#### 单文件递归菜单 使用单文件方式递归生成菜单。 因组件内部会动态更改`a-sub-menu`的属性,如果拆分成单文件,无法将属性挂载到`a-sub-menu`上,你需要自行声明属性并挂载。为了方便,避免属性的声明,我们推荐使用函数式组件。 #### Single file recursive menu Use the single file method to recursively generate menus. The properties of `a-sub-menu` are dynamically changed inside the component. If you split the file into a single file and you cannot mount the `props` to `a-sub-menu`, you need to declare the `props` and mount it yourself. For convenience, to avoid the declaration of attributes, we recommend using functional components. ```tpl ```