import AsyncValidator from 'async-validator'; import warning from 'warning'; import get from 'lodash/get'; import set from 'lodash/set'; import omit from 'lodash/omit'; import createFieldsStore from './createFieldsStore'; import { cloneElement } from '../../_util/vnode'; import BaseMixin from '../../_util/BaseMixin'; import { getOptionProps, getEvents } from '../../_util/props-util'; import PropTypes from '../../_util/vue-types'; import { argumentContainer, identity, normalizeValidateRules, getValidateTriggers, getValueFromEvent, hasRules, getParams, isEmptyObject, flattenArray, } from './utils'; const DEFAULT_TRIGGER = 'change'; function createBaseForm(option = {}, mixins = []) { const { validateMessages, onFieldsChange, onValuesChange, mapProps = identity, mapPropsToFields, fieldNameProp, fieldMetaProp, fieldDataProp, formPropName = 'form', name: formName, props = {}, templateContext, } = option; return function decorate(WrappedComponent) { let formProps = {}; if (Array.isArray(props)) { props.forEach(prop => { formProps[prop] = PropTypes.any; }); } else { formProps = props; } const Form = { mixins: [BaseMixin, ...mixins], props: { ...formProps, wrappedComponentRef: PropTypes.func.def(() => {}), }, data() { const fields = mapPropsToFields && mapPropsToFields(this.$props); this.fieldsStore = createFieldsStore(fields || {}); this.instances = {}; this.cachedBind = {}; this.clearedFieldMetaCache = {}; this.renderFields = {}; this.domFields = {}; // HACK: [ 'getFieldsValue', 'getFieldValue', 'setFieldsInitialValue', 'getFieldsError', 'getFieldError', 'isFieldValidating', 'isFieldsValidating', 'isFieldsTouched', 'isFieldTouched', ].forEach(key => { this[key] = (...args) => { return this.fieldsStore[key](...args); }; }); return { submitting: false, }; }, watch: templateContext ? {} : { $props: { handler: function(nextProps) { if (mapPropsToFields) { this.fieldsStore.updateFields(mapPropsToFields(nextProps)); } }, deep: true, }, }, mounted() { this.cleanUpUselessFields(); }, updated() { // form updated add for template v-decorator this.cleanUpUselessFields(); }, methods: { updateFields(fields = {}) { this.fieldsStore.updateFields(mapPropsToFields(fields)); if (templateContext) { templateContext.$forceUpdate(); } }, onCollectCommon(name, action, args) { const fieldMeta = this.fieldsStore.getFieldMeta(name); if (fieldMeta[action]) { fieldMeta[action](...args); } else if (fieldMeta.originalProps && fieldMeta.originalProps[action]) { fieldMeta.originalProps[action](...args); } const value = fieldMeta.getValueFromEvent ? fieldMeta.getValueFromEvent(...args) : getValueFromEvent(...args); if (onValuesChange && value !== this.fieldsStore.getFieldValue(name)) { const valuesAll = this.fieldsStore.getAllValues(); const valuesAllSet = {}; valuesAll[name] = value; Object.keys(valuesAll).forEach(key => set(valuesAllSet, key, valuesAll[key])); onValuesChange(this, set({}, name, value), valuesAllSet); } const field = this.fieldsStore.getField(name); return { name, field: { ...field, value, touched: true }, fieldMeta }; }, onCollect(name_, action, ...args) { const { name, field, fieldMeta } = this.onCollectCommon(name_, action, args); const { validate } = fieldMeta; const newField = { ...field, dirty: hasRules(validate), }; this.setFields({ [name]: newField, }); }, onCollectValidate(name_, action, ...args) { const { field, fieldMeta } = this.onCollectCommon(name_, action, args); const newField = { ...field, dirty: true, }; this.validateFieldsInternal([newField], { action, options: { firstFields: !!fieldMeta.validateFirst, }, }); }, getCacheBind(name, action, fn) { if (!this.cachedBind[name]) { this.cachedBind[name] = {}; } const cache = this.cachedBind[name]; if (!cache[action] || cache[action].oriFn !