import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils' export default function focusTest (Component) { describe('focus and blur', () => { beforeAll(() => { jest.useFakeTimers() }) afterAll(() => { jest.useRealTimers() }) it('focus() and onFocus', () => { const handleFocus = jest.fn() const wrapper = mount({ render (h) { return }, }, { attachToDocument: true, sync: false }) wrapper.vm.$refs.component.focus() jest.runAllTimers() expect(handleFocus).toBeCalled() }) it('blur() and onBlur', () => { const handleBlur = jest.fn() const wrapper = mount({ render (h) { return }, }, { attachToDocument: true, sync: false }) wrapper.vm.$refs.component.focus() wrapper.vm.$refs.component.blur() jest.runAllTimers() expect(handleBlur).toBeCalled() }) it('autoFocus', (done) => { jest.useRealTimers() const handleFocus = jest.fn() mount({ render (h) { return }, }, { attachToDocument: true, sync: false }) setTimeout(() => { expect(handleFocus).toBeCalled() done() }, 1000) }) }) }