import { useInjectKeysState, useInjectTreeContext } from './contextTypes'; import Indent from './Indent'; import { convertNodePropsToEventData, getTreeNodeProps } from './utils/treeUtil'; import type { CSSProperties } from 'vue'; import { computed, defineComponent, getCurrentInstance, onMounted, onUpdated, reactive, ref, } from 'vue'; import { treeNodeProps } from './props'; import classNames from '../_util/classNames'; import { warning } from '../vc-util/warning'; import type { DragNodeEvent, Key } from './interface'; import pickAttrs from '../_util/pickAttrs'; import eagerComputed from '../_util/eagerComputed'; const ICON_OPEN = 'open'; const ICON_CLOSE = 'close'; const defaultTitle = '---'; export default defineComponent({ compatConfig: { MODE: 3 }, name: 'ATreeNode', inheritAttrs: false, props: treeNodeProps, isTreeNode: 1, setup(props, { attrs, slots, expose }) { warning( !('slots' in, `treeData slots is deprecated, please use ${Object.keys( || {}).map( key => '`v-slot:' + key + '` ', )}instead`, ); const dragNodeHighlight = ref(false); const context = useInjectTreeContext(); const { expandedKeysSet, selectedKeysSet, loadedKeysSet, loadingKeysSet, checkedKeysSet, halfCheckedKeysSet, } = useInjectKeysState(); const { dragOverNodeKey, dropPosition, keyEntities } = context.value; const mergedTreeNodeProps = computed(() => { return getTreeNodeProps(props.eventKey, { expandedKeysSet: expandedKeysSet.value, selectedKeysSet: selectedKeysSet.value, loadedKeysSet: loadedKeysSet.value, loadingKeysSet: loadingKeysSet.value, checkedKeysSet: checkedKeysSet.value, halfCheckedKeysSet: halfCheckedKeysSet.value, dragOverNodeKey, dropPosition, keyEntities, }); }); const expanded = eagerComputed(() => mergedTreeNodeProps.value.expanded); const selected = eagerComputed(() => mergedTreeNodeProps.value.selected); const checked = eagerComputed(() => mergedTreeNodeProps.value.checked); const loaded = eagerComputed(() => mergedTreeNodeProps.value.loaded); const loading = eagerComputed(() => mergedTreeNodeProps.value.loading); const halfChecked = eagerComputed(() => mergedTreeNodeProps.value.halfChecked); const dragOver = eagerComputed(() => mergedTreeNodeProps.value.dragOver); const dragOverGapTop = eagerComputed(() => mergedTreeNodeProps.value.dragOverGapTop); const dragOverGapBottom = eagerComputed(() => mergedTreeNodeProps.value.dragOverGapBottom); const pos = eagerComputed(() => mergedTreeNodeProps.value.pos); const selectHandle = ref(); const hasChildren = computed(() => { const { eventKey } = props; const { keyEntities } = context.value; const { children } = keyEntities[eventKey] || {}; return !!(children || []).length; }); const isLeaf = computed(() => { const { isLeaf } = props; const { loadData } = context.value; const has = hasChildren.value; if (isLeaf === false) { return false; } return isLeaf || (!loadData && !has) || (loadData && loaded.value && !has); }); const nodeState = computed(() => { if (isLeaf.value) { return null; } return expanded.value ? ICON_OPEN : ICON_CLOSE; }); const isDisabled = computed(() => { const { disabled } = props; const { disabled: treeDisabled } = context.value; return !!(treeDisabled || disabled); }); const isCheckable = computed(() => { const { checkable } = props; const { checkable: treeCheckable } = context.value; // Return false if tree or treeNode is not checkable if (!treeCheckable || checkable === false) return false; return treeCheckable; }); const isSelectable = computed(() => { const { selectable } = props; const { selectable: treeSelectable } = context.value; // Ignore when selectable is undefined or null if (typeof selectable === 'boolean') { return selectable; } return treeSelectable; }); const renderArgsData = computed(() => { const { data, active, checkable, disableCheckbox, disabled, selectable } = props; return { active, checkable, disableCheckbox, disabled, selectable,, dataRef: