import classNames from 'classnames' import PropTypes from '../../../_util/vue-types' import addEventListener from '../../../_util/Dom/addEventListener' import warning from '../../../_util/warning' import { initDefaultProps } from '../../../_util/props-util' import Steps from './Steps' import Marks from './Marks' import Handle from '../Handle' import * as utils from '../utils' function noop () {} export default function createSlider (Component) { // const displayName = `ComponentEnhancer(${Component.displayName})` const propTypes = { ...Component.propTypes, min: PropTypes.number, max: PropTypes.number, step: PropTypes.number, marks: PropTypes.object, included: PropTypes.bool, prefixCls: PropTypes.string, disabled: PropTypes.bool, handle: PropTypes.func, dots: PropTypes.bool, vertical: PropTypes.bool, minimumTrackStyle: PropTypes.object, // just for compatibility, will be deperecate maximumTrackStyle: PropTypes.object, // just for compatibility, will be deperecate handleStyle: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object)]), trackStyle: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.object, PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object)]), railStyle: PropTypes.object, dotStyle: PropTypes.object, activeDotStyle: PropTypes.object, autoFocus: PropTypes.bool, } return { name: 'createSlider', mixins: [Component], props: initDefaultProps(propTypes, { ...Component.defaultProps, prefixCls: 'rc-slider', min: 0, max: 100, step: 1, marks: {}, handle (h, { index, refStr, className, style, ...restProps }) { delete restProps.dragging const handleProps = { props: { ...restProps, }, attrs: { refStr, }, class: className, style, key: index, } return }, included: true, disabled: false, dots: false, vertical: false, trackStyle: [{}], handleStyle: [{}], railStyle: {}, dotStyle: {}, activeDotStyle: {}, }), model: { prop: 'value', event: 'change', }, data () { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { const { step, max, min } = this warning( step && Math.floor(step) === step ? (max - min) % step === 0 : true, 'Slider[max] - Slider[min] (%s) should be a multiple of Slider[step] (%s)', max - min, step ) } this.handlesRefs = [] return {} }, beforeDestroy () { this.$nextTick(() => { // if (super.componentWillUnmount) super.componentWillUnmount() this.removeDocumentEvents() }) }, mounted () { this.$nextTick(() => { // Snapshot testing cannot handle refs, so be sure to null-check this. this.document = this.$refs.sliderRef && this.$refs.sliderRef.ownerDocument this.setHandleRefs() }) }, methods: { setHandleRefs () { const refs = this.$refs.handleRef const children = => { const refStr = item.getAttribute('refStr') if (refStr.indexOf('handleRef') > -1) { const handleArr = refStr.split('handleRef') this.handlesRefs[handleArr[1]] = item } }) }, onMouseDown (e) { if (e.button !== 0) { return } const isVertical = this.vertical let position = utils.getMousePosition(isVertical, e) if (!utils.isEventFromHandle(e, this.handlesRefs)) { this.dragOffset = 0 } else { const handlePosition = utils.getHandleCenterPosition(isVertical, this.dragOffset = position - handlePosition position = handlePosition } this.removeDocumentEvents() this.onStart(position) this.addDocumentMouseEvents() }, onTouchStart (e) { if (utils.isNotTouchEvent(e)) return const isVertical = this.vertical let position = utils.getTouchPosition(isVertical, e) if (!utils.isEventFromHandle(e, this.handlesRefs)) { this.dragOffset = 0 } else { const handlePosition = utils.getHandleCenterPosition(isVertical, this.dragOffset = position - handlePosition position = handlePosition } this.onStart(position) this.addDocumentTouchEvents() utils.pauseEvent(e) }, onFocus (e) { const { vertical } = this if (utils.isEventFromHandle(e, this.handlesRefs)) { const handlePosition = utils.getHandleCenterPosition(vertical, this.dragOffset = 0 this.onStart(handlePosition) utils.pauseEvent(e) this.$emit('focus', e) } }, onBlur (e) { console.dir(e) this.onEnd(e) this.$emit('blur', e) }, addDocumentTouchEvents () { // just work for Chrome iOS Safari and Android Browser this.onTouchMoveListener = addEventListener(this.document, 'touchmove', this.onTouchMove) this.onTouchUpListener = addEventListener(this.document, 'touchend', this.onEnd) }, addDocumentMouseEvents () { this.onMouseMoveListener = addEventListener(this.document, 'mousemove', this.onMouseMove) this.onMouseUpListener = addEventListener(this.document, 'mouseup', this.onEnd) }, removeDocumentEvents () { /* eslint-disable no-unused-expressions */ this.onTouchMoveListener && this.onTouchMoveListener.remove() this.onTouchUpListener && this.onTouchUpListener.remove() this.onMouseMoveListener && this.onMouseMoveListener.remove() this.onMouseUpListener && this.onMouseUpListener.remove() /* eslint-enable no-unused-expressions */ }, onMouseUp () { if (this.$children && this.$children[this.prevMovedHandleIndex]) { const handleCom = utils.getComponentProps(this.$children[this.prevMovedHandleIndex], 'clickFocus') if (handleCom) { handleCom.clickFocus() } } }, onMouseMove (e) { if (!this.$refs.sliderRef) { this.onEnd() return } const position = utils.getMousePosition(this.vertical, e) this.onMove(e, position - this.dragOffset) }, onTouchMove (e) { if (utils.isNotTouchEvent(e) || !this.$refs.sliderRef) { this.onEnd() return } const position = utils.getTouchPosition(this.vertical, e) this.onMove(e, position - this.dragOffset) }, onKeyDown (e) { if (this.$refs.sliderRef && utils.isEventFromHandle(e, this.handlesRefs)) { this.onKeyboard(e) } }, focus () { if (!this.disabled) { this.handlesRefs[0].focus() } }, blur () { if (!this.disabled) { this.handlesRefs[0].blur() } }, getSliderStart () { const slider = this.$refs.sliderRef const rect = slider.getBoundingClientRect() return this.vertical ? : rect.left }, getSliderLength () { const slider = this.$refs.sliderRef if (!slider) { return 0 } const coords = slider.getBoundingClientRect() return this.vertical ? coords.height : coords.width }, calcValue (offset) { const { vertical, min, max } = this const ratio = Math.abs(Math.max(offset, 0) / this.getSliderLength()) const value = vertical ? (1 - ratio) * (max - min) + min : ratio * (max - min) + min return value }, calcValueByPos (position) { const pixelOffset = position - this.getSliderStart() const nextValue = this.trimAlignValue(this.calcValue(pixelOffset)) return nextValue }, calcOffset (value) { const { min, max } = this const ratio = (value - min) / (max - min) return ratio * 100 }, onClickMarkLabel (e, value) { e.stopPropagation() this.$emit('change', { value }) }, }, render (h) { const { prefixCls, marks, dots, step, included, disabled, vertical, min, max, maximumTrackStyle, railStyle, dotStyle, activeDotStyle, } = this const { tracks, handles } = this.renderSlider(h) const sliderClassName = classNames(prefixCls, { [`${prefixCls}-with-marks`]: Object.keys(marks).length, [`${prefixCls}-disabled`]: disabled, [`${prefixCls}-vertical`]: vertical, }) const markProps = { props: { vertical, marks, included, lowerBound: this.getLowerBound(), upperBound: this.getUpperBound(), max, min, className: `${prefixCls}-mark`, }, on: { clickLabel: disabled ? noop : this.onClickMarkLabel, }, } return (
) }, } }