// markdown-it plugin for: // 1. adding target="_blank" to external links // 2. normalize internal links to end with `.html` import type MarkdownIt from 'markdown-it'; import type { MarkdownParsedData } from '../markdown'; import { URL } from 'url'; const indexRE = /(^|.*\/)index.md(#?.*)$/i; export const linkPlugin = (md: MarkdownIt, externalAttrs: Record) => { md.renderer.rules.link_open = (tokens, idx, options, env, self) => { const token = tokens[idx]; const hrefIndex = token.attrIndex('href'); if (hrefIndex >= 0) { const hrefAttr = token.attrs![hrefIndex]; const url = hrefAttr[1]; const isExternal = /^https?:/.test(url); if (isExternal) { Object.entries(externalAttrs).forEach(([key, val]) => { token.attrSet(key, val); }); } else if ( // internal anchor links !url.startsWith('#') && // mail links !url.startsWith('mailto:') ) { normalizeHref(hrefAttr); } } return self.renderToken(tokens, idx, options); }; function normalizeHref(hrefAttr: [string, string]) { let url = hrefAttr[1]; const indexMatch = url.match(indexRE); if (indexMatch) { const [, path, hash] = indexMatch; url = path + hash; } else { let cleanUrl = url.replace(/\#.*$/, '').replace(/\?.*$/, ''); // .md -> .html if (cleanUrl.endsWith('.md')) { cleanUrl = cleanUrl.replace(/\.md$/, '.html'); } // ./foo -> ./foo.html if (!cleanUrl.endsWith('.html') && !cleanUrl.endsWith('/')) { cleanUrl += '.html'; } const parsed = new URL(url, 'http://a.com'); url = cleanUrl + parsed.search + parsed.hash; } // ensure leading . for relative paths if (!url.startsWith('/') && !/^\.\//.test(url)) { url = './' + url; } // export it for existence check const data = (md as any).__data as MarkdownParsedData; const links = data.links || (data.links = []); links.push(url.replace(/\.html$/, '')); // markdown-it encodes the uri hrefAttr[1] = decodeURI(url); } };