import * as React from 'react'; import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import RcTable from 'rc-table'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import Pagination, { PaginationProps } from '../pagination'; import Icon from '../icon'; import Spin from '../spin'; import LocaleReceiver from '../locale-provider/LocaleReceiver'; import defaultLocale from '../locale-provider/default'; import warning from '../_util/warning'; import FilterDropdown from './filterDropdown'; import createStore, { Store } from './createStore'; import SelectionBox from './SelectionBox'; import SelectionCheckboxAll from './SelectionCheckboxAll'; import Column from './Column'; import ColumnGroup from './ColumnGroup'; import createBodyRow from './createBodyRow'; import { flatArray, treeMap, flatFilter, normalizeColumns } from './util'; import { SpinProps } from '../spin'; import { TableProps, TableState, TableComponents, RowSelectionType, TableLocale, ColumnProps, CompareFn, TableStateFilters, SelectionItemSelectFn, } from './interface'; function noop() { } function stopPropagation(e: React.SyntheticEvent) { e.stopPropagation(); if (e.nativeEvent.stopImmediatePropagation) { e.nativeEvent.stopImmediatePropagation(); } } const defaultPagination = { onChange: noop, onShowSizeChange: noop, }; /** * Avoid creating new object, so that parent component's shouldComponentUpdate * can works appropriately。 */ const emptyObject = {}; export default class Table extends React.Component, TableState> { static Column = Column; static ColumnGroup = ColumnGroup; static propTypes = { dataSource: PropTypes.array, columns: PropTypes.array, prefixCls: PropTypes.string, useFixedHeader: PropTypes.bool, rowSelection: PropTypes.object, className: PropTypes.string, size: PropTypes.string, loading: PropTypes.oneOfType([ PropTypes.bool, PropTypes.object, ]), bordered: PropTypes.bool, onChange: PropTypes.func, locale: PropTypes.object, dropdownPrefixCls: PropTypes.string, }; static defaultProps = { dataSource: [], prefixCls: 'ant-table', useFixedHeader: false, rowSelection: null, className: '', size: 'large', loading: false, bordered: false, indentSize: 20, locale: {}, rowKey: 'key', showHeader: true, }; CheckboxPropsCache: { [key: string]: any; }; store: Store; columns: ColumnProps[]; components: TableComponents; constructor(props: TableProps) { super(props); warning( !('columnsPageRange' in props || 'columnsPageSize' in props), '`columnsPageRange` and `columnsPageSize` are removed, please use ' + 'fixed columns instead, see:', ); this.columns = props.columns || normalizeColumns(props.children as React.ReactChildren); this.createComponents(props.components); this.state = { ...this.getDefaultSortOrder(this.columns), // 减少状态 filters: this.getFiltersFromColumns(), pagination: this.getDefaultPagination(props), }; this.CheckboxPropsCache = {}; = createStore({ selectedRowKeys: (props.rowSelection || {}).selectedRowKeys || [], selectionDirty: false, }); } getCheckboxPropsByItem = (item: T, index: number) => { const { rowSelection = {} } = this.props; if (!rowSelection.getCheckboxProps) { return {}; } const key = this.getRecordKey(item, index); // Cache checkboxProps if (!this.CheckboxPropsCache[key]) { this.CheckboxPropsCache[key] = rowSelection.getCheckboxProps(item); } return this.CheckboxPropsCache[key]; } getDefaultSelection() { const { rowSelection = {} } = this.props; if (!rowSelection.getCheckboxProps) { return []; } return this.getFlatData() .filter((item: T, rowIndex) => this.getCheckboxPropsByItem(item, rowIndex).defaultChecked) .map((record, rowIndex) => this.getRecordKey(record, rowIndex)); } getDefaultPagination(props: TableProps) { const pagination: PaginationProps = props.pagination || {}; return this.hasPagination(props) ? { ...defaultPagination, ...pagination, current: pagination.defaultCurrent || pagination.current || 1, pageSize: