import omit from 'omit.js'; import LocaleReceiver from '../locale-provider/LocaleReceiver'; import warning from '../_util/warning'; import TransButton from '../_util/transButton'; import raf from '../_util/raf'; import isStyleSupport from '../_util/styleChecker'; import Editable from './Editable'; import measure from './util'; import PropTypes from '../_util/vue-types'; import Typography, { TypographyProps } from './Typography'; import ResizeObserver from '../vc-resize-observer'; import Tooltip from '../tooltip'; import copy from '../_util/copy-to-clipboard'; import CheckOutlined from '@ant-design/icons-vue/CheckOutlined'; import CopyOutlined from '@ant-design/icons-vue/CopyOutlined'; import EditOutlined from '@ant-design/icons-vue/EditOutlined'; import { defineComponent, VNodeTypes, reactive, ref, onMounted, onBeforeUnmount, watch, watchEffect, nextTick, CSSProperties, computed, toRaw, } from 'vue'; import { AutoSizeType } from '../input/ResizableTextArea'; import useConfigInject from '../_util/hooks/useConfigInject'; export type BaseType = 'secondary' | 'success' | 'warning' | 'danger'; const isLineClampSupport = isStyleSupport('webkitLineClamp'); const isTextOverflowSupport = isStyleSupport('textOverflow'); export interface CopyConfig { text?: string; onCopy?: () => void; tooltip?: boolean; } export interface EditConfig { editing?: boolean; tooltip?: boolean; onStart?: () => void; onChange?: (value: string) => void; onCancel?: () => void; onEnd?: () => void; maxlength?: number; autoSize?: boolean | AutoSizeType; } export interface EllipsisConfig { rows?: number; expandable?: boolean; suffix?: string; symbol?: string; onExpand?: EventHandlerNonNull; onEllipsis?: (ellipsis: boolean) => void; tooltip?: boolean; } export interface BlockProps extends TypographyProps { title?: string; editable?: boolean | EditConfig; copyable?: boolean | CopyConfig; type?: BaseType; disabled?: boolean; ellipsis?: boolean | EllipsisConfig; // decorations code?: boolean; mark?: boolean; underline?: boolean; delete?: boolean; strong?: boolean; keyboard?: boolean; content?: string; } interface Locale { edit?: string; copy?: string; copied?: string; expand?: string; } interface InternalBlockProps extends BlockProps { component: string; } const ELLIPSIS_STR = '...'; const Base = defineComponent({ name: 'Base', inheritAttrs: false, emits: ['update:content'], setup(props, { slots, attrs, emit }) { const { prefixCls } = useConfigInject('typography', props); const state = reactive({ edit: false, copied: false, ellipsisText: '', ellipsisContent: null, isEllipsis: false, expanded: false, clientRendered: false, //locale expandStr: '', copyStr: '', copiedStr: '', editStr: '', copyId: undefined, rafId: undefined, prevProps: undefined, originContent: '', }); const contentRef = ref(); const editIcon = ref(); const ellipsis = computed( (): EllipsisConfig => { const ellipsis = props.ellipsis; if (!ellipsis) return {}; return { rows: 1, expandable: false, ...(typeof ellipsis === 'object' ? ellipsis : null), }; }, ); onMounted(() => { state.clientRendered = true; }); onBeforeUnmount(() => { window.clearTimeout(state.copyId); raf.cancel(state.rafId); }); watch( [() => ellipsis.value.rows, () => props.content], () => { nextTick(() => { resizeOnNextFrame(); }); }, { flush: 'post', deep: true, immediate: true }, ); watchEffect(() => { if (!('content' in props)) { warning( !props.editable, 'Typography', 'When `editable` is enabled, please use `content` instead of children', ); warning( !props.ellipsis, 'Typography', 'When `ellipsis` is enabled, please use `content` instead of children', ); } }); function getChildrenText(): string { return props.ellipsis || props.editable ? props.content : contentRef.value?.$el?.innerText; } // =============== Expand =============== function onExpandClick(e: MouseEvent) { const { onExpand } = ellipsis.value; state.expanded = true; onExpand?.(e); } // ================ Edit ================ function onEditClick(e: MouseEvent) { e.preventDefault(); state.originContent = props.content; triggerEdit(true); } function onEditChange(value: string) { onContentChange(value); triggerEdit(false); } function onContentChange(value: string) { const { onChange } = editable.value; if (value !== props.content) { emit('update:content', value); onChange?.(value); } } function onEditCancel() { editable.value.onCancel?.(); triggerEdit(false); } // ================ Copy ================ function onCopyClick(e: MouseEvent) { e.preventDefault(); const { copyable } = props; const copyConfig = { ...(typeof copyable === 'object' ? copyable : null), }; if (copyConfig.text === undefined) { copyConfig.text = getChildrenText(); } copy(copyConfig.text || ''); state.copied = true; nextTick(() => { if (copyConfig.onCopy) { copyConfig.onCopy(); } state.copyId = window.setTimeout(() => { state.copied = false; }, 3000); }); } const editable = computed(() => { const editable = props.editable; if (!editable) return { editing: state.edit }; return { editing: state.edit, ...