import type { App, ExtractPropTypes, PropType } from 'vue'; import { computed, ref, watchEffect, defineComponent } from 'vue'; import VcTreeSelect, { TreeNode, SHOW_ALL, SHOW_PARENT, SHOW_CHILD, treeSelectProps as vcTreeSelectProps, } from '../vc-tree-select'; import classNames from '../_util/classNames'; import initDefaultProps from '../_util/props-util/initDefaultProps'; import type { SizeType } from '../config-provider'; import type { FieldNames, Key } from '../vc-tree-select/interface'; import omit from '../_util/omit'; import PropTypes from '../_util/vue-types'; import useConfigInject from '../_util/hooks/useConfigInject'; import devWarning from '../vc-util/devWarning'; import getIcons from '../select/utils/iconUtil'; import renderSwitcherIcon from '../tree/utils/iconUtil'; import type { AntTreeNodeProps } from '../tree/Tree'; import { warning } from '../vc-util/warning'; import { flattenChildren } from '../_util/props-util'; import { useInjectFormItemContext } from '../form/FormItemContext'; import type { BaseSelectRef } from '../vc-select'; import type { BaseOptionType, DefaultOptionType } from '../vc-tree-select/TreeSelect'; import type { TreeProps } from '../tree'; const getTransitionName = (rootPrefixCls: string, motion: string, transitionName?: string) => { if (transitionName !== undefined) { return transitionName; } return `${rootPrefixCls}-${motion}`; }; type RawValue = string | number; export interface LabeledValue { key?: string; value: RawValue; label?: any; } export type SelectValue = RawValue | RawValue[] | LabeledValue | LabeledValue[]; export type RefTreeSelectProps = BaseSelectRef; export function treeSelectProps< ValueType = any, OptionType extends BaseOptionType | DefaultOptionType = DefaultOptionType, >() { return { ...omit(vcTreeSelectProps(), [ 'showTreeIcon', 'treeMotion', 'inputIcon', 'getInputElement', 'treeLine', 'customSlots', ]), suffixIcon: PropTypes.any, size: { type: String as PropType }, bordered: { type: Boolean, default: undefined }, treeLine: { type: [Boolean, Object] as PropType, default: undefined }, replaceFields: { type: Object as PropType }, 'onUpdate:value': { type: Function as PropType<(value: any) => void> }, 'onUpdate:treeExpandedKeys': { type: Function as PropType<(keys: Key[]) => void> }, 'onUpdate:searchValue': { type: Function as PropType<(value: string) => void> }, }; } export type TreeSelectProps = Partial>>; const TreeSelect = defineComponent({ name: 'ATreeSelect', inheritAttrs: false, props: initDefaultProps(treeSelectProps(), { choiceTransitionName: '', listHeight: 256, treeIcon: false, listItemHeight: 26, bordered: true, }), slots: [ 'title', 'titleRender', 'placeholder', 'maxTagPlaceholder', 'treeIcon', 'switcherIcon', 'notFoundContent', ], setup(props, { attrs, slots, expose, emit }) { warning( !(props.treeData === undefined && slots.default), '`children` of TreeSelect is deprecated. Please use `treeData` instead.', ); watchEffect(() => { devWarning( props.multiple !== false || !props.treeCheckable, 'TreeSelect', '`multiple` will always be `true` when `treeCheckable` is true', ); devWarning( props.replaceFields === undefined, 'TreeSelect', '`replaceFields` is deprecated, please use fieldNames instead', ); }); const formItemContext = useInjectFormItemContext(); const { prefixCls, renderEmpty, direction, virtual, dropdownMatchSelectWidth, size, getPopupContainer, getPrefixCls, } = useConfigInject('select', props); const rootPrefixCls = computed(() => getPrefixCls()); const transitionName = computed(() => getTransitionName(rootPrefixCls.value, 'slide-up', props.transitionName), ); const choiceTransitionName = computed(() => getTransitionName(rootPrefixCls.value, '', props.choiceTransitionName), ); const treePrefixCls = computed(() => getPrefixCls('select-tree', props.prefixCls)); const treeSelectPrefixCls = computed(() => getPrefixCls('tree-select', props.prefixCls)); const mergedDropdownClassName = computed(() => classNames(props.dropdownClassName, `${treeSelectPrefixCls.value}-dropdown`, { [`${treeSelectPrefixCls.value}-dropdown-rtl`]: direction.value === 'rtl', }), ); const isMultiple = computed(() => !!