import * as moment from 'moment' import Calendar from '../vc-calendar' import VcDatePicker from '../vc-calendar/src/Picker' import Icon from '../icon' import { hasProp, getOptionProps, initDefaultProps } from '../_util/props-util' import BaseMixin from '../_util/BaseMixin' import { WeekPickerProps } from './interface' import interopDefault from '../_util/interopDefault' function formatValue (value, format) { return (value && value.format(format)) || '' } function noop () {} export default { // static defaultProps = { // format: 'YYYY-wo', // allowClear: true, // }; // private input: any; props: initDefaultProps(WeekPickerProps(), { format: 'gggg-wo', allowClear: true, }), name: 'AWeekPicker', mixins: [BaseMixin], model: { prop: 'value', event: 'change', }, data () { const value = this.value || this.defaultValue if (value && !interopDefault(moment).isMoment(value)) { throw new Error( 'The value/defaultValue of DatePicker or MonthPicker must be ' + 'a moment object', ) } return { sValue: value, } }, watch: { value (val) { this.setState({ sValue: val }) }, }, methods: { weekDateRender (current) { const selectedValue = this.sValue const { prefixCls } = this if (selectedValue && current.year() === selectedValue.year() && current.week() === selectedValue.week()) { return ( <div class={`${prefixCls}-selected-day`}> <div class={`${prefixCls}-date`}> {} </div> </div> ) } return ( <div class={`${prefixCls}-calendar-date`}> {} </div> ) }, handleChange (value) { if (!hasProp(this, 'value')) { this.setState({ sValue: value }) } this.$emit('change', value, formatValue(value, this.format)) }, clearSelection (e) { e.preventDefault() e.stopPropagation() this.handleChange(null) }, focus () { this.$refs.input.focus() }, blur () { this.$refs.input.blur() }, }, render () { const props = getOptionProps(this) const { prefixCls, disabled, pickerClass, popupStyle, pickerInputClass, format, allowClear, locale, localeCode, disabledDate, sValue: pickerValue, $listeners, $scopedSlots, } = this const { focus = noop, blur = noop } = $listeners if (pickerValue && localeCode) { pickerValue.locale(localeCode) } const placeholder = hasProp(this, 'placeholder') ? this.placeholder : locale.lang.placeholder const weekDateRender = this.dateRender || $scopedSlots.dateRender || this.weekDateRender const calendar = ( <Calendar showWeekNumber dateRender={weekDateRender} prefixCls={prefixCls} format={format} locale={locale.lang} showDateInput={false} showToday={false} disabledDate={disabledDate} /> ) const clearIcon = (!disabled && allowClear && this.sValue) ? ( <Icon type='cross-circle' class={`${prefixCls}-picker-clear`} onClick={this.clearSelection} /> ) : null const input = ({ value }) => { return ( <span> <input ref='input' disabled={disabled} readOnly value={(value && value.format(format)) || ''} placeholder={placeholder} class={pickerInputClass} onFocus={focus} onBlur={blur} /> {clearIcon} <span class={`${prefixCls}-picker-icon`} /> </span> ) } const vcDatePickerProps = { props: { ...props, calendar, prefixCls: `${prefixCls}-picker-container`, value: pickerValue, }, on: { ...$listeners, change: this.handleChange, }, style: popupStyle, } return ( <span class={pickerClass}> <VcDatePicker {...vcDatePickerProps} > {input} </VcDatePicker> </span> ) }, }