--- category: Components type: Data Entry title: Transfer cover: https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/alicdn/QAXskNI4G/Transfer.svg --- Alert component for feedback. ## When To Use - When you need to show alert messages to users. - When you need a persistent static container which is closable by user actions. ## API | Property | Description | Type | Default | Version | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | dataSource | Used for setting the source data. The elements that are part of this array will be present the left column. Except the elements whose keys are included in `targetKeys` prop. | \[{key: string.isRequired,title: string.isRequired,description: string,disabled: bool}\] | \[] | | | disabled | Whether disabled transfer | boolean | false | | | filterOption | A function to determine whether an item should show in search result list | (inputValue, option): boolean | | | | footer | customize the progress dot by setting a scoped slot | slot="footer" slot-scope="props" | | | | lazy | property of vc-lazy-load for lazy rendering items. Turn off it by set to `false`. | object\|boolean | `{ height: 32, offset: 32 }` | | | listStyle | A custom CSS style used for rendering the transfer columns. | object | | | | locale | i18n text including filter, empty text, item unit, etc | object | `{ itemUnit: 'item', itemsUnit: 'items', notFoundContent: 'The list is empty', searchPlaceholder: 'Search here' }` | | | operations | A set of operations that are sorted from top to bottom. | string\[] | \['>', '<'] | | | render | The function to generate the item shown on a column. Based on an record (element of the dataSource array), this function should return a element which is generated from that record. Also, it can return a plain object with `value` and `label`, `label` is a element and `value` is for title | Function(record) \| slot | | | | selectedKeys | A set of keys of selected items. | string\[] | \[] | | | showSearch | If included, a search box is shown on each column. | boolean | false | | | showSelectAll | Show select all checkbox on the header | boolean | true | | | targetKeys | A set of keys of elements that are listed on the right column. | string\[] | \[] | | | titles | A set of titles that are sorted from left to right. | string\[] | - | | ### events | Events Name | Description | Arguments | Version | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | change | A callback function that is executed when the transfer between columns is complete. | (targetKeys, direction, moveKeys): void | | | scroll | A callback function which is executed when scroll options list | (direction, event): void | | | search | A callback function which is executed when search field are changed | (direction: 'left'\|'right', value: string): void | - | | selectChange | A callback function which is executed when selected items are changed. | (sourceSelectedKeys, targetSelectedKeys): void | | ### Render Props Transfer accept `children` to customize render list, using follow props: ```json { "direction": String, "disabled": Boolean, "filteredItems": Array, "selectedKeys": Array, "onItemSelect": Function, "onItemSelectAll": Function } ``` | Property | Description | Type | Version | | --------------- | ----------------------- | ----------------------------------- | ------- | | direction | List render direction | 'left' \| 'right' | | | disabled | Disable list or not | boolean | | | filteredItems | Filtered items | TransferItem[] | | | onItemSelect | Select item | (key: string, selected: boolean) | | | onItemSelectAll | Select a group of items | (keys: string[], selected: boolean) | | | selectedKeys | Selected items | string[] | | #### example ```html