便动态传递openKeys this.switchingModeFromInline = true; } }, restoreModeVerticalFromInline() { if (this.switchingModeFromInline) { this.switchingModeFromInline = false; this.$forceUpdate(); } }, // Restore vertical mode when menu is collapsed responsively when mounted // // TODO: not a perfect solution, looking a new way to avoid setting switchingModeFromInline in this situation handleMouseEnter(e) { this.restoreModeVerticalFromInline(); this.$emit('mouseenter', e); }, handleTransitionEnd(e) { // when inlineCollapsed menu width animation finished // const widthCollapsed = e.propertyName === 'width' && === e.currentTarget; // Fix SVGElement is not a function // const { className } =; // SVGAnimatedString.animVal should be identical to SVGAnimatedString.baseVal, unless during an animation. const classNameValue = === '[object SVGAnimatedString]' ? className.animVal : className; // Fix for <Menu style={{ width: '100%' }} />, the width transition won't trigger when menu is collapsed // const iconScaled = e.propertyName === 'font-size' && classNameValue.indexOf('anticon') >= 0; if (widthCollapsed || iconScaled) { this.restoreModeVerticalFromInline(); } }, handleClick(e) { this.handleOpenChange([]); this.$emit('click', e); }, handleSelect(info) { this.$emit('update:selectedKeys', info.selectedKeys); this.$emit('select', info); this.$emit('selectChange', info.selectedKeys); }, handleDeselect(info) { this.$emit('update:selectedKeys', info.selectedKeys); this.$emit('deselect', info); this.$emit('selectChange', info.selectedKeys); }, handleOpenChange(openKeys) { this.setOpenKeys(openKeys); this.$emit('update:openKeys', openKeys); this.$emit('openChange', openKeys); }, setOpenKeys(openKeys) { if (!hasProp(this, 'openKeys')) { this.setState({ sOpenKeys: openKeys }); } }, getRealMenuMode() { const inlineCollapsed = this.getInlineCollapsed(); if (this.switchingModeFromInline && inlineCollapsed) { return 'inline'; } const { mode } = this.$props; return inlineCollapsed ? 'vertical' : mode; }, getInlineCollapsed() { const { inlineCollapsed } = this.$props; if (this.layoutSiderContext.sCollapsed !== undefined) { return this.layoutSiderContext.sCollapsed; } return inlineCollapsed; }, getMenuOpenAnimation(menuMode) { const { openAnimation, openTransitionName } = this.$props; let menuOpenAnimation = openAnimation || openTransitionName; if (openAnimation === undefined && openTransitionName === undefined) { if (menuMode === 'horizontal') { menuOpenAnimation = 'slide-up'; } else if (menuMode === 'inline') { menuOpenAnimation = animation; } else { // When mode switch from inline // submenu should hide without animation if (this.switchingModeFromInline) { menuOpenAnimation = ''; this.switchingModeFromInline = false; } else { menuOpenAnimation = 'zoom-big'; } } } return menuOpenAnimation; }, }, render() { const { layoutSiderContext } = this; const { collapsedWidth } = layoutSiderContext; const { getPopupContainer: getContextPopupContainer } = this.configProvider; const props = getOptionProps(this); const { prefixCls: customizePrefixCls, theme, getPopupContainer } = props; const getPrefixCls = this.configProvider.getPrefixCls; const prefixCls = getPrefixCls('menu', customizePrefixCls); const menuMode = this.getRealMenuMode(); const menuOpenAnimation = this.getMenuOpenAnimation(menuMode); const { class: className, ...otherAttrs } = this.$attrs; const menuClassName = { [className as string]: className, [`${prefixCls}-${theme}`]: true, [`${prefixCls}-inline-collapsed`]: this.getInlineCollapsed(), }; const menuProps = { ...omit(props, [ 'inlineCollapsed', 'onUpdate:selectedKeys', 'onUpdate:openKeys', 'onSelectChange', ]), getPopupContainer: getPopupContainer || getContextPopupContainer, openKeys: this.sOpenKeys, mode: menuMode, prefixCls, ...otherAttrs, onSelect: this.handleSelect, onDeselect: this.handleDeselect, onOpenChange: this.handleOpenChange, onMouseenter: this.handleMouseEnter, onTransitionend: this.handleTransitionEnd, children: getSlot(this), openTransitionName: '', //issue解决后可去掉openTransitionName }; if (!hasProp(this, 'selectedKeys')) { delete menuProps.selectedKeys; } if (menuMode !== 'inline') { // closing vertical popup submenu after click it menuProps.onClick = this.handleClick; menuProps.openTransitionName = menuOpenAnimation; } else { menuProps.onClick = e => { this.$emit('click', e); }; menuProps.openAnimation = menuOpenAnimation; } // const hideMenu = this.getInlineCollapsed() && (collapsedWidth === 0 || collapsedWidth === '0' || collapsedWidth === '0px'); if (hideMenu) { menuProps.openKeys = []; } return <VcMenu {...menuProps} class={menuClassName} />; }, }); /* istanbul ignore next */ Menu.install = function(app: App) { app.component(, Menu); app.component(, Menu.Item); app.component(, Menu.SubMenu); app.component(, Menu.Divider); app.component(, Menu.ItemGroup); return app; }; export default Menu as typeof Menu & Plugin & { readonly Item: typeof Item; readonly SubMenu: typeof SubMenu; readonly Divider: typeof Divider; readonly ItemGroup: typeof ItemGroup; };