import type { InputToken } from '../../input/style'; import { genActiveStyle, genBasicInputStyle, genDisabledStyle, genHoverStyle, genInputGroupStyle, genPlaceholderStyle, genStatusStyle, initInputToken, } from '../../input/style'; import type { FullToken, GenerateStyle } from '../../theme/internal'; import { genComponentStyleHook } from '../../theme/internal'; import { resetComponent, resetIcon } from '../../style'; import { genCompactItemStyle } from '../../style/compact-item'; export interface ComponentToken { controlWidth: number; handleWidth: number; handleFontSize: number; /** Default `auto`. Set `true` will always show the handle */ handleVisible: 'auto' | true; } type InputNumberToken = InputToken>; const genInputNumberStyles: GenerateStyle = (token: InputNumberToken) => { const { componentCls, lineWidth, lineType, colorBorder, borderRadius, fontSizeLG, controlHeightLG, controlHeightSM, colorError, inputPaddingHorizontalSM, colorTextDescription, motionDurationMid, colorPrimary, controlHeight, inputPaddingHorizontal, colorBgContainer, colorTextDisabled, borderRadiusSM, borderRadiusLG, controlWidth, handleVisible, } = token; return [ { [componentCls]: { ...resetComponent(token), ...genBasicInputStyle(token), ...genStatusStyle(token, componentCls), display: 'inline-block', width: controlWidth, margin: 0, padding: 0, border: `${lineWidth}px ${lineType} ${colorBorder}`, borderRadius, '&-rtl': { direction: 'rtl', [`${componentCls}-input`]: { direction: 'rtl', }, }, '&-lg': { padding: 0, fontSize: fontSizeLG, borderRadius: borderRadiusLG, [`input${componentCls}-input`]: { height: controlHeightLG - 2 * lineWidth, }, }, '&-sm': { padding: 0, borderRadius: borderRadiusSM, [`input${componentCls}-input`]: { height: controlHeightSM - 2 * lineWidth, padding: `0 ${inputPaddingHorizontalSM}px`, }, }, '&:hover': { ...genHoverStyle(token), }, '&-focused': { ...genActiveStyle(token), }, '&-disabled': { ...genDisabledStyle(token), [`${componentCls}-input`]: { cursor: 'not-allowed', }, }, // ===================== Out Of Range ===================== '&-out-of-range': { input: { color: colorError, }, }, // Style for input-group: input with label, with button or dropdown... '&-group': { ...resetComponent(token), ...genInputGroupStyle(token), '&-wrapper': { display: 'inline-block', textAlign: 'start', verticalAlign: 'top', // [`${componentCls}-affix-wrapper`]: { width: '100%', }, // Size '&-lg': { [`${componentCls}-group-addon`]: { borderRadius: borderRadiusLG, }, }, '&-sm': { [`${componentCls}-group-addon`]: { borderRadius: borderRadiusSM, }, }, }, }, [componentCls]: { '&-input': { width: '100%', height: controlHeight - 2 * lineWidth, padding: `0 ${inputPaddingHorizontal}px`, textAlign: 'start', backgroundColor: 'transparent', border: 0, borderRadius, outline: 0, transition: `all ${motionDurationMid} linear`, appearance: 'textfield', color: token.colorText, fontSize: 'inherit', verticalAlign: 'top', ...genPlaceholderStyle(token.colorTextPlaceholder), '&[type="number"]::-webkit-inner-spin-button, &[type="number"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button': { margin: 0, /* stylelint-disable-next-line property-no-vendor-prefix */ webkitAppearance: 'none', appearance: 'none', }, }, }, }, }, // Handler { [componentCls]: { [`&:hover ${componentCls}-handler-wrap, &-focused ${componentCls}-handler-wrap`]: { opacity: 1, }, [`${componentCls}-handler-wrap`]: { position: 'absolute', insetBlockStart: 0, insetInlineEnd: 0, width: token.handleWidth, height: '100%', background: colorBgContainer, borderStartStartRadius: 0, borderStartEndRadius: borderRadius, borderEndEndRadius: borderRadius, borderEndStartRadius: 0, opacity: handleVisible === true ? 