import type { CSSProperties } from 'vue'; import { shallowRef, watch, ref, computed } from 'vue'; import HookNotification, { getUuid } from './HookNotification'; import type { NotificationInstance, OpenConfig, Placement } from './Notification'; import type { CSSMotionProps } from '../_util/transition'; import type { Key, VueNode } from '../_util/type'; import type { HolderReadyCallback, NoticeContent } from './HookNotification'; const defaultGetContainer = () => document.body; type OptionalConfig = Partial; export interface NotificationConfig { prefixCls?: string; /** Customize container. It will repeat call which means you should return same container element. */ getContainer?: () => HTMLElement; motion?: CSSMotionProps | ((placement?: Placement) => CSSMotionProps); closeIcon?: VueNode; closable?: boolean; maxCount?: number; duration?: number; /** @private. Config for notification holder style. Safe to remove if refactor */ getClassName?: (placement?: Placement) => string; /** @private. Config for notification holder style. Safe to remove if refactor */ getStyles?: (placement?: Placement) => CSSProperties; /** @private Trigger when all the notification closed. */ onAllRemoved?: VoidFunction; hashId?: string; } export interface NotificationAPI { open: (config: OptionalConfig) => void; close: (key: Key) => void; destroy: () => void; } interface OpenTask { type: 'open'; config: OpenConfig; } interface CloseTask { type: 'close'; key: Key; } interface DestroyTask { type: 'destroy'; } type Task = OpenTask | CloseTask | DestroyTask; let uniqueKey = 0; function mergeConfig(...objList: Partial[]): T { const clone: T = {} as T; objList.forEach(obj => { if (obj) { Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => { const val = obj[key]; if (val !== undefined) { clone[key] = val; } }); } }); return clone; } export default function useNotification(rootConfig: NotificationConfig = {}) { const { getContainer = defaultGetContainer, motion, prefixCls, maxCount, getClassName, getStyles, onAllRemoved, ...shareConfig } = rootConfig; const notices = ref([]); const notificationsRef = shallowRef(); const add = (originNotice: NoticeContent, holderCallback?: HolderReadyCallback) => { const key = originNotice.key || getUuid(); const notice: NoticeContent & { key: Key; userPassKey?: Key } = { ...originNotice, key, }; const noticeIndex = => v.notice.key).indexOf(key); const updatedNotices = notices.value.concat(); if (noticeIndex !== -1) { updatedNotices.splice(noticeIndex, 1, { notice, holderCallback } as any); } else { if (maxCount && notices.value.length >= maxCount) { notice.key = updatedNotices[0].notice.key as Key; notice.updateMark = getUuid(); notice.userPassKey = key; updatedNotices.shift(); } updatedNotices.push({ notice, holderCallback } as any); } notices.value = updatedNotices; }; const removeNotice = (removeKey: Key) => { notices.value = notices.value.filter(({ notice: { key, userPassKey } }) => { const mergedKey = userPassKey || key; return mergedKey !== removeKey; }); }; const destroy = () => { notices.value = []; }; const contextHolder = computed(() => ( )); const taskQueue = ref([] as Task[]); // ========================= Refs ========================= const api = computed(() => { return { open: (config: OpenConfig) => { const mergedConfig = mergeConfig(shareConfig, config); //@ts-ignore if (mergedConfig.key === null || mergedConfig.key === undefined) { //@ts-ignore mergedConfig.key = `vc-notification-${uniqueKey}`; uniqueKey += 1; } taskQueue.value = [...taskQueue.value, { type: 'open', config: mergedConfig as any }]; }, close: key => { taskQueue.value = [...taskQueue.value, { type: 'close', key }]; }, destroy: () => { taskQueue.value = [...taskQueue.value, { type: 'destroy' }]; }, }; }); // ======================== Effect ======================== watch(taskQueue, () => { // Flush task when node ready if (taskQueue.value.length) { taskQueue.value.forEach(task => { switch (task.type) { case 'open': // @ts-ignore add(task.config); break; case 'close': removeNotice(task.key); break; case 'destroy': destroy(); break; } }); taskQueue.value = []; } }); // ======================== Return ======================== return [api.value, () => contextHolder.value] as const; }