import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import { asyncExpect } from '@/tests/utils'; import dayjs from 'dayjs'; import DatePicker from '../'; import { setMockDate, resetMockDate, sleep } from '../../../tests/utils'; import { openPicker, selectCell, closePicker } from './utils'; import focusTest from '../../../tests/shared/focusTest'; const { RangePicker } = DatePicker; describe('RangePicker', () => { focusTest(RangePicker); beforeEach(() => { document.body.outerHTML = ''; setMockDate(); }); afterEach(() => { resetMockDate(); }); // issue: it('should not throw error when value is reset to `[]`', async () => { const birthday = dayjs('2000-01-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD'); const wrapper = mount( { props: ['value'], setup(props) { return () => ; }, }, { attachTo: 'body', sync: 'false' }, ); wrapper.setProps({ value: [birthday, birthday] }); wrapper.setProps({ value: [] }); await sleep(0); expect(() => { openPicker(wrapper); selectCell(wrapper, 3); closePicker(wrapper); openPicker(wrapper, 1); selectCell(wrapper, 5, 1); closePicker(wrapper, 1); }).not.toThrow(); }); it('show month panel according to value', async () => { const birthday = dayjs('2000-01-01', 'YYYY-MM-DD').locale('zh-cn'); const wrapper = mount(RangePicker, { props: { getPopupContainer: trigger => trigger, format: 'YYYY/MM/DD', showTime: true, open: true, }, sync: false, attachTo: 'body', }); await asyncExpect(() => { wrapper.setProps({ value: [birthday, birthday] }); }); await asyncExpect(() => { expect(document.body.innerHTML).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); it('customize separator', () => { const wrapper = mount(RangePicker, { props: { separator: 'test' } }); expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); });