import PropTypes from '../_util/vue-types'; import Align from '../vc-align'; import PopupInner from './PopupInner'; import LazyRenderBox from './LazyRenderBox'; import BaseMixin from '../_util/BaseMixin'; import { saveRef } from './utils'; import { splitAttrs, findDOMNode } from '../_util/props-util'; import { getTransitionProps, Transition } from '../_util/transition'; export default { name: 'VCTriggerPopup', mixins: [BaseMixin], inheritAttrs: false, props: { visible: PropTypes.looseBool, getClassNameFromAlign: PropTypes.func, getRootDomNode: PropTypes.func, align: PropTypes.any, destroyPopupOnHide: PropTypes.looseBool, prefixCls: PropTypes.string, getContainer: PropTypes.func, transitionName: PropTypes.string, animation: PropTypes.any, maskAnimation: PropTypes.string, maskTransitionName: PropTypes.string, mask: PropTypes.looseBool, zIndex: PropTypes.number, popupClassName: PropTypes.any, popupStyle: PropTypes.object.def(() => ({})), stretch: PropTypes.string, point: PropTypes.shape({ pageX: PropTypes.number, pageY: PropTypes.number, }).loose, }, data() { this.domEl = null; this.currentAlignClassName = undefined; this.transitionProps = {}; this.savePopupRef = saveRef.bind(this, 'popupInstance'); this.saveAlignRef = saveRef.bind(this, 'alignInstance'); return { // Used for stretch stretchChecked: false, targetWidth: undefined, targetHeight: undefined, }; }, mounted() { this.$nextTick(() => { this.rootNode = this.getPopupDomNode(); this.setStretchSize(); }); }, // 如添加会导致动画失效,如放开会导致快速输入时闪动, // 目前方案是保留动画,闪动问题(动画多次执行)进一步定位 // beforeUpdate() { // if (this.domEl && this.domEl.rcEndListener) { // this.domEl.rcEndListener(); // this.domEl = null; // } // }, updated() { this.$nextTick(() => { this.setStretchSize(); }); }, methods: { onAlign(popupDomNode, align) { const props = this.$props; const currentAlignClassName = props.getClassNameFromAlign(align); // FIX: // FIX: if (this.currentAlignClassName !== currentAlignClassName) { this.currentAlignClassName = currentAlignClassName; popupDomNode.className = this.getClassName(currentAlignClassName, popupDomNode.className); } const { onaAlign } = this.$attrs; onaAlign && onaAlign(popupDomNode, align); }, // Record size if stretch needed setStretchSize() { const { stretch, getRootDomNode, visible } = this.$props; const { stretchChecked, targetHeight, targetWidth } = this.$data; if (!stretch || !visible) { if (stretchChecked) { this.setState({ stretchChecked: false }); } return; } const $ele = getRootDomNode(); if (!$ele) return; const height = $ele.offsetHeight; const width = $ele.offsetWidth; if (targetHeight !== height || targetWidth !== width || !stretchChecked) { this.setState({ stretchChecked: true, targetHeight: height, targetWidth: width, }); } }, getPopupDomNode() { return findDOMNode(this.popupInstance); }, getTargetElement() { return this.$props.getRootDomNode(); }, // `target` on `rc-align` can accept as a function to get the bind element or a point. // ref: getAlignTarget() { const { point } = this.$props; if (point) { return point; } return this.getTargetElement; }, getMaskTransitionName() { const props = this.$props; let transitionName = props.maskTransitionName; const animation = props.maskAnimation; if (!transitionName && animation) { transitionName = `${props.prefixCls}-${animation}`; } return transitionName; }, getTransitionName() { const props = this.