data, data, isLeaf: isLeaf.value, checked: checked.value, expanded: expanded.value, loading: loading.value, selected: selected.value, halfChecked: halfChecked.value, }; }); const instance = getCurrentInstance(); const eventData = computed(() => { const { eventKey } = props; const { keyEntities } = context.value; const { parent } = keyEntities[eventKey] || {}; return { ...convertNodePropsToEventData(Object.assign({}, props, mergedTreeNodeProps.value)), parent, }; }); const dragNodeEvent: DragNodeEvent = reactive({ eventData, eventKey: computed(() => props.eventKey), selectHandle, pos, key: instance.vnode.key as Key, }); expose(dragNodeEvent); const onSelectorDoubleClick = (e: MouseEvent) => { const { onNodeDoubleClick } = context.value; onNodeDoubleClick(e, eventData.value); }; const onSelect = (e: MouseEvent) => { if (isDisabled.value) return; const { onNodeSelect } = context.value; e.preventDefault(); onNodeSelect(e, eventData.value); }; const onCheck = (e: MouseEvent) => { if (isDisabled.value) return; const { disableCheckbox } = props; const { onNodeCheck } = context.value; if (!isCheckable.value || disableCheckbox) return; e.preventDefault(); const targetChecked = !checked.value; onNodeCheck(e, eventData.value, targetChecked); }; const onSelectorClick = (e: MouseEvent) => { // Click trigger before select/check operation const { onNodeClick } = context.value; onNodeClick(e, eventData.value); if (isSelectable.value) { onSelect(e); } else { onCheck(e); } }; const onMouseEnter = (e: MouseEvent) => { const { onNodeMouseEnter } = context.value; onNodeMouseEnter(e, eventData.value); }; const onMouseLeave = (e: MouseEvent) => { const { onNodeMouseLeave } = context.value; onNodeMouseLeave(e, eventData.value); }; const onContextmenu = (e: MouseEvent) => { const { onNodeContextMenu } = context.value; onNodeContextMenu(e, eventData.value); }; const onDragStart = (e: DragEvent) => { const { onNodeDragStart } = context.value; e.stopPropagation(); dragNodeHighlight.value = true; onNodeDragStart(e, dragNodeEvent); try { // ie throw error // firefox-need-it e.dataTransfer.setData('text/plain', ''); } catch (error) { // empty } }; const onDragEnter = (e: DragEvent) => { const { onNodeDragEnter } = context.value; e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); onNodeDragEnter(e, dragNodeEvent); }; const onDragOver = (e: DragEvent) => { const { onNodeDragOver } = context.value; e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); onNodeDragOver(e, dragNodeEvent); }; const onDragLeave = (e: DragEvent) => { const { onNodeDragLeave } = context.value; e.stopPropagation(); onNodeDragLeave(e, dragNodeEvent); }; const onDragEnd = (e: DragEvent) => { const { onNodeDragEnd } = context.value; e.stopPropagation(); dragNodeHighlight.value = false; onNodeDragEnd(e, dragNodeEvent); }; const onDrop = (e: DragEvent) => { const { onNodeDrop } = context.value; e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); dragNodeHighlight.value = false; onNodeDrop(e, dragNodeEvent); }; // Disabled item still can be switch const onExpand = e => { const { onNodeExpand } = context.value; if (loading.value) return; onNodeExpand(e, eventData.value); }; const isDraggable = () => { const { data } = props; const { draggable } = context.value; return !!(draggable && (!draggable.nodeDraggable || draggable.nodeDraggable(data))); }; // ==================== Render: Drag Handler ==================== const renderDragHandler = () => { const { draggable, prefixCls } = context.value; return draggable && draggable?.icon ? ( {switcherIconDom} ) : null; } const switcherCls = classNames( `${prefixCls}-switcher`, `${prefixCls}-switcher_${expanded.value ? ICON_OPEN : ICON_CLOSE}`, ); return switcherIconDom !== false ? ( {switcherIconDom} ) : null; }; // Checkbox const renderCheckbox = () => { const { disableCheckbox } = props; const { prefixCls } = context.value; const disabled = isDisabled.value; const checkable = isCheckable.value; if (!checkable) return null; return ( {context.value.customCheckable?.