/** * To match accessibility requirement, we always provide an input in the component. * Other element will not set `tabIndex` to avoid `onBlur` sequence problem. * For focused select, we set `aria-live="polite"` to update the accessibility content. * * ref: * - keyboard: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA/Roles/listbox_role#Keyboard_interactions * * New api: * - listHeight * - listItemHeight * - component * * Remove deprecated api: * - multiple * - tags * - combobox * - firstActiveValue * - dropdownMenuStyle * - openClassName (Not list in api) * * Update: * - `backfill` only support `combobox` mode * - `combobox` mode not support `labelInValue` since it's meaningless * - `getInputElement` only support `combobox` mode * - `onChange` return OptionData instead of ReactNode * - `filterOption` `onChange` `onSelect` accept OptionData instead of ReactNode * - `combobox` mode trigger `onChange` will get `undefined` if no `value` match in Option * - `combobox` mode not support `optionLabelProp` */ import type { OptionsType as SelectOptionsType } from './interface'; import SelectOptionList from './OptionList'; import Option from './Option'; import OptGroup from './OptGroup'; import { convertChildrenToData as convertSelectChildrenToData } from './utils/legacyUtil'; import { getLabeledValue as getSelectLabeledValue, filterOptions as selectDefaultFilterOptions, isValueDisabled as isSelectValueDisabled, findValueOption as findSelectValueOption, flattenOptions, fillOptionsWithMissingValue, } from './utils/valueUtil'; import type { SelectProps } from './generate'; import { selectBaseProps } from './generate'; import generateSelector from './generate'; import type { DefaultValueType } from './interface/generator'; import warningProps from './utils/warningPropsUtil'; import { defineComponent, ref } from 'vue'; const RefSelect = generateSelector({ prefixCls: 'rc-select', components: { optionList: SelectOptionList as any, }, convertChildrenToData: convertSelectChildrenToData, flattenOptions, getLabeledValue: getSelectLabeledValue, filterOptions: selectDefaultFilterOptions, isValueDisabled: isSelectValueDisabled, findValueOption: findSelectValueOption, warningProps, fillOptionsWithMissingValue, }); export type ExportedSelectProps = SelectProps< SelectOptionsType[number], T >; export function selectProps() { return selectBaseProps(); } const Select = defineComponent({ name: 'Select', inheritAttrs: false, Option, OptGroup, props: RefSelect.props, setup(props, { attrs, expose, slots }) { const selectRef = ref(); expose({ focus: () => { selectRef.value?.focus(); }, blur: () => { selectRef.value?.blur(); }, }); return () => { return ( ); }; }, }); export default Select;