order: 8
  zh-CN: 自定义点状步骤条
  en-US: Customized Dot Style

## zh-CN


## en-US

You can customize the display for Steps with progress dot style.

    <a-steps :current="1">
      <template #progressDot="{ index, status, prefixCls }">
          <template #content>
            <span>step {{ index }} status: {{ status }}</span>
          <span :class="`${prefixCls}-icon-dot`" />
      <a-step title="Finished" description="You can hover on the dot." />
      <a-step title="In Progress" description="You can hover on the dot." />
      <a-step title="Waiting" description="You can hover on the dot." />
      <a-step title="Waiting" description="You can hover on the dot." />