import classNames from '../../_util/classNames'; import { filterEmpty, findDOMNode, flattenChildren, isValidElement } from '../../_util/props-util'; import type { CSSProperties, VNodeArrayChildren } from 'vue'; import { watch, shallowRef, Text, computed, defineComponent, isVNode } from 'vue'; import type { DataIndex, ColumnType, RenderedCell, CustomizeComponent, CellType, DefaultRecordType, AlignType, CellEllipsisType, TransformCellText, AdditionalProps, } from '../interface'; import { getPathValue, validateValue } from '../utils/valueUtil'; import { useInjectSlots } from '../../table/context'; import { INTERNAL_COL_DEFINE } from '../utils/legacyUtil'; import { useInjectHover } from '../context/HoverContext'; import { useInjectSticky } from '../context/StickyContext'; import { warning } from '../../vc-util/warning'; import type { MouseEventHandler } from '../../_util/EventInterface'; import eagerComputed from '../../_util/eagerComputed'; import { customRenderSlot } from '../../_util/vnode'; import { addClass, removeClass } from '../../vc-util/Dom/class'; /** Check if cell is in hover range */ function inHoverRange(cellStartRow: number, cellRowSpan: number, startRow: number, endRow: number) { const cellEndRow = cellStartRow + cellRowSpan - 1; return cellStartRow <= endRow && cellEndRow >= startRow; } function isRenderCell( data: RenderedCell, ): data is RenderedCell { return data && typeof data === 'object' && !Array.isArray(data) && !isVNode(data); } export interface CellProps { prefixCls?: string; record?: RecordType; /** `column` index is the real show rowIndex */ index?: number; /** the index of the record. For the render(value, record, renderIndex) */ renderIndex?: number; dataIndex?: DataIndex; customRender?: ColumnType['customRender']; component?: CustomizeComponent; colSpan?: number; rowSpan?: number; ellipsis?: CellEllipsisType; align?: AlignType; // Fixed fixLeft?: number | false; fixRight?: number | false; firstFixLeft?: boolean; lastFixLeft?: boolean; firstFixRight?: boolean; lastFixRight?: boolean; // Additional /** @private Used for `expandable` with nest tree */ appendNode?: any; additionalProps?: AdditionalProps; rowType?: 'header' | 'body' | 'footer'; isSticky?: boolean; column?: ColumnType; cellType?: 'header' | 'body'; transformCellText?: TransformCellText; } export default defineComponent({ name: 'Cell', props: [ 'prefixCls', 'record', 'index', 'renderIndex', 'dataIndex', 'customRender', 'component', 'colSpan', 'rowSpan', 'fixLeft', 'fixRight', 'firstFixLeft', 'lastFixLeft', 'firstFixRight', 'lastFixRight', 'appendNode', 'additionalProps', 'ellipsis', 'align', 'rowType', 'isSticky', 'column', 'cellType', 'transformCellText', ] as any, setup(props, { slots }) { const contextSlots = useInjectSlots(); const { onHover, startRow, endRow } = useInjectHover(); const colSpan = computed(() => { return ( props.colSpan ?? props.additionalProps?.colSpan ?? (props.additionalProps?.colspan as number) ); }); const rowSpan = computed(() => { return ( props.rowSpan ?? props.additionalProps?.rowSpan ?? (props.additionalProps?.rowspan as number) ); }); const hovering = eagerComputed(() => { const { index } = props; return inHoverRange(index, rowSpan.value || 1, startRow.value, endRow.value); }); const supportSticky = useInjectSticky(); // ====================== Hover ======================= const onMouseenter = (event: MouseEvent, mergedRowSpan: number) => { const { record, index, additionalProps } = props; if (record) { onHover(index, index + mergedRowSpan - 1); } additionalProps?.onMouseenter?.(event); }; const onMouseleave: MouseEventHandler = event => { const { record, additionalProps } = props; if (record) { onHover(-1, -1); } additionalProps?.onMouseleave?.(event); }; const getTitle = (vnodes: VNodeArrayChildren) => { const vnode = filterEmpty(vnodes)[0]; if (isVNode(vnode)) { if (vnode.type === Text) { return vnode.children; } else { return Array.isArray(vnode.children) ? getTitle(vnode.children) : undefined; } } else { return vnode; } }; const hoverRef = shallowRef(null); watch([hovering, () => props.prefixCls, hoverRef], () => { const cellDom = findDOMNode(hoverRef.value); if (!cellDom) return; if (hovering.value) { addClass(cellDom, `${props.prefixCls}-cell-row-hover`); } else { removeClass(cellDom, `${props.prefixCls}-cell-row-hover`); } }); return () => { const { prefixCls, record, index, renderIndex, dataIndex, customRender, component: Component = 'td', fixLeft, fixRight, firstFixLeft, lastFixLeft, firstFixRight, lastFixRight, appendNode = slots.appendNode?.