import type { VNode } from 'vue'; import { getCurrentInstance, onBeforeUnmount, onMounted, watch, ref, defineComponent, nextTick, withDirectives, } from 'vue'; import antInputDirective from '../_util/antInputDirective'; import classNames from '../_util/classNames'; import type { InputProps } from './inputProps'; import inputProps from './inputProps'; import { getInputClassName } from './util'; import ClearableLabeledInput from './ClearableLabeledInput'; import { useInjectFormItemContext } from '../form/FormItemContext'; import omit from '../_util/omit'; import useConfigInject from '../_util/hooks/useConfigInject'; import type { ChangeEvent, FocusEventHandler } from '../_util/EventInterface'; export function fixControlledValue(value: string | number) { if (typeof value === 'undefined' || value === null) { return ''; } return String(value); } export function resolveOnChange( target: HTMLInputElement, e: Event, onChange: Function, targetValue?: string, ) { if (!onChange) { return; } const event: any = e; if (e.type === 'click') { Object.defineProperty(event, 'target', { writable: true, }); Object.defineProperty(event, 'currentTarget', { writable: true, }); // click clear icon //event = Object.create(e); const currentTarget = target.cloneNode(true); = currentTarget; event.currentTarget = currentTarget; // change target ref value cause should be '' when clear input (currentTarget as any).value = ''; onChange(event); return; } // Trigger by composition event, this means we need force change the input value if (targetValue !== undefined) { Object.defineProperty(event, 'target', { writable: true, }); Object.defineProperty(event, 'currentTarget', { writable: true, }); = target; event.currentTarget = target; target.value = targetValue; onChange(event); return; } onChange(event); } export interface InputFocusOptions extends FocusOptions { cursor?: 'start' | 'end' | 'all'; } export function triggerFocus( element?: HTMLInputElement | HTMLTextAreaElement, option?: InputFocusOptions, ) { if (!element) return; element.focus(option); // Selection content const { cursor } = option || {}; if (cursor) { const len = element.value.length; switch (cursor) { case 'start': element.setSelectionRange(0, 0); break; case 'end': element.setSelectionRange(len, len); break; default: element.setSelectionRange(0, len); } } } export default defineComponent({ name: 'AInput', inheritAttrs: false, props: inputProps(), setup(props, { slots, attrs, expose, emit }) { const inputRef = ref(); const clearableInputRef = ref(); let removePasswordTimeout: any; const formItemContext = useInjectFormItemContext(); const { direction, prefixCls, size, autocomplete } = useConfigInject('input', props); const stateValue = ref(props.value === undefined ? props.defaultValue : props.value); const focused = ref(false); watch( () => props.value, () => { stateValue.value = props.value; }, ); watch( () => props.disabled, () => { if (props.value !== undefined) { stateValue.value = props.value; } if (props.disabled) { focused.value = false; } }, ); const clearPasswordValueAttribute = () => { // removePasswordTimeout = setTimeout(() => { if ( inputRef.value?.getAttribute('type') === 'password' && inputRef.value.hasAttribute('value') ) { inputRef.value.removeAttribute('value'); } }); }; const focus = (option?: InputFocusOptions) => { triggerFocus(inputRef.value, option); }; const blur = () => { inputRef.value?.blur(); }; const setSelectionRange = ( start: number, end: number, direction?: 'forward' | 'backward' | 'none', ) => { inputRef.value?.setSelectionRange(start, end, direction); }; const select = () => { inputRef.value?.select(); }; expose({ focus, blur, input: inputRef, stateValue, setSelectionRange, select, }); const onFocus: FocusEventHandler = e => { const { onFocus } = props; focused.value = true; onFocus?.(e); nextTick(() => { clearPasswordValueAttribute(); }); }; const onBlur: FocusEventHandler = e => { const { onBlur } = props; focused.value = false; onBlur?.(e); formItemContext.onFieldBlur(); nextTick(() => { clearPasswordValueAttribute(); }); }; const triggerChange = (e: Event) => { emit('update:value', ( as HTMLInputElement).value); emit('change', e); emit('input', e); formItemContext.onFieldChange(); }; const instance = getCurrentInstance(); const setValue = (value: string | number, callback?: Function) => { if (stateValue.value === value) { return; } if (props.value === undefined) { stateValue.value = value; } else { nextTick(() => { if (inputRef.value.value !== stateValue.value) { instance.update(); } }); } nextTick(() => { callback && callback(); }); }; const handleReset = (e: MouseEvent) => { resolveOnChange(inputRef.value, e, triggerChange); setValue('', () => { focus(); }); }; const handleChange = (e: ChangeEvent) => { const { value, composing } = as any; // if ((((e as any).isComposing || composing) && props.lazy) || stateValue.value === value) return; const newVal =; resolveOnChange(inputRef.value, e, triggerChange); setValue(newVal, () => { clearPasswordValueAttribute(); }); }; const handleKeyDown = (e: KeyboardEvent) => { if (e.keyCode === 13) { emit('pressEnter', e); } emit('keydown', e); }; onMounted(() => { clearPasswordValueAttribute(); }); onBeforeUnmount(() => { clearTimeout(removePasswordTimeout); }); const renderInput = () => { const { addonBefore = slots.addonBefore, addonAfter = slots.addonAfter, disabled, bordered = true, valueModifiers = {}, htmlSize, } = props; const otherProps = omit(props as InputProps & { placeholder: string }, [ 'prefixCls', 'onPressEnter', 'addonBefore', 'addonAfter', 'prefix', 'suffix', 'allowClear', // Input elements must be either controlled or uncontrolled, // specify either the value prop, or the defaultValue prop, but not both. 'defaultValue', 'size', 'bordered', 'htmlSize', 'lazy', 'showCount', 'valueModifiers', ]); const inputProps = { ...otherProps, ...attrs, autocomplete: autocomplete.value, onChange: handleChange, onInput: handleChange, onFocus, onBlur, onKeydown: handleKeyDown, class: classNames( getInputClassName(prefixCls.value, bordered, size.value, disabled, direction.value), { [attrs.class as string]: attrs.class && !addonBefore && !addonAfter, }, ), ref: inputRef, key: 'ant-input', size: htmlSize, id: ??, }; if (valueModifiers.lazy) { delete inputProps.onInput; } if (!inputProps.autofocus) { delete inputProps.autofocus; } const inputNode = ; return withDirectives(inputNode as VNode, [[antInputDirective]]); }; const renderShowCountSuffix = () => { const value = stateValue.value; const { maxlength, suffix = slots.suffix?.(), showCount } = props; // Max length value const hasMaxLength = Number(maxlength) > 0; if (suffix || showCount) { const valueLength = [...fixControlledValue(value)].length; let dataCount = null; if (typeof showCount === 'object') { dataCount = showCount.formatter({ count: valueLength, maxlength }); } else { dataCount = `${valueLength}${hasMaxLength ? ` / ${maxlength}` : ''}`; } return ( <> {!!showCount && ( {dataCount} )} {suffix} ); } return null; }; return () => { const inputProps: any = { ...attrs, ...props, prefixCls: prefixCls.value, inputType: 'input', value: fixControlledValue(stateValue.value), handleReset, focused: focused.value && !props.disabled, }; return ( ); }; }, });