// string.js slugify drops non ascii chars so we have to // use a custom implementation here const removeDiacritics = require('diacritics').remove; // eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex const rControl = /[\u0000-\u001f]/g; const rSpecial = /[\s~`!@#$%^&*()\-_+=[\]{}|\\;:"'<>,.?/]+/g; export const slugify = (str: string): string => { return ( removeDiacritics(str) // Remove control characters .replace(rControl, '') // Replace special characters .replace(rSpecial, '-') // Remove continuos separators .replace(/\-{2,}/g, '-') // Remove prefixing and trailing separtors .replace(/^\-+|\-+$/g, '') // ensure it doesn't start with a number (#121) .replace(/^(\d)/, '_$1') // lowercase .toLowerCase() ); };