(), additionalProps = {}, ellipsis, align, rowType, isSticky, column = {}, cellType, } = props; const cellPrefixCls = `${prefixCls}-cell`; // ==================== Child Node ==================== let cellProps: CellType; let childNode; const children = slots.default?.(); if (validateValue(children) || cellType === 'header') { childNode = children; } else { const value = getPathValue(record, dataIndex); // Customize render node childNode = value; if (customRender) { const renderData = customRender({ text: value, value, record, index, renderIndex, column: column.__originColumn__, }); if (isRenderCell(renderData)) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { warning( false, '`columns.customRender` return cell props is deprecated with perf issue, please use `customCell` instead.', ); } childNode = renderData.children; cellProps = renderData.props; } else { childNode = renderData; } } if ( !(INTERNAL_COL_DEFINE in column) && cellType === 'body' && contextSlots.value.bodyCell && !column.slots?.customRender ) { const child = customRenderSlot( contextSlots.value, 'bodyCell', { text: value, value, record, index, column: column.__originColumn__, }, () => { const fallback = childNode === undefined ? value : childNode; return [ (typeof fallback === 'object' && isValidElement(fallback)) || typeof fallback !== 'object' ? fallback : null, ]; }, ); childNode = flattenChildren(child as any); } /** maybe we should @deprecated */ if (props.transformCellText) { childNode = props.transformCellText({ text: childNode, record, index, column: column.__originColumn__, }); } } // Not crash if final `childNode` is not validate VueNode if (typeof childNode === 'object' && !Array.isArray(childNode) && !isVNode(childNode)) { childNode = null; } if (ellipsis && (lastFixLeft || firstFixRight)) { childNode = {childNode}; } if (Array.isArray(childNode) && childNode.length === 1) { childNode = childNode[0]; } const { colSpan: cellColSpan, rowSpan: cellRowSpan, style: cellStyle, class: cellClassName, ...restCellProps } = cellProps || {}; const mergedColSpan = (cellColSpan !== undefined ? cellColSpan : colSpan.value) ?? 1; const mergedRowSpan = (cellRowSpan !== undefined ? cellRowSpan : rowSpan.value) ?? 1; if (mergedColSpan === 0 || mergedRowSpan === 0) { return null; } // ====================== Fixed ======================= const fixedStyle: CSSProperties = {}; const isFixLeft = typeof fixLeft === 'number' && supportSticky.value; const isFixRight = typeof fixRight === 'number' && supportSticky.value; if (isFixLeft) { fixedStyle.position = 'sticky'; fixedStyle.left = `${fixLeft}px`; } if (isFixRight) { fixedStyle.position = 'sticky'; fixedStyle.right = `${fixRight}px`; } // ====================== Align ======================= const alignStyle: CSSProperties = {}; if (align) { alignStyle.textAlign = align; } // ====================== Render ====================== let title: string; const ellipsisConfig: CellEllipsisType = ellipsis === true ? { showTitle: true } : ellipsis; if (ellipsisConfig && (ellipsisConfig.showTitle || rowType === 'header')) { if (typeof childNode === 'string' || typeof childNode === 'number') { title = childNode.toString(); } else if (isVNode(childNode)) { title = getTitle([childNode]); } } const componentProps = { title, ...restCellProps, ...additionalProps, colSpan: mergedColSpan !== 1 ? mergedColSpan : null, rowSpan: mergedRowSpan !== 1 ? mergedRowSpan : null, class: classNames( cellPrefixCls, { [`${cellPrefixCls}-fix-left`]: isFixLeft && supportSticky.value, [`${cellPrefixCls}-fix-left-first`]: firstFixLeft && supportSticky.value, [`${cellPrefixCls}-fix-left-last`]: lastFixLeft && supportSticky.value, [`${cellPrefixCls}-fix-right`]: isFixRight && supportSticky.value, [`${cellPrefixCls}-fix-right-first`]: firstFixRight && supportSticky.value, [`${cellPrefixCls}-fix-right-last`]: lastFixRight && supportSticky.value, [`${cellPrefixCls}-ellipsis`]: ellipsis, [`${cellPrefixCls}-with-append`]: appendNode, [`${cellPrefixCls}-fix-sticky`]: (isFixLeft || isFixRight) && isSticky && supportSticky.value, }, additionalProps.class, cellClassName, ), onMouseenter: (e: MouseEvent) => { onMouseenter(e, mergedRowSpan); }, onMouseleave, style: [, alignStyle, fixedStyle, cellStyle], }; return ( {appendNode} {childNode} {slots.dragHandle?.()} ); }; }, });