import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils' import { asyncExpect } from '@/tests/utils' import Input from '..' import Form from '../../form' import focusTest from '../../../tests/shared/focusTest' const { TextArea } = Input describe('Input', () => { focusTest(Input) it('should support maxLength', async () => { const wrapper = mount(Input, { attrs: { maxLength: 3 }, sync: false }) await asyncExpect(() => { expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot() }, 0) }) }) focusTest(TextArea) describe('TextArea', () => { it('should auto calculate height according to content length', async () => { const wrapper = mount(TextArea, { propsData: { value: '', readOnly: true, autosize: true }, sync: false }) const mockFunc = jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'resizeTextarea') await asyncExpect(() => { wrapper.setProps({ value: '1111\n2222\n3333' }) }) await asyncExpect(() => { expect(mockFunc).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1) }) await asyncExpect(() => { wrapper.setProps({ value: '1111' }) }) await asyncExpect(() => { expect(mockFunc).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2) }, 0) }) it('should support disabled', async () => { const wrapper = mount(TextArea, { propsData: { disabled: true }, sync: false }) await asyncExpect(() => { expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot() }) }) it('should support maxLength', async () => { const wrapper = mount(TextArea, { attrs: { maxLength: 10 }, sync: false }) await asyncExpect(() => { expect(wrapper.html()).toMatchSnapshot() }) }) }) describe('As Form Control', () => { it('should be reset when wrapped in form.getFieldDecorator without initialValue', async () => { const Demo = { methods: { reset () { this.form.resetFields() }, }, render () { const { getFieldDecorator } = this.form return (