import PropTypes from '../../_util/vue-types'; import { computed, defineComponent, getCurrentInstance, ref, watch, PropType, onBeforeUnmount, ExtractPropTypes, } from 'vue'; import useProvideKeyPath, { useInjectKeyPath } from './hooks/useKeyPath'; import { useInjectMenu, useProvideFirstLevel, MenuContextProvider } from './hooks/useMenuContext'; import { getPropsSlot, isValidElement } from '../../_util/props-util'; import classNames from '../../_util/classNames'; import useDirectionStyle from './hooks/useDirectionStyle'; import PopupTrigger from './PopupTrigger'; import SubMenuList from './SubMenuList'; import InlineSubMenuList from './InlineSubMenuList'; import Transition, { getTransitionProps } from '../../_util/transition'; import { cloneElement } from '../../_util/vnode'; import Overflow from '../../vc-overflow'; let indexGuid = 0; const subMenuProps = { icon: PropTypes.VNodeChild, title: PropTypes.VNodeChild, disabled: Boolean, level: Number, popupClassName: String, popupOffset: Array as PropType, internalPopupClose: Boolean, eventKey: String, }; export type SubMenuProps = Partial>; export default defineComponent({ name: 'ASubMenu', inheritAttrs: false, props: subMenuProps, slots: ['icon', 'title'], emits: ['titleClick', 'mouseenter', 'mouseleave'], setup(props, { slots, attrs, emit }) { useProvideFirstLevel(false); const instance = getCurrentInstance(); const key = instance.vnode.key !== null ? instance.vnode.key : `sub_menu_${++indexGuid}_$$_not_set_key`; const eventKey = props.eventKey ?? (instance.vnode.key !== null ? `sub_menu_${++indexGuid}_$$_${instance.vnode.key}` : (key as string)); const { parentEventKeys, parentInfo, parentKeys } = useInjectKeyPath(); const keysPath = computed(() => [...parentKeys.value, key]); const eventKeysPath = computed(() => [...parentEventKeys.value, eventKey]); const childrenEventKeys = ref([]); const menuInfo = { eventKey, key, parentEventKeys, childrenEventKeys, parentKeys, }; parentInfo.childrenEventKeys?.value.push(eventKey); onBeforeUnmount(() => { if (parentInfo.childrenEventKeys) { parentInfo.childrenEventKeys.value = parentInfo.childrenEventKeys?.value.filter( k => k != eventKey, ); } }); useProvideKeyPath(eventKey, key, menuInfo); const { prefixCls, activeKeys, disabled: contextDisabled, changeActiveKeys, mode, inlineCollapsed, antdMenuTheme, openKeys, overflowDisabled, onOpenChange, registerMenuInfo, unRegisterMenuInfo, selectedSubMenuEventKeys, motion, defaultMotions, } = useInjectMenu(); registerMenuInfo(eventKey, menuInfo); onBeforeUnmount(() => { unRegisterMenuInfo(eventKey); }); const subMenuPrefixCls = computed(() => `${prefixCls.value}-submenu`); const mergedDisabled = computed(() => contextDisabled.value || props.disabled); const elementRef = ref(); const popupRef = ref(); // // ================================ Icon ================================ // const mergedItemIcon = itemIcon || contextItemIcon; // const mergedExpandIcon = expandIcon || contextExpandIcon; // ================================ Open ================================ const originOpen = computed(() => openKeys.value.includes(key)); const open = computed(() => !overflowDisabled.value && originOpen.value); // =============================== Select =============================== const childrenSelected = computed(() => { return selectedSubMenuEventKeys.value.includes(eventKey); }); const isActive = ref(false); watch( activeKeys, () => { isActive.value = !!activeKeys.value.find(val => val === key); }, { immediate: true }, ); // =============================== Events =============================== // >>>> Title click const onInternalTitleClick = (e: Event) => { // Skip if disabled if (mergedDisabled.value) { return; } emit('titleClick', e, key); // Trigger open by click when mode is `inline` if (mode.value === 'inline') { onOpenChange(eventKey, !originOpen.value); } }; const onMouseEnter = (event: MouseEvent) => { if (!mergedDisabled.value) { changeActiveKeys(keysPath.value); emit('mouseenter', event); } }; const onMouseLeave = (event: MouseEvent) => { if (!mergedDisabled.value) { changeActiveKeys([]); emit('mouseleave', event); } }; // ========================== DirectionStyle ========================== const directionStyle = useDirectionStyle(computed(() => eventKeysPath.value.length)); // >>>>> Visible change const onPopupVisibleChange = (newVisible: boolean) => { if (mode.value !== 'inline') { onOpenChange(eventKey, newVisible); } }; /** * Used for accessibility. Helper will focus element without key board. * We should manually trigger an active */ const onInternalFocus = () => { changeActiveKeys(keysPath.value); }; // =============================== Render =============================== const popupId = eventKey && `${eventKey}-popup`; const popupClassName = computed(() => classNames( prefixCls.value, `${prefixCls.value}-${antdMenuTheme.value}`, props.popupClassName, ), ); const renderTitle = (title: any, icon: any) => { if (!icon) { return inlineCollapsed.value && !parentEventKeys.value.length && title && typeof title === 'string' ? (
) : ( {title} ); } // demo 依赖 span 来隐藏文字,有 icon 属性,则内部包裹一个 span // ref: const titleIsSpan = isValidElement(title) && title.type === 'span'; return ( <> {cloneElement( icon, { class: `${prefixCls.value}-item-icon`, }, false, )} {titleIsSpan ? title : {title}} ); }; // Cache mode if it change to `inline` which do not have popup motion const triggerModeRef = computed(() => { return mode.value !== 'inline' && eventKeysPath.value.length > 1 ? 'vertical' : mode.value; }); const renderMode = computed(() => (mode.value === 'horizontal' ? 'vertical' : mode.value)); const style = ref({}); const className = ref(''); const mergedMotion = computed(() => { const m = motion.value || defaultMotions.value?.[mode.value] || defaultMotions.value?.other; const res = typeof m === 'function' ? m(style, className) : m; return res ? getTransitionProps( : undefined; }); const subMenuTriggerModeRef = computed(() => triggerModeRef.value === 'horizontal' ? 'vertical' : triggerModeRef.value, ); return () => { const icon = getPropsSlot(slots, props, 'icon'); const title = renderTitle(getPropsSlot(slots, props, 'title'), icon); const subMenuPrefixClsValue = subMenuPrefixCls.value; let titleNode = (
{title} {/* Only non-horizontal mode shows the icon */} {mode.value !== 'horizontal' && slots.expandIcon ? ( slots.expandIcon({ ...props, isOpen: open.value }) ) : ( )}
); if (!overflowDisabled.value) { const triggerMode = triggerModeRef.value; titleNode = ( ( {slots.default?.()} ), }} > {titleNode} ); } return ( {titleNode} {/* Inline mode */} {!overflowDisabled.value && ( {slots.default?.()} )} ); }; }, });