== fn) { cache[action] = { fn: fn.bind(this, name, action), oriFn: fn, }; } return cache[action].fn; }, getFieldDecorator(name, fieldOption) { const { props, ...restProps } = this.getFieldProps(name, fieldOption); return fieldElem => { // We should put field in record if it is rendered this.renderFields[name] = true; const fieldMeta = this.fieldsStore.getFieldMeta(name); const originalProps = getOptionProps(fieldElem); const originalEvents = getEvents(fieldElem); if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { const valuePropName = fieldMeta.valuePropName; warning( !(valuePropName in originalProps), `\`getFieldDecorator\` will override \`${valuePropName}\`, ` + `so please don't set \`${valuePropName} and v-model\` directly ` + `and use \`setFieldsValue\` to set it.`, ); const defaultValuePropName = `default${valuePropName[0].toUpperCase()}${valuePropName.slice( 1, )}`; warning( !(defaultValuePropName in originalProps), `\`${defaultValuePropName}\` is invalid ` + `for \`getFieldDecorator\` will set \`${valuePropName}\`,` + ` please use \`option.initialValue\` instead.`, ); } fieldMeta.originalProps = originalProps; // fieldMeta.ref = && const newProps = { props: { ...props, ...this.fieldsStore.getFieldValuePropValue(fieldMeta), }, ...restProps, }; newProps.domProps.value = newProps.props.value; const newEvents = {}; Object.keys(newProps.on).forEach(key => { if (originalEvents[key]) { const triggerEvents = newProps.on[key]; newEvents[key] = (...args) => { originalEvents[key](...args); triggerEvents(...args); }; } else { newEvents[key] = newProps.on[key]; } }); return cloneElement(fieldElem, { ...newProps, on: newEvents }); }; }, getFieldProps(name, usersFieldOption = {}) { if (!name) { throw new Error('Must call `getFieldProps` with valid name string!'); } if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { warning( this.fieldsStore.isValidNestedFieldName(name), 'One field name cannot be part of another, e.g. `a` and `a.b`.', ); warning( !('exclusive' in usersFieldOption), '`option.exclusive` of `getFieldProps`|`getFieldDecorator` had been remove.', ); } delete this.clearedFieldMetaCache[name]; const fieldOption = { name, trigger: DEFAULT_TRIGGER, valuePropName: 'value', validate: [], ...usersFieldOption, }; const { rules, trigger, validateTrigger = trigger, validate } = fieldOption; const fieldMeta = this.fieldsStore.getFieldMeta(name); if ('initialValue' in fieldOption) { fieldMeta.initialValue = fieldOption.initialValue; } const inputProps = { ...this.fieldsStore.getFieldValuePropValue(fieldOption), // ref: name, }; const inputListeners = {}; const inputAttrs = {}; if (fieldNameProp) { inputProps[fieldNameProp] = formName ? `${formName}_${name}` : name; } const validateRules = normalizeValidateRules(validate, rules, validateTrigger); const validateTriggers = getValidateTriggers(validateRules); validateTriggers.forEach(action => { if (inputListeners[action]) return; inputListeners[action] = this.getCacheBind(name, action, this.onCollectValidate); }); // make sure that the value will be collect if (trigger && validateTriggers.indexOf(trigger) === -1) { inputListeners[trigger] = this.getCacheBind(name, trigger, this.onCollect); } const meta = { ...fieldMeta, ...fieldOption, validate: validateRules, }; this.fieldsStore.setFieldMeta(name, meta); if (fieldMetaProp) { inputAttrs[fieldMetaProp] = meta; } if (fieldDataProp) { inputAttrs[fieldDataProp] = this.fieldsStore.getField(name); } // This field is rendered, record it this.renderFields[name] = true; return { props: omit(inputProps, ['id']), // id:, domProps: { value: inputProps.value, }, attrs: { ...inputAttrs, id:, }, directives: [ { name: 'ant-ref', value: this.getCacheBind(name, `${name}__ref`, this.saveRef), }, ], on: inputListeners, }; }, getFieldInstance(name) { return this.instances[name]; }, getRules(fieldMeta, action) { const actionRules = fieldMeta.validate .filter(item => { return !action || item.trigger.indexOf(action) >= 0; }) .map(item => item.rules); return flattenArray(actionRules); }, setFields(maybeNestedFields, callback) { const fields = this.fieldsStore.flattenRegisteredFields(maybeNestedFields); this.fieldsStore.setFields(fields); if (onFieldsChange) { const changedFields = Object.keys(fields).reduce( (acc, name) => set(acc, name, this.fieldsStore.getField(name)), {}, ); onFieldsChange(this, changedFields, this.fieldsStore.getNestedAllFields()); } if (templateContext) { templateContext.