pagination.defaultPageSize || pagination.pageSize || 10, } : {}; } componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps: TableProps) { this.columns = nextProps.columns || normalizeColumns(nextProps.children as React.ReactChildren); if ('pagination' in nextProps || 'pagination' in this.props) { this.setState(previousState => { const newPagination = { ...defaultPagination, ...previousState.pagination, ...nextProps.pagination, }; newPagination.current = newPagination.current || 1; newPagination.pageSize = newPagination.pageSize || 10; return { pagination: nextProps.pagination !== false ? newPagination : emptyObject }; }); } if (nextProps.rowSelection && 'selectedRowKeys' in nextProps.rowSelection) {{ selectedRowKeys: nextProps.rowSelection.selectedRowKeys || [], }); const { rowSelection } = this.props; if (rowSelection && ( nextProps.rowSelection.getCheckboxProps !== rowSelection.getCheckboxProps )) { this.CheckboxPropsCache = {}; } } if ('dataSource' in nextProps && nextProps.dataSource !== this.props.dataSource) {{ selectionDirty: false, }); this.CheckboxPropsCache = {}; } if (this.getSortOrderColumns(this.columns).length > 0) { const sortState = this.getSortStateFromColumns(this.columns); if (sortState.sortColumn !== this.state.sortColumn || sortState.sortOrder !== this.state.sortOrder) { this.setState(sortState); } } const filteredValueColumns = this.getFilteredValueColumns(this.columns); if (filteredValueColumns.length > 0) { const filtersFromColumns = this.getFiltersFromColumns(this.columns); const newFilters = { ...this.state.filters }; Object.keys(filtersFromColumns).forEach(key => { newFilters[key] = filtersFromColumns[key]; }); if (this.isFiltersChanged(newFilters)) { this.setState({ filters: newFilters }); } } this.createComponents(nextProps.components, this.props.components); } onRow = (record: T, index: number) => { const { onRow, prefixCls } = this.props; const custom = onRow ? onRow(record, index) : {}; return { ...custom, prefixCls, store:, rowKey: this.getRecordKey(record, index), }; } setSelectedRowKeys(selectedRowKeys: string[], { selectWay, record, checked, changeRowKeys }: any) { const { rowSelection = {} as any } = this.props; if (rowSelection && !('selectedRowKeys' in rowSelection)) {{ selectedRowKeys }); } const data = this.getFlatData(); if (!rowSelection.onChange && !rowSelection[selectWay]) { return; } const selectedRows = data.filter( (row, i) => selectedRowKeys.indexOf(this.getRecordKey(row, i)) >= 0, ); if (rowSelection.onChange) { rowSelection.onChange(selectedRowKeys, selectedRows); } if (selectWay === 'onSelect' && rowSelection.onSelect) { rowSelection.onSelect(record, checked, selectedRows); } else if (selectWay === 'onSelectAll' && rowSelection.onSelectAll) { const changeRows = data.filter( (row, i) => changeRowKeys.indexOf(this.getRecordKey(row, i)) >= 0, ); rowSelection.onSelectAll(checked, selectedRows, changeRows); } else if (selectWay === 'onSelectInvert' && rowSelection.onSelectInvert) { rowSelection.onSelectInvert(selectedRowKeys); } } hasPagination(props?: any) { return (props || this.props).pagination !== false; } isFiltersChanged(filters: TableStateFilters) { let filtersChanged = false; if (Object.keys(filters).length !== Object.keys(this.state.filters).length) { filtersChanged = true; } else { Object.keys(filters).forEach(columnKey => { if (filters[columnKey] !== this.state.filters[columnKey]) { filtersChanged = true; } }); } return filtersChanged; } getSortOrderColumns(columns?: ColumnProps[]) { return flatFilter( columns || this.columns || [], (column: ColumnProps) => 'sortOrder' in column, ); } getFilteredValueColumns(columns?: ColumnProps[]) { return flatFilter( columns || this.columns || [], (column: ColumnProps) => typeof column.filteredValue !