// Project: https://github.com/vueComponent/ant-design-vue // Definitions by: akki-jat <https://github.com/akki-jat> // Definitions: https://github.com/vueComponent/ant-design-vue/types import { AntdComponent } from '../component'; export declare class CollapsePanel extends AntdComponent { /** * If true, panel cannot be opened or closed * @default false * @type boolean */ disabled: boolean; /** * Forced render of content on panel, instead of lazy rending after clicking on header * @default false * @type boolean */ forceRender: boolean; /** * Title of the panel * @type string */ header: string; /** * Unique key identifying the panel from among its siblings * @type string */ key: string; /** * If false, panel will not show arrow icon * @default true * @type boolean */ showArrow: boolean; }