#### 联动
推荐使用 [Cascader](/components/cascader-cn/) 组件。

#### coordinate
Coordinating the selection of provinces and cities is a common use case and demonstrates how selection can be coordinated.
Using the [Cascader](/components/cascader) component is strongly recommended instead as it is more flexible and capable.

    <a-select :defaultValue="provinceData[0]" style="width: 120px" @change="handleProvinceChange">
      <a-select-option v-for="province in provinceData" :key="province">{{province}}</a-select-option>
    <a-select v-model="secondCity" style="width: 120px">
      <a-select-option v-for="city in cities" :key="city">{{city}}</a-select-option>
const provinceData = ['Zhejiang', 'Jiangsu'];
const cityData = {
  Zhejiang: ['Hangzhou', 'Ningbo', 'Wenzhou'],
  Jiangsu: ['Nanjing', 'Suzhou', 'Zhenjiang'],
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      cities: cityData[provinceData[0]],
      secondCity: cityData[provinceData[0]][0],
  methods: {
    handleProvinceChange(value) {
      this.cities = cityData[value]
      this.secondCity = cityData[value][0]