import type { ComputedRef, Ref } from 'vue'; import { ref, watch } from 'vue'; export default function useTextValueMapping({ valueTexts, onTextChange, }: { /** Must useMemo, to assume that `valueTexts` only match on the first change */ valueTexts: ComputedRef<string[]>; onTextChange: (text: string) => void; }): [Ref<string>, (text: string) => void, () => void] { const text = ref(''); function triggerTextChange(value: string) { text.value = value; onTextChange(value); } function resetText() { text.value = valueTexts.value[0]; } watch( () => [...valueTexts.value], (cur, pre = []) => { if ( cur.join('||') !== pre.join('||') && valueTexts.value.every(valText => valText !== text.value) ) { resetText(); } }, { immediate: true }, ); return [text, triggerTextChange, resetText]; }