import type { RefOptionListProps } from '../../vc-select/OptionList'; import type { Key } from '../../_util/type'; import type { Ref, SetupContext } from 'vue'; import { computed, ref, watchEffect } from 'vue'; import type { DefaultOptionType, InternalFieldNames, SingleValueType } from '../Cascader'; import { toPathKey } from '../utils/commonUtil'; import { useBaseProps } from '../../vc-select'; import KeyCode from '../../_util/KeyCode'; export default ( context: SetupContext, options: Ref, fieldNames: Ref, activeValueCells: Ref, setActiveValueCells: (activeValueCells: Key[]) => void, containerRef: Ref, onKeyBoardSelect: (valueCells: SingleValueType, option: DefaultOptionType) => void, ) => { const baseProps = useBaseProps(); const rtl = computed(() => baseProps.direction === 'rtl'); const [validActiveValueCells, lastActiveIndex, lastActiveOptions] = [ ref([]), ref(), ref([]), ]; watchEffect(() => { let activeIndex = -1; let currentOptions = options.value; const mergedActiveIndexes: number[] = []; const mergedActiveValueCells: Key[] = []; const len = activeValueCells.value.length; // Fill validate active value cells and index for (let i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { // Mark the active index for current options const nextActiveIndex = currentOptions.findIndex( option => option[fieldNames.value.value] === activeValueCells.value[i], ); if (nextActiveIndex === -1) { break; } activeIndex = nextActiveIndex; mergedActiveIndexes.push(activeIndex); mergedActiveValueCells.push(activeValueCells.value[i]); currentOptions = currentOptions[activeIndex][fieldNames.value.children]; } // Fill last active options let activeOptions = options.value; for (let i = 0; i < mergedActiveIndexes.length - 1; i += 1) { activeOptions = activeOptions[mergedActiveIndexes[i]][fieldNames.value.children]; } [validActiveValueCells.value, lastActiveIndex.value, lastActiveOptions.value] = [ mergedActiveValueCells, activeIndex, activeOptions, ]; }); // Update active value cells and scroll to target element const internalSetActiveValueCells = (next: Key[]) => { setActiveValueCells(next); const ele = containerRef.value?.querySelector(`li[data-path-key="${toPathKey(next)}"]`); ele?.scrollIntoView?.({ block: 'nearest' }); }; // Same options offset const offsetActiveOption = (offset: number) => { const len = lastActiveOptions.value.length; let currentIndex = lastActiveIndex.value; if (currentIndex === -1 && offset < 0) { currentIndex = len; } for (let i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { currentIndex = (currentIndex + offset + len) % len; const option = lastActiveOptions.value[currentIndex]; if (option && !option.disabled) { const value = option[fieldNames.value.value]; const nextActiveCells = validActiveValueCells.value.slice(0, -1).concat(value); internalSetActiveValueCells(nextActiveCells); return; } } }; // Different options offset const prevColumn = () => { if (validActiveValueCells.value.length > 1) { const nextActiveCells = validActiveValueCells.value.slice(0, -1); internalSetActiveValueCells(nextActiveCells); } else { baseProps.toggleOpen(false); } }; const nextColumn = () => { const nextOptions: DefaultOptionType[] = lastActiveOptions.value[lastActiveIndex.value]?.[fieldNames.value.children] || []; const nextOption = nextOptions.find(option => !option.disabled); if (nextOption) { const nextActiveCells = [...validActiveValueCells.value, nextOption[fieldNames.value.value]]; internalSetActiveValueCells(nextActiveCells); } }; context.expose({ // scrollTo: treeRef.current?.scrollTo, onKeydown: event => { const { which } = event; switch (which) { // >>> Arrow keys case KeyCode.UP: case KeyCode.DOWN: { let offset = 0; if (which === KeyCode.UP) { offset = -1; } else if (which === KeyCode.DOWN) { offset = 1; } if (offset !== 0) { offsetActiveOption(offset); } break; } case KeyCode.LEFT: { if (rtl.value) { nextColumn(); } else { prevColumn(); } break; } case KeyCode.RIGHT: { if (rtl.value) { prevColumn(); } else { nextColumn(); } break; } case KeyCode.BACKSPACE: { if (!baseProps.searchValue) { prevColumn(); } break; } // >>> Select case KeyCode.ENTER: { if (validActiveValueCells.value.length) { onKeyBoardSelect( validActiveValueCells.value, lastActiveOptions.value[lastActiveIndex.value], ); } break; } // >>> Close case KeyCode.ESC: { baseProps.toggleOpen(false); if (open) { event.stopPropagation(); } } } }, onKeyup: () => {}, } as RefOptionListProps); };