import AllDemo from '../demo'
import Header from './header'
import zhCN from 'antd/locale-provider/zh_CN'
import enUS from 'antd/locale-provider/default'
import sortBy from 'lodash/sortBy'
import { isZhCN } from '../util'
import { Provider, create } from '../../components/_util/store'
import NProgress from 'nprogress'

const docsList = [
  { key: 'introduce', enTitle: 'Ant Design of Vue', title: 'Ant Design of Vue' },
  { key: 'getting-started', enTitle: 'Getting Started', title: '快速上手' },
  { key: 'use-with-vue-cli', enTitle: 'Use in vue-cli', title: '在 vue-cli 中使用' },
  { key: 'customize-theme', enTitle: 'Customize Theme', title: '定制主题' },
  { key: 'changelog', enTitle: 'Change Log', title: '更新日志' },
  { key: 'i18n', enTitle: 'Internationalization', title: '国际化' },

export default {
  props: {
    name: String,
    showDemo: Boolean,
    showApi: Boolean,
  data () {
    this.store = create({
      currentSubMenu: [],
    return {
      currentSubMenu: [],
  provide () {
    return {
      demoContext: this,
  beforeDestroy () {
    if (this.unsubscribe) {
  mounted () {
    const nprogressHiddenStyle = document.getElementById('nprogress-style')
    if (nprogressHiddenStyle) {
      this.timer = setTimeout(() => {
      }, 0)
  watch: {
    '$route.path': function () {
      this.store.setState({ currentSubMenu: [] })
  methods: {
    addSubMenu () {
      if (this.$route.path.indexOf('/docs/vue/') !== -1) {
        this.$nextTick(() => {
          const menus = []
          this.$refs.doc.querySelectorAll(['h2', 'h3']).forEach(dom => {
            const id = dom.id
            if (id) {
              const title = dom.textContent.split('#')[0].trim()
              menus.push({ cnTitle: title, usTitle: title, id })
          this.currentSubMenu = menus
    subscribe () {
      const { store } = this
      this.unsubscribe = store.subscribe(() => {
        this.currentSubMenu = this.store.getState().currentSubMenu
    getSubMenu (isCN) {
      const currentSubMenu = this.currentSubMenu
      const lis = []
      currentSubMenu.forEach(({ cnTitle, usTitle, id }) => {
        const title = isCN ? cnTitle : usTitle
        lis.push(<a-anchor-link href={`#${id}`} title={title} />)
      const showApi = this.$route.path.indexOf('/components/') !== -1
      return (
          {showApi ? <a-anchor-link title='API' href='#API' /> : ''}
    getDocsMenu (isCN) {
      const docsMenu = []
      docsList.forEach(({ key, enTitle, title }) => {
        const k = isCN ? `${key}-cn` : key
        docsMenu.push(<a-menu-item key={k}>
          <router-link to={`/ant-design/docs/vue/${k}/`}>{isCN ? title : enTitle }</router-link>
      return docsMenu
    resetDocumentTitle (component, name, isCN) {
      let titleStr = 'Vue Antd'
      if (component) {
        const { subtitle, title } = component
        const componentName = isCN ? subtitle + ' ' + title : title
        titleStr = componentName + ' - ' + titleStr
      } else {
        const currentKey = docsList.filter((item) => {
          return item.key === name
        if (currentKey.length) {
          titleStr = (isCN ? currentKey[0]['title'] : currentKey[0]['enTitle']) + ' - ' + titleStr
      document.title = titleStr
    mountedCallback () {

  render () {
    const name = this.name
    const isCN = isZhCN(name)
    // name = name.replace(/-cn\/?$/, '')
    const titleMap = {}
    const menuConfig = {
      General: [],
      Layout: [],
      Navigation: [],
      'Data Entry': [],
      'Data Display': [],
      Feedback: [],
      Other: [],
    const searchData = []
    for (const [title, d] of Object.entries(AllDemo)) {
      const type = d.type || 'Other'
      const key = `${title.replace(/(\B[A-Z])/g, '-$1').toLowerCase()}`
      titleMap[key] = title
      AllDemo[title].key = key
      menuConfig[type] = menuConfig[type] || []
    const reName = name.replace(/-cn\/?$/, '')
    // const Demo = new Vue({
    //   template: '<demo-component/>',
    //   components: {
    //     'demo-component': () => import(`../../components/${AllDemo[titleMap[reName]].key}/demo/index.vue`),
    //   },
    // })
    // AllDemo[titleMap[reName]]
    const MenuGroup = []
    for (const [type, menus] of Object.entries(menuConfig)) {
      const MenuItems = []
      sortBy(menus, ['title']).forEach(({ title, subtitle }) => {
        const linkValue = isCN
          ? [<span>{title}</span>, <span class='chinese'>{subtitle}</span>]
          : [<span>{title}</span>]
        let key = `${title.replace(/(\B[A-Z])/g, '-$1').toLowerCase()}`
        if (isCN) {
          key = `${key}-cn`
          url: `/ant-design/components/${key}/`,
        MenuItems.push(<a-menu-item key={key}>
          <router-link to={`/ant-design/components/${key}/`}>{linkValue}</router-link>
      MenuGroup.push(<a-menu-item-group title={type}>{MenuItems}</a-menu-item-group>)
    let locale = zhCN
    if (!isCN) {
      locale = enUS
    const config = AllDemo[titleMap[reName]]
    this.resetDocumentTitle(config, reName, isCN)
    return (
      <div class='page-wrapper'>
        <Header searchData={searchData} name={name}/>
        <a-locale-provider locale={locale}>
          <div class='main-wrapper'>
              <a-col span={6} style={{ maxWidth: '260px' }}>
                  class='aside-container menu-site'
                  <a-sub-menu title={`Components(${searchData.length})`} key='Components'>
              <a-col span={18}>
                <div class='content main-container'>
                  <div class='toc-affix' style='width: 120px;'>
                  {this.showDemo ? <Provider store={this.store} key={isCN ? 'cn' : 'en'}>
                      class={`demo-cols-${config.cols || 2}`}
                      {...{ directives: [
                          name: 'mountedCallback',
                          value: this.mountedCallback,
                      ] }}
                  </Provider> : ''}
                  {this.showApi ? <div class='markdown api-container' ref='doc'>
                      {...{ directives: [
                          name: 'mountedCallback',
                          value: this.mountedCallback,
                      ] }}
                  </div> : ''}
        { name.indexOf('back-top') === -1 ? <a-back-top /> : null }