$forceUpdate(); } else { this.$forceUpdate(); } this.$nextTick(() => { callback && callback(); }); }, setFieldsValue(changedValues, callback) { const { fieldsMeta } = this.fieldsStore; const values = this.fieldsStore.flattenRegisteredFields(changedValues); const newFields = Object.keys(values).reduce((acc, name) => { const isRegistered = fieldsMeta[name]; if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { warning( isRegistered, 'Cannot use `setFieldsValue` until ' + 'you use `getFieldDecorator` or `getFieldProps` to register it.', ); } if (isRegistered) { const value = values[name]; acc[name] = { value, }; } return acc; }, {}); this.setFields(newFields, callback); if (onValuesChange) { const allValues = this.fieldsStore.getAllValues(); onValuesChange(this, changedValues, allValues); } }, saveRef(name, _, component) { if (!component) { const fieldMeta = this.fieldsStore.getFieldMeta(name); if (!fieldMeta.preserve) { // after destroy, delete data this.clearedFieldMetaCache[name] = { field: this.fieldsStore.getField(name), meta: fieldMeta, }; this.clearField(name); } delete this.domFields[name]; return; } this.domFields[name] = true; this.recoverClearedField(name); // const fieldMeta = this.fieldsStore.getFieldMeta(name) // if (fieldMeta) { // const ref = fieldMeta.ref // if (ref) { // if (typeof ref === 'string') { // throw new Error(`can not set ref string for ${name}`) // } // ref(component) // } // } this.instances[name] = component; }, cleanUpUselessFields() { const fieldList = this.fieldsStore.getAllFieldsName(); const removedList = fieldList.filter(field => { const fieldMeta = this.fieldsStore.getFieldMeta(field); return !this.renderFields[field] && !this.domFields[field] && !fieldMeta.preserve; }); if (removedList.length) { removedList.forEach(this.clearField); } this.renderFields = {}; }, clearField(name) { this.fieldsStore.clearField(name); delete this.instances[name]; delete this.cachedBind[name]; }, resetFields(ns) { const newFields = this.fieldsStore.resetFields(ns); if (Object.keys(newFields).length > 0) { this.setFields(newFields); } if (ns) { const names = Array.isArray(ns) ? ns : [ns]; names.forEach(name => delete this.clearedFieldMetaCache[name]); } else { this.clearedFieldMetaCache = {}; } }, recoverClearedField(name) { if (this.clearedFieldMetaCache[name]) { this.fieldsStore.setFields({ [name]: this.clearedFieldMetaCache[name].field, }); this.fieldsStore.setFieldMeta(name, this.clearedFieldMetaCache[name].meta); delete this.clearedFieldMetaCache[name]; } }, validateFieldsInternal(fields, { fieldNames, action, options = {} }, callback) { const allRules = {}; const allValues = {}; const allFields = {}; const alreadyErrors = {}; fields.forEach(field => { const name =; if (options.force !== true && field.dirty === false) { if (field.errors) { set(alreadyErrors, name, { errors: field.errors }); } return; } const fieldMeta = this.fieldsStore.getFieldMeta(name); const newField = { ...field, }; newField.errors = undefined; newField.validating = true; newField.dirty = true; allRules[name] = this.getRules(fieldMeta, action); allValues[name] = newField.value; allFields[name] = newField; }); this.setFields(allFields); // in case normalize Object.keys(allValues).forEach(f => { allValues[f] = this.fieldsStore.getFieldValue(f); }); if (callback && isEmptyObject(allFields)) { callback( isEmptyObject(alreadyErrors) ? null : alreadyErrors, this.fieldsStore.getFieldsValue(fieldNames), ); return; } const validator = new AsyncValidator(allRules); if (validateMessages) { validator.messages(validateMessages); } validator.validate(allValues, options, errors => { const errorsGroup = { ...alreadyErrors, }; if (errors && errors.length) { errors.forEach(e => { const fieldName = e.field; const field = get(errorsGroup, fieldName); if (typeof field !