== 'undefined', ); } getFiltersFromColumns(columns?: ColumnProps[]) { let filters: any = {}; this.getFilteredValueColumns(columns).forEach((col: ColumnProps) => { const colKey = this.getColumnKey(col) as string; filters[colKey] = col.filteredValue; }); return filters; } getDefaultSortOrder(columns?: ColumnProps[]) { const definedSortState = this.getSortStateFromColumns(columns); let defaultSortedColumn = flatFilter(columns || [], (column: ColumnProps) => column.defaultSortOrder != null)[0]; if (defaultSortedColumn && !definedSortState.sortColumn) { return { sortColumn: defaultSortedColumn, sortOrder: defaultSortedColumn.defaultSortOrder, }; } return definedSortState; } getSortStateFromColumns(columns?: ColumnProps[]) { // return first column which sortOrder is not falsy const sortedColumn = this.getSortOrderColumns(columns).filter((col: ColumnProps) => col.sortOrder)[0]; if (sortedColumn) { return { sortColumn: sortedColumn, sortOrder: sortedColumn.sortOrder, }; } return { sortColumn: null, sortOrder: null, }; } getSorterFn() { const { sortOrder, sortColumn } = this.state; if (!sortOrder || !sortColumn || typeof sortColumn.sorter !== 'function') { return; } return (a: T, b: T) => { const result = (sortColumn!.sorter as CompareFn)(a, b); if (result !== 0) { return (sortOrder === 'descend') ? -result : result; } return 0; }; } toggleSortOrder(order: string, column: ColumnProps) { let { sortColumn, sortOrder } = this.state; // 只同时允许一列进行排序,否则会导致排序顺序的逻辑问题 let isSortColumn = this.isSortColumn(column); if (!isSortColumn) { // 当前列未排序 sortOrder = order; sortColumn = column; } else { // 当前列已排序 if (sortOrder === order) { // 切换为未排序状态 sortOrder = ''; sortColumn = null; } else { // 切换为排序状态 sortOrder = order; } } const newState = { sortOrder, sortColumn, }; // Controlled if (this.getSortOrderColumns().length === 0) { this.setState(newState); } const onChange = this.props.onChange; if (onChange) { onChange.apply(null, this.prepareParamsArguments({ ...this.state, ...newState, })); } } handleFilter = (column: ColumnProps, nextFilters: string[]) => { const props = this.props; let pagination = { ...this.state.pagination }; const filters = { ...this.state.filters, [this.getColumnKey(column) as string]: nextFilters, }; // Remove filters not in current columns const currentColumnKeys: string[] = []; treeMap(this.columns, c => { if (!c.children) { currentColumnKeys.push(this.getColumnKey(c) as string); } }); Object.keys(filters).forEach((columnKey) => { if (currentColumnKeys.indexOf(columnKey) < 0) { delete filters[columnKey]; } }); if (props.pagination) { // Reset current prop pagination.current = 1; pagination.onChange!(pagination.current); } const newState = { pagination, filters: {}, }; const filtersToSetState = { ...filters }; // Remove filters which is controlled this.getFilteredValueColumns().forEach((col: ColumnProps) => { const columnKey = this.getColumnKey(col); if (columnKey) { delete filtersToSetState[columnKey]; } }); if (Object.keys(filtersToSetState).length > 0) { newState.filters = filtersToSetState; } // Controlled current prop will not respond user interaction if (typeof props.pagination === 'object' && 'current' in (props.pagination as Object)) { newState.pagination = { ...pagination, current: this.state.pagination.current, }; } this.setState(newState, () => {{ selectionDirty: false, }); const onChange = this.props.onChange; if (onChange) { onChange.apply(null, this.prepareParamsArguments({ ...this.state, selectionDirty: false, filters, pagination, })); } }); } handleSelect = (record: T, rowIndex: number, e: React.ChangeEvent) => { const checked =; const defaultSelection = ? [] : this.getDefaultSelection(); let selectedRowKeys =; let key = this.getRecordKey(record, rowIndex); if (checked) { selectedRowKeys.push(this.getRecordKey(record, rowIndex)); } else { selectedRowKeys = selectedRowKeys.filter((i: string) => key !