// https://github.com/yiminghe/css-animation 1.5.0 import Event from './Event'; import classes from 'component-classes'; import { requestAnimationTimeout, cancelAnimationTimeout } from '../requestAnimationTimeout'; const isCssAnimationSupported = Event.endEvents.length !== 0; const capitalPrefixes = [ 'Webkit', 'Moz', 'O', // ms is special .... ! 'ms', ]; const prefixes = ['-webkit-', '-moz-', '-o-', 'ms-', '']; function getStyleProperty(node, name) { // old ff need null, https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/getComputedStyle const style = window.getComputedStyle(node, null); let ret = ''; for (let i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++) { ret = style.getPropertyValue(prefixes[i] + name); if (ret) { break; } } return ret; } function fixBrowserByTimeout(node) { if (isCssAnimationSupported) { const transitionDelay = parseFloat(getStyleProperty(node, 'transition-delay')) || 0; const transitionDuration = parseFloat(getStyleProperty(node, 'transition-duration')) || 0; const animationDelay = parseFloat(getStyleProperty(node, 'animation-delay')) || 0; const animationDuration = parseFloat(getStyleProperty(node, 'animation-duration')) || 0; const time = Math.max(transitionDuration + transitionDelay, animationDuration + animationDelay); // sometimes, browser bug node.rcEndAnimTimeout = setTimeout(() => { node.rcEndAnimTimeout = null; if (node.rcEndListener) { node.rcEndListener(); } }, time * 1000 + 200); } } function clearBrowserBugTimeout(node) { if (node.rcEndAnimTimeout) { clearTimeout(node.rcEndAnimTimeout); node.rcEndAnimTimeout = null; } } const cssAnimation = (node, transitionName, endCallback) => { const nameIsObj = typeof transitionName === 'object'; const className = nameIsObj ? transitionName.name : transitionName; const activeClassName = nameIsObj ? transitionName.active : `${transitionName}-active`; let end = endCallback; let start; let active; const nodeClasses = classes(node); if (endCallback && Object.prototype.toString.call(endCallback) === '[object Object]') { end = endCallback.end; start = endCallback.start; active = endCallback.active; } if (node.rcEndListener) { node.rcEndListener(); } node.rcEndListener = e => { if (e && e.target !== node) { return; } if (node.rcAnimTimeout) { cancelAnimationTimeout(node.rcAnimTimeout); node.rcAnimTimeout = null; } clearBrowserBugTimeout(node); nodeClasses.remove(className); nodeClasses.remove(activeClassName); Event.removeEndEventListener(node, node.rcEndListener); node.rcEndListener = null; // Usually this optional end is used for informing an owner of // a leave animation and telling it to remove the child. if (end) { end(); } }; Event.addEndEventListener(node, node.rcEndListener); if (start) { start(); } nodeClasses.add(className); node.rcAnimTimeout = requestAnimationTimeout(() => { node.rcAnimTimeout = null; nodeClasses.add(activeClassName); if (active) { requestAnimationTimeout(active, 0); } fixBrowserByTimeout(node); // 30ms for firefox }, 30); return { stop() { if (node.rcEndListener) { node.rcEndListener(); } }, }; }; cssAnimation.style = (node, style, callback) => { if (node.rcEndListener) { node.rcEndListener(); } node.rcEndListener = e => { if (e && e.target !== node) { return; } if (node.rcAnimTimeout) { cancelAnimationTimeout(node.rcAnimTimeout); node.rcAnimTimeout = null; } clearBrowserBugTimeout(node); Event.removeEndEventListener(node, node.rcEndListener); node.rcEndListener = null; // Usually this optional callback is used for informing an owner of // a leave animation and telling it to remove the child. if (callback) { callback(); } }; Event.addEndEventListener(node, node.rcEndListener); node.rcAnimTimeout = requestAnimationTimeout(() => { for (const s in style) { if (style.hasOwnProperty(s)) { node.style[s] = style[s]; } } node.rcAnimTimeout = null; fixBrowserByTimeout(node); }, 0); }; cssAnimation.setTransition = (node, p, value) => { let property = p; let v = value; if (value === undefined) { v = property; property = ''; } property = property || ''; capitalPrefixes.forEach(prefix => { node.style[`${prefix}Transition${property}`] = v; }); }; cssAnimation.isCssAnimationSupported = isCssAnimationSupported; export { isCssAnimationSupported }; export default cssAnimation;