<script> import Basic from './basic' import Custom from './custom' import CN from '../index.zh-CN.md' import US from '../index.en-US.md' const md = { cn: `# BackTop 回到顶部 返回页面顶部的操作按钮。 ## 何时使用 - 当页面内容区域比较长时; - 当用户需要频繁返回顶部查看相关内容时。 ## 代码演示`, us: `# BackTop \`BackTop\` makes it easy to go back to the top of the page. ## When To Use - When the page content is very long. - When you need to go back to the top very frequently in order to view the contents. ## Examples `, } export default { category: 'Components', type: 'Other', subtitle: '回到顶部', title: 'BackTop', render () { return ( <div> <md cn={md.cn} us={md.us}/> <Basic /> <Custom /> <api> <CN slot='cn' /> <US/> </api> </div> ) }, } </script>