== i); }{ selectionDirty: true, }); this.setSelectedRowKeys(selectedRowKeys, { selectWay: 'onSelect', record, checked, }); } handleRadioSelect = (record: T, rowIndex: number, e: React.ChangeEvent) => { const checked =; const defaultSelection = ? [] : this.getDefaultSelection(); let selectedRowKeys =; let key = this.getRecordKey(record, rowIndex); selectedRowKeys = [key];{ selectionDirty: true, }); this.setSelectedRowKeys(selectedRowKeys, { selectWay: 'onSelect', record, checked, }); } handleSelectRow = (selectionKey: string, index: number, onSelectFunc: SelectionItemSelectFn) => { const data = this.getFlatCurrentPageData(); const defaultSelection = ? [] : this.getDefaultSelection(); const selectedRowKeys =; const changeableRowKeys = data .filter((item, i) => !this.getCheckboxPropsByItem(item, i).disabled) .map((item, i) => this.getRecordKey(item, i)); let changeRowKeys: string[] = []; let selectWay = ''; let checked; // handle default selection switch (selectionKey) { case 'all': changeableRowKeys.forEach(key => { if (selectedRowKeys.indexOf(key) < 0) { selectedRowKeys.push(key); changeRowKeys.push(key); } }); selectWay = 'onSelectAll'; checked = true; break; case 'removeAll': changeableRowKeys.forEach(key => { if (selectedRowKeys.indexOf(key) >= 0) { selectedRowKeys.splice(selectedRowKeys.indexOf(key), 1); changeRowKeys.push(key); } }); selectWay = 'onSelectAll'; checked = false; break; case 'invert': changeableRowKeys.forEach(key => { if (selectedRowKeys.indexOf(key) < 0) { selectedRowKeys.push(key); } else { selectedRowKeys.splice(selectedRowKeys.indexOf(key), 1); } changeRowKeys.push(key); selectWay = 'onSelectInvert'; }); break; default: break; }{ selectionDirty: true, }); // when select custom selection, callback selections[n].onSelect const { rowSelection } = this.props; let customSelectionStartIndex = 2; if (rowSelection && rowSelection.hideDefaultSelections) { customSelectionStartIndex = 0; } if (index >= customSelectionStartIndex && typeof onSelectFunc === 'function') { return onSelectFunc(changeableRowKeys); } this.setSelectedRowKeys(selectedRowKeys, { selectWay: selectWay, checked, changeRowKeys, }); } handlePageChange = (current: number, ...otherArguments: any[]) => { const props = this.props; let pagination = { ...this.state.pagination }; if (current) { pagination.current = current; } else { pagination.current = pagination.current || 1; } pagination.onChange!(pagination.current, ...otherArguments); const newState = { pagination, }; // Controlled current prop will not respond user interaction if (props.pagination && typeof props.pagination === 'object' && 'current' in (props.pagination as Object)) { newState.pagination = { ...pagination, current: this.state.pagination.current, }; } this.setState(newState);{ selectionDirty: false, }); const onChange = this.props.onChange; if (onChange) { onChange.apply(null, this.prepareParamsArguments({ ...this.state, selectionDirty: false, pagination, })); } } renderSelectionBox = (type: RowSelectionType | undefined) => { return (_: any, record: T, index: number) => { let rowIndex = this.getRecordKey(record, index); // 从 1 开始 const props = this.getCheckboxPropsByItem(record, index); const handleChange = (e: React.ChangeEvent) => { type === 'radio' ? this.handleRadioSelect(record, rowIndex, e) : this.handleSelect(record, rowIndex, e); }; return ( ); }; } getRecordKey = (record: T, index: number) => { const rowKey = this.props.rowKey; const recordKey = (typeof rowKey === 'function') ? rowKey(record, index) : (record as any)[rowKey as string]; warning(recordKey !