1 : 0, display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', alignItems: 'stretch', transition: `opacity ${motionDurationMid} linear ${motionDurationMid}`, // Fix input number inside Menu makes icon too large // We arise the selector priority by nest selector here // [`${componentCls}-handler`]: { display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', flex: 'auto', height: '40%', [` ${componentCls}-handler-up-inner, ${componentCls}-handler-down-inner `]: { marginInlineEnd: 0, fontSize: token.handleFontSize, }, }, }, [`${componentCls}-handler`]: { height: '50%', overflow: 'hidden', color: colorTextDescription, fontWeight: 'bold', lineHeight: 0, textAlign: 'center', cursor: 'pointer', borderInlineStart: `${lineWidth}px ${lineType} ${colorBorder}`, transition: `all ${motionDurationMid} linear`, '&:active': { background: token.colorFillAlter, }, // Hover '&:hover': { height: `60%`, [` ${componentCls}-handler-up-inner, ${componentCls}-handler-down-inner `]: { color: colorPrimary, }, }, '&-up-inner, &-down-inner': { ...resetIcon(), color: colorTextDescription, transition: `all ${motionDurationMid} linear`, userSelect: 'none', }, }, [`${componentCls}-handler-up`]: { borderStartEndRadius: borderRadius, }, [`${componentCls}-handler-down`]: { borderBlockStart: `${lineWidth}px ${lineType} ${colorBorder}`, borderEndEndRadius: borderRadius, }, // Disabled '&-disabled, &-readonly': { [`${componentCls}-handler-wrap`]: { display: 'none', }, }, [` ${componentCls}-handler-up-disabled, ${componentCls}-handler-down-disabled `]: { cursor: 'not-allowed', }, [` ${componentCls}-handler-up-disabled:hover &-handler-up-inner, ${componentCls}-handler-down-disabled:hover &-handler-down-inner `]: { color: colorTextDisabled, }, }, }, // Border-less { [`${componentCls}-borderless`]: { borderColor: 'transparent', boxShadow: 'none', [`${componentCls}-handler-down`]: { borderBlockStartWidth: 0, }, }, }, ]; }; const genAffixWrapperStyles: GenerateStyle = (token: InputNumberToken) => { const { componentCls, inputPaddingHorizontal, inputAffixPadding, controlWidth, borderRadiusLG, borderRadiusSM, } = token; return { [`${componentCls}-affix-wrapper`]: { ...genBasicInputStyle(token), ...genStatusStyle(token, `${componentCls}-affix-wrapper`), // or number handler will cover form status position: 'relative', display: 'inline-flex', width: controlWidth, padding: 0, paddingInlineStart: inputPaddingHorizontal, '&-lg': { borderRadius: borderRadiusLG, }, '&-sm': { borderRadius: borderRadiusSM, }, [`&:not(${componentCls}-affix-wrapper-disabled):hover`]: { ...genHoverStyle(token), zIndex: 1, }, '&-focused, &:focus': { zIndex: 1, }, '&-disabled': { [`${componentCls}[disabled]`]: { background: 'transparent', }, }, [`> div${componentCls}`]: { width: '100%', border: 'none', outline: 'none', [`&${componentCls}-focused`]: { boxShadow: 'none !important', }, }, [`input${componentCls}-input`]: { padding: 0, }, '&::before': { width: 0, visibility: 'hidden', content: '"\\a0"', }, [`${componentCls}-handler-wrap`]: { zIndex: 2, }, [componentCls]: { '&-prefix, &-suffix': { display: 'flex', flex: 'none', alignItems: 'center', pointerEvents: 'none', }, '&-prefix': { marginInlineEnd: inputAffixPadding, }, '&-suffix': { position: 'absolute', insetBlockStart: 0, insetInlineEnd: 0, zIndex: 1, height: '100%', marginInlineEnd: inputPaddingHorizontal, marginInlineStart: inputAffixPadding, }, }, }, }; }; // ============================== Export ============================== export default genComponentStyleHook( 'InputNumber', token => { const inputNumberToken = initInputToken>(token); return [ genInputNumberStyles(inputNumberToken), genAffixWrapperStyles(inputNumberToken), // ===================================================== // == Space Compact == // ===================================================== genCompactItemStyle(inputNumberToken), ]; }, token => ({ controlWidth: 90, handleWidth: token.controlHeightSM - token.lineWidth * 2, handleFontSize: token.fontSize / 2, handleVisible: 'auto', }), );