// Project: https://github.com/vueComponent/ant-design-vue // Definitions by: akki-jat <https://github.com/akki-jat> // Definitions: https://github.com/vueComponent/ant-design-vue/types import { AntdComponent } from './component'; export type DotPosition = 'top' | 'bottom' | 'left' | 'right'; export interface Settings { accessibility?: boolean; adaptiveHeight?: boolean; arrows?: boolean; autoplaySpeed?: number; autoplay?: boolean; centerMode?: boolean; centerPadding?: string; cssEase?: string; dotsClass?: string; dots?: boolean; draggable?: boolean; easing?: string; edgeFriction?: number; fade?: boolean; focusOnSelect?: boolean; infinite?: boolean; initialSlide?: number; pauseOnDotsHover?: boolean; pauseOnFocus?: boolean; pauseOnHover?: boolean; responsive?: ResponsiveObject[]; rows?: number; rtl?: boolean; slide?: string; slidesPerRow?: number; slidesToScroll?: number; slidesToShow?: number; speed?: number; swipeToSlide?: boolean; swipe?: boolean; touchMove?: boolean; touchThreshold?: number; useCSS?: boolean; useTransform?: boolean; variableWidth?: boolean; vertical?: boolean; verticalSwiping?: boolean; waitForAnimate?: boolean; dotPosition?: DotPosition; } export interface ResponsiveObject { breakpoint: number; settings: 'unslick' | Settings; } export declare class Carousel extends AntdComponent { accessibility?: boolean; adaptiveHeight?: boolean; arrows?: boolean; autoplaySpeed?: number; /** * Whether to scroll automatically * @default false * @type boolean */ autoplay?: boolean; centerMode?: boolean; centerPadding?: string; cssEase?: string; dotsClass?: string; /** * Whether to show the dots at the bottom of the gallery * @default true * @type boolean */ dots?: boolean; draggable?: boolean; /** * Transition interpolation function name * @default 'linear' * @type string */ easing?: string; edgeFriction?: number; fade?: boolean; focusOnSelect?: boolean; infinite?: boolean; initialSlide?: number; pauseOnDotsHover?: boolean; pauseOnFocus?: boolean; pauseOnHover?: boolean; responsive?: ResponsiveObject[] | undefined; rows?: number; rtl?: boolean; slide?: string; slidesPerRow?: number; slidesToScroll?: number; slidesToShow?: number; speed?: number; swipeToSlide?: boolean; swipe?: boolean; touchMove?: boolean; touchThreshold?: number; useCSS?: boolean; useTransform?: boolean; variableWidth?: boolean; /** * Whether to use a vertical display * @default false * @type boolean */ vertical?: boolean; verticalSwiping?: boolean; waitForAnimate?: boolean; dotPosition?: DotPosition; /** * Callback function called after the current index changes * @type Function */ afterChange: (current: number) => any; /** * Callback function called before the current index changes * @type Function */ beforeChange: (from: number, to: number) => any; /** * Transition effect * @default 'scrollx' * @type string */ effect: 'scrollx' | 'fade'; /** * Go to slide index, if dontAnimate=true, it happens without animation * @param slideNumber slide number to go * @param dontAnimate animate or not */ goTo(slideNumber: number, dontAnimate: boolean): void; /** * Next * @description Change current slide to next slide */ next(): void; /** * Previous * @description Change current slide to previous slide */ prev(): void; }