import PropTypes from '../_util/vue-types'; import { default as SubPopupMenu } from './SubPopupMenu'; import BaseMixin from '../_util/BaseMixin'; import hasProp, { getOptionProps, getComponent } from '../_util/props-util'; import commonPropsType from './commonPropsType'; import { computed, defineComponent, getCurrentInstance, provide, reactive, ref, toRaw, watch, } from 'vue'; import { isEqual } from 'lodash-es'; const Menu = { name: 'Menu', inheritAttrs: false, props: { ...commonPropsType, onClick: PropTypes.func, selectable: PropTypes.looseBool.def(true), }, mixins: [BaseMixin], setup(props) { const menuChildrenInfo = reactive({}); const selectedKeys = ref(props.selectedKeys || props.defaultSelectedKeys || []); const openKeys = ref(props.openKeys || props.defaultOpenKeys || []); // computed(() => { // return props.openKeys || props.defaultOpenKeys || []; // }); watch( () => props.selectedKeys, () => { selectedKeys.value = props.selectedKeys || []; }, ); watch( () => props.openKeys, () => { openKeys.value = props.openKeys || []; }, ); const activeKey = reactive({ '0-menu-': props.activeKey, }); const defaultActiveFirst = reactive({}); const addChildrenInfo = (key, info) => { menuChildrenInfo[key] = info; }; const removeChildrenInfo = key => { delete menuChildrenInfo[key]; }; const getActiveKey = key => { return key; }; // TODO const selectedParentUniKeys = ref([]); watch(menuChildrenInfo, () => { const keys = Object.values(menuChildrenInfo) .filter(info => info.isSelected) .reduce((allKeys, { parentUniKeys = [] }) => { return [...allKeys, ...toRaw(parentUniKeys)]; }, []); if (!isEqual(selectedParentUniKeys.value, keys)) { selectedParentUniKeys.value = keys || []; } }); const store = reactive({ selectedKeys, openKeys, activeKey, defaultActiveFirst, menuChildrenInfo, selectedParentUniKeys, addChildrenInfo, removeChildrenInfo, getActiveKey, }); const ins = getCurrentInstance(); const getEl = () => { return ins.vnode.el; }; provide('menuStore', store); provide( 'parentMenu', reactive({ isRootMenu: computed(() => props.isRootMenu), getPopupContainer: computed(() => props.getPopupContainer), getEl, }), ); return { store, }; }, methods: { handleSelect(selectInfo) { const props = this.$props; if (props.selectable) { // root menu let selectedKeys =; const selectedKey = selectInfo.key; if (props.multiple) { selectedKeys = selectedKeys.concat([selectedKey]); } else { selectedKeys = [selectedKey]; } if (!hasProp(this, 'selectedKeys')) { = selectedKeys; } this.__emit('select', { ...selectInfo, selectedKeys, }); } }, handleClick(e) { this.__emit('click', e); }, // onKeyDown needs to be exposed as a instance method // e.g., in rc-select, we need to navigate menu item while // current active item is rc-select input box rather than the menu itself onKeyDown(e, callback) { this.innerMenu.getWrappedInstance().onKeyDown(e, callback); }, onOpenChange(event) { const openKeys =; let changed = false; const processSingle = e => { let oneChanged = false; if ( { oneChanged = openKeys.indexOf(e.key) === -1; if (oneChanged) { openKeys.push(e.key); } } else { const index = openKeys.indexOf(e.key); oneChanged = index !== -1; if (oneChanged) { openKeys.splice(index, 1); } } changed = changed || oneChanged; }; if (Array.isArray(event)) { // batch change call event.forEach(processSingle); } else { processSingle(event); } if (changed) { if (!hasProp(this, 'openKeys')) { = openKeys; } this.__emit('openChange', openKeys); } }, handleDeselect(selectInfo) { const props = this.$props; if (props.selectable) { const selectedKeys =; const selectedKey = selectInfo.key; const index = selectedKeys.indexOf(selectedKey); if (index !== -1) { selectedKeys.splice(index, 1); } if (!hasProp(this, 'selectedKeys')) { = selectedKeys; } this.__emit('deselect', { ...selectInfo, selectedKeys, }); } }, getOpenTransitionName() { const props = this.$props; let transitionName = props.openTransitionName; const animationName = props.openAnimation; if (!transitionName && typeof animationName === 'string') { transitionName = `${props.prefixCls}-open-${animationName}`; } return transitionName; }, saveInnerMenu(ref) { this.innerMenu = ref; }, }, render() { const props = { ...getOptionProps(this), ...this.$attrs }; props.class = props.class ? `${props.class} ${props.prefixCls}-root` : `${props.prefixCls}-root`; const subPopupMenuProps = { ...props, itemIcon: getComponent(this, 'itemIcon', props), expandIcon: getComponent(this, 'expandIcon', props), overflowedIndicator: getComponent(this, 'overflowedIndicator', props) || ยทยทยท, openTransitionName: this.getOpenTransitionName(), onClick: this.handleClick, onOpenChange: this.onOpenChange, onDeselect: this.handleDeselect, onSelect: this.handleSelect, ref: this.saveInnerMenu, store:, }; return ; }, }; export default defineComponent(Menu);