#### 触发事件
点击菜单项后会触发事件,用户可以通过相应的菜单项 key 进行不同的操作。

#### Click event
An event will be triggered when you click menu items, in which you can make different operations according to item's key.

    <a class="ant-dropdown-link" href="#">
      Hover me, Click menu item <a-icon type="down" />
    <a-menu slot="overlay" @click="onClick">
      <a-menu-item key="1">1st menu item</a-menu-item>
      <a-menu-item key="2">2nd menu item</a-menu-item>
      <a-menu-item key="3">3rd menu item</a-menu-item>

export default {
  methods: {
    onClick({ key }) {
      console.log(`Click on item ${key}`);