== undefined, 'Each record in dataSource of table should have a unique `key` prop, or set `rowKey` to an unique primary key,' + 'see', ); return recordKey === undefined ? index : recordKey; } getPopupContainer = () => { return ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this) as HTMLElement; } renderRowSelection(locale: TableLocale) { const { prefixCls, rowSelection } = this.props; const columns = this.columns.concat(); if (rowSelection) { const data = this.getFlatCurrentPageData().filter((item, index) => { if (rowSelection.getCheckboxProps) { return !this.getCheckboxPropsByItem(item, index).disabled; } return true; }); let selectionColumnClass = classNames(`${prefixCls}-selection-column`, { [`${prefixCls}-selection-column-custom`]: rowSelection.selections, }); const selectionColumn: ColumnProps = { key: 'selection-column', render: this.renderSelectionBox(rowSelection.type), className: selectionColumnClass, fixed: rowSelection.fixed, }; if (rowSelection.type !== 'radio') { const checkboxAllDisabled = data.every((item, index) => this.getCheckboxPropsByItem(item, index).disabled); selectionColumn.title = ( ); } if ('fixed' in rowSelection) { selectionColumn.fixed = rowSelection.fixed; } else if (columns.some(column => column.fixed === 'left' || column.fixed === true)) { selectionColumn.fixed = 'left'; } if (columns[0] && columns[0].key === 'selection-column') { columns[0] = selectionColumn; } else { columns.unshift(selectionColumn); } } return columns; } getColumnKey(column: ColumnProps, index?: number) { return column.key || column.dataIndex || index; } getMaxCurrent(total: number) { const { current, pageSize } = this.state.pagination; if ((current! - 1) * pageSize! >= total) { return Math.floor((total - 1) / pageSize!) + 1; } return current; } isSortColumn(column: ColumnProps) { const { sortColumn } = this.state; if (!column || !sortColumn) { return false; } return this.getColumnKey(sortColumn) === this.getColumnKey(column); } renderColumnsDropdown(columns: ColumnProps[], locale: TableLocale) { const { prefixCls, dropdownPrefixCls } = this.props; const { sortOrder } = this.state; return treeMap(columns, (originColumn, i) => { let column = { ...originColumn }; let key = this.getColumnKey(column, i) as string; let filterDropdown; let sortButton; if ((column.filters && column.filters.length > 0) || column.filterDropdown) { let colFilters = this.state.filters[key] || []; filterDropdown = ( ); } if (column.sorter) { let isSortColumn = this.isSortColumn(column); if (isSortColumn) { column.className = classNames(column.className, { [`${prefixCls}-column-sort`]: sortOrder, }); } const isAscend = isSortColumn && sortOrder === 'ascend'; const isDescend = isSortColumn && sortOrder === 'descend'; sortButton = (
this.toggleSortOrder('ascend', column)} > this.toggleSortOrder('descend', column)} >
); } column.title = ( {column.title} {sortButton} {filterDropdown} ); if (sortButton || filterDropdown) { column.className = classNames(`${prefixCls}-column-has-filters`, column.className); } return column; }); } handleShowSizeChange = (current: number, pageSize: number) => { const pagination = this.state.pagination; pagination.onShowSizeChange!(current, pageSize); const nextPagination = { ...pagination, pageSize, current, }; this.setState({ pagination: nextPagination }); const onChange = this.props.onChange; if (onChange) { onChange.apply(null, this.prepareParamsArguments({ ...this.state, pagination: nextPagination, })); } } renderPagination() { // 强制不需要分页 if (!this.hasPagination()) { return null; } let size = 'default'; const { pagination } = this.state; if (pagination.size) { size = pagination.size; } else if (this.props.size as string === 'middle' || this.props.size === 'small') { size = 'small'; } let total = || this.getLocalData().length; return (total > 0) ? ( ) : null; } // Get pagination, filters, sorter prepareParamsArguments(state: any): [any, string[], Object] { const pagination = { ...state.pagination }; // remove useless handle function in Table.onChange delete pagination.onChange; delete pagination.onShowSizeChange; const filters = state.filters; const sorter: any = {}; if (state.sortColumn && state.sortOrder) { sorter.column = state.sortColumn; sorter.order = state.sortOrder; sorter.field = state.sortColumn.dataIndex; sorter.columnKey = this.getColumnKey(state.sortColumn); } return [pagination, filters, sorter]; } findColumn(myKey: string | number) { let column; treeMap(this.columns, c => { if (this.getColumnKey(c) === myKey) { column = c; } }); return column; } getCurrentPageData() { let data = this.getLocalData(); let current: number; let pageSize: number; let state = this.state; // 如果没有分页的话,默认全部展示 if (!this.hasPagination()) { pageSize = Number.MAX_VALUE; current = 1; } else { pageSize = state.pagination.pageSize as number; current = this.getMaxCurrent( || data.length) as number; } // 分页 // --- // 当数据量少于等于每页数量时,直接设置数据 // 否则进行读取分页数据 if (data.length > pageSize || pageSize === Number.MAX_VALUE) { data = data.filter((_, i) => { return i >= (current - 1) * pageSize && i < current * pageSize; }); } return data; } getFlatData() { return flatArray(this.getLocalData()); } getFlatCurrentPageData() { return flatArray(this.getCurrentPageData()); } recursiveSort(data: T[], sorterFn: (a: any, b: any) => number): T[] { const { childrenColumnName = 'children' } = this.props; return data.sort(sorterFn).map((item: any) => (item[childrenColumnName] ? { ...item, [childrenColumnName]: this.recursiveSort(item[childrenColumnName], sorterFn), } : item)); } getLocalData() { const state = this.state; const { dataSource } = this.props; let data = dataSource || []; // 优化本地排序 data = data.slice(0); const sorterFn = this.getSorterFn(); if (sorterFn) { data = this.recursiveSort(data, sorterFn); } // 筛选 if (state.filters) { Object.keys(state.filters).forEach((columnKey) => { let col = this.findColumn(columnKey) as any; if (!col) { return; } let values = state.filters[columnKey] || []; if (values.length === 0) { return; } const onFilter = col.onFilter; data = onFilter ? data.filter(record => { return values.some(v => onFilter(v, record)); }) : data; }); } return data; } createComponents(components: TableComponents = {}, prevComponents?: TableComponents) { const bodyRow = components && components.body && components.body.row; const preBodyRow = prevComponents && prevComponents.body && prevComponents.body.row; if (!this.components || bodyRow !== preBodyRow) { this.components = { ...components }; this.components.body = { ...components.body, row: createBodyRow(bodyRow), }; } } renderTable = (contextLocale: TableLocale, loading: SpinProps) => { const locale = { ...contextLocale, ...this.props.locale }; const { style, className, prefixCls, showHeader, ...restProps } = this.props; const data = this.getCurrentPageData(); const expandIconAsCell = this.props.expandedRowRender && this.props.expandIconAsCell !== false; const classString = classNames({ [`${prefixCls}-${this.props.size}`]: true, [`${prefixCls}-bordered`]: this.props.bordered, [`${prefixCls}-empty`]: !data.length, [`${prefixCls}-without-column-header`]: !showHeader, }); let columns = this.renderRowSelection(locale); columns = this.renderColumnsDropdown(columns, locale); columns =, i) => { const newColumn = { ...column }; newColumn.key = this.getColumnKey(newColumn, i); return newColumn; }); let expandIconColumnIndex = (columns[0] && columns[0].key === 'selection-column') ? 1 : 0; if ('expandIconColumnIndex' in restProps) { expandIconColumnIndex = restProps.expandIconColumnIndex as number; } return ( ); } render() { const { style, className, prefixCls } = this.props; const data = this.getCurrentPageData(); let loading = this.props.loading as SpinProps; if (typeof loading === 'boolean') { loading = { spinning: loading, }; } const table = ( {(locale) => this.renderTable(locale, loading)} ); // if there is no pagination or no data, // the height of spin should decrease by half of pagination const paginationPatchClass = (this.hasPagination() && data && data.length !== 0) ? `${prefixCls}-with-pagination` : `${prefixCls}-without-pagination`; return (
{table} {this.renderPagination()}
); } }