== 'object' || Array.isArray(field)) { set(errorsGroup, fieldName, { errors: [] }); } const fieldErrors = get(errorsGroup, fieldName.concat('.errors')); fieldErrors.push(e); }); } const expired = []; const nowAllFields = {}; Object.keys(allRules).forEach(name => { const fieldErrors = get(errorsGroup, name); const nowField = this.fieldsStore.getField(name); // avoid concurrency problems if (nowField.value !== allValues[name]) { expired.push({ name, }); } else { nowField.errors = fieldErrors && fieldErrors.errors; nowField.value = allValues[name]; nowField.validating = false; nowField.dirty = false; nowAllFields[name] = nowField; } }); this.setFields(nowAllFields); if (callback) { if (expired.length) { expired.forEach(({ name }) => { const fieldErrors = [ { message: `${name} need to revalidate`, field: name, }, ]; set(errorsGroup, name, { expired: true, errors: fieldErrors, }); }); } callback( isEmptyObject(errorsGroup) ? null : errorsGroup, this.fieldsStore.getFieldsValue(fieldNames), ); } }); }, validateFields(ns, opt, cb) { const pending = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const { names, options } = getParams(ns, opt, cb); let { callback } = getParams(ns, opt, cb); if (!callback || typeof callback === 'function') { const oldCb = callback; callback = (errors, values) => { if (oldCb) { oldCb(errors, values); } else if (errors) { reject({ errors, values }); } else { resolve(values); } }; } const fieldNames = names ? this.fieldsStore.getValidFieldsFullName(names) : this.fieldsStore.getValidFieldsName(); const fields = fieldNames .filter(name => { const fieldMeta = this.fieldsStore.getFieldMeta(name); return hasRules(fieldMeta.validate); }) .map(name => { const field = this.fieldsStore.getField(name); field.value = this.fieldsStore.getFieldValue(name); return field; }); if (!fields.length) { if (callback) { callback(null, this.fieldsStore.getFieldsValue(fieldNames)); } return; } if (!('firstFields' in options)) { options.firstFields = fieldNames.filter(name => { const fieldMeta = this.fieldsStore.getFieldMeta(name); return !!fieldMeta.validateFirst; }); } this.validateFieldsInternal( fields, { fieldNames, options, }, callback, ); }); pending.catch(e => { if (console.error) { console.error(e); } return e; }); return pending; }, isSubmitting() { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'test') { warning( false, '`isSubmitting` is deprecated. ' + "Actually, it's more convenient to handle submitting status by yourself.", ); } return this.submitting; }, submit(callback) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'test') { warning( false, '`submit` is deprecated.' + "Actually, it's more convenient to handle submitting status by yourself.", ); } const fn = () => { this.setState({ submitting: false, }); }; this.setState({ submitting: true, }); callback(fn); }, }, render() { const { $listeners, $slots } = this; const formProps = { [formPropName]: this.getForm(), }; const { wrappedComponentRef, ...restProps } = getOptionProps(this); const wrappedComponentProps = { props:, { ...formProps, ...restProps, }), on: $listeners, ref: 'WrappedComponent', directives: [ { name: 'ant-ref', value: wrappedComponentRef, }, ], }; return WrappedComponent ? ( {$slots.default} ) : null; }, }; if (!WrappedComponent) return Form; if (Array.isArray(WrappedComponent.props)) { const newProps = {}; WrappedComponent.props.forEach(prop => { newProps[prop] = PropTypes.any; }); newProps[formPropName] = Object; WrappedComponent.props = newProps; } else { WrappedComponent.props = WrappedComponent.props || {}; if (!(formPropName in WrappedComponent.props)) { WrappedComponent.props[formPropName] = Object; } } return argumentContainer(Form, WrappedComponent); }; } export default createBaseForm;