import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import Dropdown from '..'; import Menu from '../../menu'; describe('DropdownButton', () => { it('pass appropriate props to Dropdown', () => { const props = { align: { offset: [10, 20], }, disabled: false, trigger: ['hover'], visible: true, onVisibleChange: () => {}, }; const wrapper = mount(Dropdown.Button, { props, }); const dropdownProps = wrapper.find({ name: 'ADropdown' }).props(); Object.keys(props).forEach(key => { expect(dropdownProps[key]).toBe(props[key]); }); }); it("don't pass visible to Dropdown if it's not exits", () => { const wrapper = mount({ render() { return ( foo } /> ); }, }); const dropdownProps = wrapper.find({ name: 'ADropdown' }).props(); expect('visible' in dropdownProps).toBe(false); }); it('should support href like Button', () => { const wrapper = mount({ render() { return ( foo } /> ); }, }); expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); });