(typeof editable === 'object' ? editable : null), }; }); function triggerEdit(edit: boolean) { const { onStart } = editable.value; if (edit && onStart) { onStart(); } state.edit = edit; nextTick(() => { if (!edit) { editIcon.value?.focus(); } }); } // ============== Ellipsis ============== function resizeOnNextFrame() { raf.cancel(state.rafId); state.rafId = raf(() => { // Do not bind `syncEllipsis`. It need for test usage on prototype syncEllipsis(); }); } const canUseCSSEllipsis = computed(() => { const { rows, expandable, suffix, onEllipsis, tooltip } = ellipsis.value; if (suffix || tooltip) return false; // Can't use css ellipsis since we need to provide the place for button if (props.editable || props.copyable || expandable || onEllipsis) { return false; } if (rows === 1) { return isTextOverflowSupport; } return isLineClampSupport; }); const syncEllipsis = () => { const { ellipsisText, isEllipsis } = state; const { rows, suffix, onEllipsis } = ellipsis.value; if ( !rows || rows < 0 || !contentRef.value?.$el || state.expanded || props.content === undefined ) return; // Do not measure if css already support ellipsis if (canUseCSSEllipsis.value) return; const { content, text, ellipsis: ell } = measure( contentRef.value?.$el, { rows, suffix }, props.content, renderOperations(true), ELLIPSIS_STR, ); if (ellipsisText !== text || state.isEllipsis !== ell) { state.ellipsisText = text; state.ellipsisContent = content; state.isEllipsis = ell; if (isEllipsis !== ell && onEllipsis) { onEllipsis(ell); } } }; function wrapperDecorations( { mark, code, underline, delete: del, strong, keyboard }: BlockProps, content, ) { let currentContent = content; function wrap(needed: boolean, Tag: string) { if (!needed) return; currentContent = {currentContent}; } wrap(strong, 'strong'); wrap(underline, 'u'); wrap(del, 'del'); wrap(code, 'code'); wrap(mark, 'mark'); wrap(keyboard, 'kbd'); return currentContent; } function renderExpand(forceRender?: boolean) { const { expandable, symbol } = ellipsis.value; if (!expandable) return null; // force render expand icon for measure usage or it will cause dead loop if (!forceRender && (state.expanded || !state.isEllipsis)) return null; const expandContent = (slots.ellipsisSymbol ? slots.ellipsisSymbol() : symbol) || state.expandStr; return ( {expandContent} ); } function renderEdit() { if (!props.editable) return; const { tooltip } = props.editable as EditConfig; const icon = slots.editableIcon ? slots.editableIcon() : ; const title = slots.editableTooltip ? slots.editableTooltip() : state.editStr; const ariaLabel = typeof title === 'string' ? title : ''; return ( {icon} ); } function renderCopy() { if (!props.copyable) return; const { tooltip } = props.copyable as CopyConfig; const defaultTitle = state.copied ? state.copiedStr : state.copyStr; const title = slots.copyableTooltip ? slots.copyableTooltip({ copied: state.copied }) : defaultTitle; const ariaLabel = typeof title === 'string' ? title : ''; const defaultIcon = state.copied ? : ; const icon = slots.copyableIcon ? slots.copyableIcon({ copied: !!state.copied }) : defaultIcon; return ( {icon} ); } function renderEditInput() { const { class: className, style } = attrs; const { maxlength, autoSize, onEnd } = editable.value; return ( ); } function renderOperations(forceRenderExpanded?: boolean) { return [renderExpand(forceRenderExpanded), renderEdit(), renderCopy()].filter(node => node); } return () => { const { editing } = editable.value; const children = props.ellipsis || props.editable ? 'content' in props ? props.content : slots.default?.() : slots.default ? slots.default() : props.content; if (editing) { return renderEditInput(); } return ( { const { type, disabled, content, class: className, style, ...restProps } = { ...props, ...attrs, }; const { rows, suffix, tooltip } = ellipsis.value; const { edit, copy: copyStr, copied, expand } = locale; state.editStr = edit; state.copyStr = copyStr; state.copiedStr = copied; state.expandStr = expand; const textProps = omit(restProps, [ 'prefixCls', 'editable', 'copyable', 'ellipsis', 'mark', 'code', 'delete', 'underline', 'strong', 'keyboard', ]); const cssEllipsis = canUseCSSEllipsis.value; const cssTextOverflow = rows === 1 && cssEllipsis; const cssLineClamp = rows && rows > 1 && cssEllipsis; let textNode = children as VNodeTypes; let ariaLabel: string | undefined; // Only use js ellipsis when css ellipsis not support if (rows && state.isEllipsis && !state.expanded && !cssEllipsis) { const { title } = restProps; let restContent = title || ''; if (!title && (typeof children === 'string' || typeof children === 'number')) { restContent = String(children); } // show rest content as title on symbol restContent = restContent?.slice(String(state.ellipsisContent || '').length); // We move full content to outer element to avoid repeat read the content by accessibility textNode = ( <> {toRaw(state.ellipsisContent)} {suffix} ); } else { textNode = ( <> {children} {suffix} ); } textNode = wrapperDecorations(props, textNode); const showTooltip = tooltip && rows && state.isEllipsis && !state.expanded && !cssEllipsis; const title = slots.ellipsisTooltip ? slots.ellipsisTooltip() : tooltip; return ( {showTooltip ? ( {textNode} ) : ( textNode )} {renderOperations()} ); }} /> ); }; }, }); export const baseProps = () => ({ editable: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.looseBool, PropTypes.object]), copyable: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.looseBool, PropTypes.object]), prefixCls: PropTypes.string, component: PropTypes.string, type: PropTypes.oneOf(['secondary', 'success', 'danger', 'warning']), disabled: PropTypes.looseBool, ellipsis: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.looseBool, PropTypes.object]), code: PropTypes.looseBool, mark: PropTypes.looseBool, underline: PropTypes.looseBool, delete: PropTypes.looseBool, strong: PropTypes.looseBool, keyboard: PropTypes.looseBool, content: PropTypes.string, }); Base.props = baseProps(); export default Base;