()} ); }; const renderIcon = () => { const { prefixCls } = context.value; return ( ); }; const renderDropIndicator = () => { const { disabled, eventKey } = props; const { draggable, dropLevelOffset, dropPosition, prefixCls, indent, dropIndicatorRender, dragOverNodeKey, direction, } = context.value; const rootDraggable = draggable !== false; // allowDrop is calculated in Tree.tsx, there is no need for calc it here const showIndicator = !disabled && rootDraggable && dragOverNodeKey === eventKey; return showIndicator ? dropIndicatorRender({ dropPosition, dropLevelOffset, indent, prefixCls, direction }) : null; }; // Icon + Title const renderSelector = () => { const { // title = slots.title || // context.value.slots?.[] || // context.value.slots?.title, // selected, icon = slots.icon, // loading, data, } = props; const title = slots.title || context.value.slots?.[] || context.value.slots?.title || props.title; const { prefixCls, showIcon, icon: treeIcon, loadData, // slots: contextSlots, } = context.value; const disabled = isDisabled.value; const wrapClass = `${prefixCls}-node-content-wrapper`; // Icon - Still show loading icon when loading without showIcon let $icon; if (showIcon) { const currentIcon = icon || context.value.slots?.[data?.slots?.icon] || treeIcon; $icon = currentIcon ? ( ) : ( renderIcon() ); } else if (loadData && loading.value) { $icon = renderIcon(); } // Title let titleNode: any; if (typeof title === 'function') { titleNode = title(renderArgsData.value); // } else if (contextSlots.titleRender) { // titleNode = contextSlots.titleRender(renderArgsData.value); } else { titleNode = title; } titleNode = titleNode === undefined ? defaultTitle : titleNode; const $title = {titleNode}; return ( {$icon} {$title} {renderDropIndicator()} ); }; return () => { const { eventKey, isLeaf, isStart, isEnd, domRef, active, data, onMousemove, selectable, ...otherProps } = { ...props, ...attrs }; const { prefixCls, filterTreeNode, keyEntities, dropContainerKey, dropTargetKey, draggingNodeKey, } = context.value; const disabled = isDisabled.value; const dataOrAriaAttributeProps = pickAttrs(otherProps, { aria: true, data: true }); const { level } = keyEntities[eventKey] || {}; const isEndNode = isEnd[isEnd.length - 1]; const mergedDraggable = isDraggable(); const draggableWithoutDisabled = !disabled && mergedDraggable; const dragging = draggingNodeKey === eventKey; const ariaSelected = selectable !== undefined ? { 'aria-selected': !!selectable } : undefined; // console.log(1); return (
) : null; }; const renderSwitcherIconDom = () => { const { switcherIcon: switcherIconFromProps = slots.switcherIcon || context.value.slots?.[], } = props; const { switcherIcon: switcherIconFromCtx } = context.value; const switcherIcon = switcherIconFromProps || switcherIconFromCtx; // if switcherIconDom is null, no render switcher span if (typeof switcherIcon === 'function') { return switcherIcon(renderArgsData.value); } return switcherIcon; }; // Load data to avoid default expanded tree without data const syncLoadData = () => { //const { expanded, loading, loaded } = props; const { loadData, onNodeLoad } = context.value; if (loading.value) { return; } // read from state to avoid loadData at same time if (loadData && expanded.value && !isLeaf.value) { // We needn't reload data when has children in sync logic // It's only needed in node expanded if (!hasChildren.value && !loaded.value) { onNodeLoad(eventData.value); } } }; onMounted(() => { syncLoadData(); }); onUpdated(() => { // syncLoadData(); }); // Switcher const renderSwitcher = () => { const { prefixCls } = context.value; // if switcherIconDom is null, no render switcher span const switcherIconDom = renderSwitcherIconDom(); if (isLeaf.value) { return switcherIconDom !== false ? (