(props.treeCheckable || props.multiple)); const treeSelectRef = ref(); expose({ focus() { treeSelectRef.value.focus?.(); }, blur() { treeSelectRef.value.blur?.(); }, }); const handleChange: TreeSelectProps['onChange'] = (...args: any[]) => { emit('update:value', args[0]); emit('change', ...args); formItemContext.onFieldChange(); }; const handleTreeExpand: TreeSelectProps['onTreeExpand'] = (keys: Key[]) => { emit('update:treeExpandedKeys', keys); emit('treeExpand', keys); }; const handleSearch: TreeSelectProps['onSearch'] = (value: string) => { emit('update:searchValue', value); emit('search', value); }; const handleBlur = () => { emit('blur'); formItemContext.onFieldBlur(); }; return () => { const { notFoundContent = slots.notFoundContent?.(), prefixCls: customizePrefixCls, bordered, listHeight, listItemHeight, multiple, treeIcon, treeLine, switcherIcon = slots.switcherIcon?.(), fieldNames = props.replaceFields, id =, } = props; // ===================== Icons ===================== const { suffixIcon, removeIcon, clearIcon } = getIcons( { ...props, multiple: isMultiple.value, prefixCls: prefixCls.value, }, slots, ); // ===================== Empty ===================== let mergedNotFound; if (notFoundContent !== undefined) { mergedNotFound = notFoundContent; } else { mergedNotFound = renderEmpty.value('Select'); } // ==================== Render ===================== const selectProps = omit(props as typeof props & { itemIcon: any; switcherIcon: any }, [ 'suffixIcon', 'itemIcon', 'removeIcon', 'clearIcon', 'switcherIcon', 'bordered', 'onUpdate:value', 'onUpdate:treeExpandedKeys', 'onUpdate:searchValue', ]); const mergedClassName = classNames( !customizePrefixCls && treeSelectPrefixCls.value, { [`${prefixCls.value}-lg`]: size.value === 'large', [`${prefixCls.value}-sm`]: size.value === 'small', [`${prefixCls.value}-rtl`]: direction.value === 'rtl', [`${prefixCls.value}-borderless`]: !bordered, }, attrs.class, ); const otherProps: any = {}; if (props.treeData === undefined && slots.default) { otherProps.children = flattenChildren(slots.default()); } return ( renderSwitcherIcon(treePrefixCls.value, switcherIcon, treeLine, nodeProps) } showTreeIcon={treeIcon as any} notFoundContent={mergedNotFound} getPopupContainer={getPopupContainer.value} treeMotion={null} dropdownClassName={mergedDropdownClassName.value} choiceTransitionName={choiceTransitionName.value} onChange={handleChange} onBlur={handleBlur} onSearch={handleSearch} onTreeExpand={handleTreeExpand} v-slots={{ ...slots, treeCheckable: () => , }} {...otherProps} transitionName={transitionName.value} customSlots={{ ...slots, treeCheckable: () => , }} maxTagPlaceholder={props.maxTagPlaceholder || slots.maxTagPlaceholder} /> ); }; }, }); /* istanbul ignore next */ export const TreeSelectNode = TreeNode; export default Object.assign(TreeSelect, { TreeNode, SHOW_ALL: SHOW_ALL as typeof SHOW_ALL, SHOW_PARENT: SHOW_PARENT as typeof SHOW_PARENT, SHOW_CHILD: SHOW_CHILD as typeof SHOW_CHILD, install: (app: App) => { app.component(, TreeSelect); app.component(TreeSelectNode.displayName, TreeSelectNode); return app; }, });