import type { PropType, Component, CSSProperties } from 'vue'; import { ref, defineComponent, watchEffect, computed, nextTick, onBeforeUnmount, reactive, watch, } from 'vue'; import type { Key } from '../_util/type'; import Filler from './Filler'; import Item from './Item'; import ScrollBar from './ScrollBar'; import useHeights from './hooks/useHeights'; import useScrollTo from './hooks/useScrollTo'; import useFrameWheel from './hooks/useFrameWheel'; import useMobileTouchMove from './hooks/useMobileTouchMove'; import useOriginScroll from './hooks/useOriginScroll'; import PropTypes from '../_util/vue-types'; import classNames from '../_util/classNames'; import type { RenderFunc, SharedConfig } from './interface'; import supportsPassive from '../_util/supportsPassive'; const EMPTY_DATA = []; const ScrollStyle: CSSProperties = { overflowY: 'auto', overflowAnchor: 'none', }; export type ScrollAlign = 'top' | 'bottom' | 'auto'; export type ScrollConfig = | { index: number; align?: ScrollAlign; offset?: number; } | { key: Key; align?: ScrollAlign; offset?: number; }; export type ScrollTo = (arg: number | ScrollConfig) => void; function renderChildren( list: T[], startIndex: number, endIndex: number, setNodeRef: (item: T, element: HTMLElement) => void, renderFunc: RenderFunc, { getKey }: SharedConfig, ) { return list.slice(startIndex, endIndex + 1).map((item, index) => { const eleIndex = startIndex + index; const node = renderFunc(item, eleIndex, { // style: status === 'MEASURE_START' ? { visibility: 'hidden' } : {}, }); const key = getKey(item); return ( setNodeRef(item, ele as HTMLElement)}> {node} ); }); } export interface ListState { scrollTop: number; scrollMoving: boolean; } const List = defineComponent({ name: 'List', inheritAttrs: false, props: { prefixCls: PropTypes.string, data: PropTypes.array, height: PropTypes.number, itemHeight: PropTypes.number, /** If not match virtual scroll condition, Set List still use height of container. */ fullHeight: PropTypes.looseBool, itemKey: { type: [String, Number, Function] as PropType) => Key)>, required: true, }, component: { type: [String, Object] as PropType, }, /** Set `false` will always use real scroll instead of virtual one */ virtual: PropTypes.looseBool, children: PropTypes.func, onScroll: PropTypes.func, onMousedown: PropTypes.func, onMouseenter: PropTypes.func, }, setup(props, { expose }) { // ================================= MISC ================================= const useVirtual = computed(() => { const { height, itemHeight, virtual } = props; return !!(virtual !== false && height && itemHeight); }); const inVirtual = computed(() => { const { height, itemHeight, data } = props; return useVirtual.value && data && itemHeight * data.length > height; }); const state = reactive({ scrollTop: 0, scrollMoving: false, }); const mergedData = computed(() => { return || EMPTY_DATA; }); const componentRef = ref(); const fillerInnerRef = ref(); const scrollBarRef = ref(); // Hack on scrollbar to enable flash call // =============================== Item Key =============================== const getKey = (item: Record) => { if (typeof props.itemKey === 'function') { return props.itemKey(item); } return item?.[props.itemKey]; }; const sharedConfig = { getKey, }; // ================================ Scroll ================================ function syncScrollTop(newTop: number | ((prev: number) => number)) { let value: number; if (typeof newTop === 'function') { value = newTop(state.scrollTop); } else { value = newTop; } const alignedTop = keepInRange(value); if (componentRef.value) { componentRef.value.scrollTop = alignedTop; } state.scrollTop = alignedTop; } // ================================ Height ================================ const [setInstance, collectHeight, heights] = useHeights(getKey, null, null); const calRes = ref<{ scrollHeight?: number; start?: number; end?: number; offset?: number; }>({}); watch( [inVirtual, useVirtual, () => state.scrollTop, mergedData, heights, () => props.height], () => { nextTick(() => { if (!useVirtual.value) { calRes.value = { scrollHeight: undefined, start: 0, end: mergedData.value.length - 1, offset: undefined, }; return; } // Always use virtual scroll bar in avoid shaking if (!inVirtual.value) { calRes.value = { scrollHeight: fillerInnerRef.value?.offsetHeight || 0, start: 0, end: mergedData.value.length - 1, offset: undefined, }; return; } let itemTop = 0; let startIndex: number | undefined; let startOffset: number | undefined; let endIndex: number | undefined; const dataLen = mergedData.value.length; const data = mergedData.value; for (let i = 0; i < dataLen; i += 1) { const item = data[i]; const key = getKey(item); const cacheHeight = heights[key]; const currentItemBottom = itemTop + (cacheHeight === undefined ? props.itemHeight! : cacheHeight); if (currentItemBottom >= state.scrollTop && startIndex === undefined) { startIndex = i; startOffset = itemTop; } // Check item bottom in the range. We will render additional one item for motion usage if (currentItemBottom > state.scrollTop + props.height! && endIndex === undefined) { endIndex = i; } itemTop = currentItemBottom; } // Fallback to normal if not match. This code should never reach /* istanbul ignore next */ if (startIndex === undefined) { startIndex = 0; startOffset = 0; } if (endIndex === undefined) { endIndex = dataLen - 1; } // Give cache to improve scroll experience endIndex = Math.min(endIndex + 1, dataLen); calRes.value = { scrollHeight: itemTop, start: startIndex, end: endIndex, offset: startOffset, }; }); }, { immediate: true, flush: 'post' }, ); // =============================== In Range =============================== const maxScrollHeight = computed(() => calRes.value.scrollHeight! - props.height!); function keepInRange(newScrollTop: number) { let newTop = newScrollTop; if (!Number.isNaN(maxScrollHeight.value)) { newTop = Math.min(newTop, maxScrollHeight.value); } newTop = Math.max(newTop, 0); return newTop; } const isScrollAtTop = computed(() => state.scrollTop <= 0); const isScrollAtBottom = computed(() => state.scrollTop >= maxScrollHeight.value); const originScroll = useOriginScroll(isScrollAtTop, isScrollAtBottom); // ================================ Scroll ================================ function onScrollBar(newScrollTop: number) { const newTop = newScrollTop; syncScrollTop(newTop); } // When data size reduce. It may trigger native scroll event back to fit scroll position function onFallbackScroll(e: UIEvent) { const { scrollTop: newScrollTop } = e.currentTarget as Element; if (Math.abs(newScrollTop - state.scrollTop) >= 1) { syncScrollTop(newScrollTop); } // Trigger origin onScroll props.onScroll?.(e); } // Since this added in global,should use ref to keep update const [onRawWheel, onFireFoxScroll] = useFrameWheel( useVirtual, isScrollAtTop, isScrollAtBottom, offsetY => { syncScrollTop(top => { const newTop = top + offsetY; return newTop; }); }, ); // Mobile touch move useMobileTouchMove(useVirtual, componentRef, (deltaY, smoothOffset) => { if (originScroll(deltaY, smoothOffset)) { return false; } onRawWheel({ preventDefault() {}, deltaY } as WheelEvent); return true; }); // Firefox only function onMozMousePixelScroll(e: MouseEvent) { if (useVirtual.value) { e.preventDefault(); } } const removeEventListener = () => { if (componentRef.value) { componentRef.value.removeEventListener( 'wheel', onRawWheel, supportsPassive ? ({ passive: false } as EventListenerOptions) : false, ); componentRef.value.removeEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', onFireFoxScroll as any); componentRef.value.removeEventListener('MozMousePixelScroll', onMozMousePixelScroll as any); } }; watchEffect(() => { nextTick(() => { if (componentRef.value) { removeEventListener(); componentRef.value.addEventListener( 'wheel', onRawWheel, supportsPassive ? ({ passive: false } as EventListenerOptions) : false, ); componentRef.value.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', onFireFoxScroll as any); componentRef.value.addEventListener('MozMousePixelScroll', onMozMousePixelScroll as any); } }); }); onBeforeUnmount(() => { removeEventListener(); }); // ================================= Ref ================================== const scrollTo = useScrollTo( componentRef, mergedData, heights, props, getKey, collectHeight, syncScrollTop, () => { scrollBarRef.value?.delayHidden(); }, ); expose({ scrollTo, }); const componentStyle = computed(() => { let cs: CSSProperties | null = null; if (props.height) { cs = { [props.fullHeight ? 'height' : 'maxHeight']: props.height + 'px', ...ScrollStyle }; if (useVirtual.value) { cs!.overflowY = 'hidden'; if (state.scrollMoving) { cs!.pointerEvents = 'none'; } } } return cs; }); return { state, mergedData, componentStyle, onFallbackScroll, onScrollBar, componentRef, useVirtual, calRes, collectHeight, setInstance, sharedConfig, scrollBarRef, fillerInnerRef, }; }, render() { const { prefixCls = 'rc-virtual-list', height, itemHeight, // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars fullHeight, data, itemKey, virtual, component: Component = 'div', onScroll, children, style, class: className, ...restProps } = { ...this.$props, ...this.$attrs } as any; const mergedClassName = classNames(prefixCls, className); const { scrollTop } = this.state; const { scrollHeight, offset, start, end } = this.calRes; const { componentStyle, onFallbackScroll, onScrollBar, useVirtual, collectHeight, sharedConfig, setInstance, mergedData, } = this; const listChildren = renderChildren( mergedData, start, end, setInstance, children, sharedConfig, ); return (
{listChildren} {useVirtual && ( { this.state.scrollMoving = true; }} onStopMove={() => { this.state.scrollMoving = false; }} /> )}
); }, }); export default List;