// Project: https://github.com/vueComponent/ant-design-vue
// Definitions by: akki-jat <https://github.com/akki-jat>
// Definitions: https://github.com/vueComponent/ant-design-vue/types

import { AntdComponent } from '../component';

export declare class Option extends AntdComponent {
   * Disable this option
   * @default false
   * @type boolean
  disabled: boolean;

   * Same usage as value. If Vue request you to set this property, you can set it to value of option, and then omit value property.
   * @type string
  key: string;

   * title of Select after select this Option
   * @type string
  title: string;

   * default to filter with this property
   * @type string | number
  value: string | number;

   * additional class to option
   * @type string
  class: string;