$props; let transitionName = props.transitionName; const animation = props.animation; if (!transitionName) { if (typeof animation === 'string') { transitionName = `${animation}`; } else if (animation && animation.props && { transitionName =; } } return transitionName; }, getClassName(currentAlignClassName, originClassName = '') { // 保留动画 class const enterActiveClass = []; if (this.transitionProps) { Object.keys(this.transitionProps).forEach(k => { if (typeof this.transitionProps[k] === 'string') { enterActiveClass.push(...this.transitionProps[k].split(' ')); } }); } const classNames = originClassName .split(' ') .filter(c => enterActiveClass.indexOf(c) !== -1) .join(' '); return `${this.$props.prefixCls} ${this.$attrs.class || ''} ${ this.$props.popupClassName } ${currentAlignClassName} ${classNames}`; }, getPopupElement() { const { savePopupRef } = this; const { $props: props, $attrs, $slots, getTransitionName } = this; const { stretchChecked, targetHeight, targetWidth } = this.$data; const { style = {} } = $attrs; const onEvents = splitAttrs($attrs).onEvents; const { align, visible, prefixCls, animation, popupStyle, getClassNameFromAlign, destroyPopupOnHide, stretch, } = props; const className = this.getClassName( this.currentAlignClassName || getClassNameFromAlign(align), ); // const hiddenClassName = `${prefixCls}-hidden` if (!visible) { this.currentAlignClassName = null; } const sizeStyle = {}; if (stretch) { // Stretch with target if (stretch.indexOf('height') !== -1) { sizeStyle.height = typeof targetHeight === 'number' ? `${targetHeight}px` : targetHeight; } else if (stretch.indexOf('minHeight') !== -1) { sizeStyle.minHeight = typeof targetHeight === 'number' ? `${targetHeight}px` : targetHeight; } if (stretch.indexOf('width') !== -1) { sizeStyle.width = typeof targetWidth === 'number' ? `${targetWidth}px` : targetWidth; } else if (stretch.indexOf('minWidth') !== -1) { sizeStyle.minWidth = typeof targetWidth === 'number' ? `${targetWidth}px` : targetWidth; } // Delay force align to makes ui smooth if (!stretchChecked) { // sizeStyle.visibility = 'hidden' setTimeout(() => { if (this.alignInstance) { this.alignInstance.forceAlign(); } }, 0); } } const popupInnerProps = { prefixCls, visible, // hiddenClassName, class: className, ...onEvents, ref: savePopupRef, style: { ...sizeStyle, ...popupStyle,, ...this.getZIndexStyle() }, }; const transitionName = getTransitionName(); let useTransition = !!transitionName; let transitionProps = getTransitionProps(transitionName); if (typeof animation === 'object') { useTransition = true; transitionProps = { ...transitionProps, ...animation }; } if (!useTransition) { transitionProps = {}; } this.transitionProps = transitionProps; if (destroyPopupOnHide) { return ( <Transition {...transitionProps}> {visible ? ( <Align target={this.getAlignTarget()} key="popup" ref={this.saveAlignRef} monitorWindowResize align={align} onAlign={this.onAlign} > <PopupInner {...popupInnerProps}>{$slots.default?.()}</PopupInner> </Align> ) : null} </Transition> ); } return ( <Transition {...transitionProps}> <Align v-show={visible} target={this.getAlignTarget()} key="popup" ref={this.saveAlignRef} monitorWindowResize disabled={!visible} align={align} onAlign={this.onAlign} > <PopupInner {...popupInnerProps}>{$slots.default?.()}</PopupInner> </Align> </Transition> ); }, getZIndexStyle() { const style = {}; const props = this.$props; if (props.zIndex !== undefined) { style.zIndex = props.zIndex; } return style; }, getMaskElement() { const props = this.$props; let maskElement = null; if (props.mask) { const maskTransition = this.getMaskTransitionName(); maskElement = ( <LazyRenderBox v-show={props.visible} style={this.getZIndexStyle()} key="mask" class={`${props.prefixCls}-mask`} visible={props.visible} /> ); if (maskTransition) { maskElement = ( <Transition appear name={maskTransition}> {maskElement} </Transition> ); } } return maskElement; }, }, render() { const { getMaskElement, getPopupElement } = this; return ( <div> {getMaskElement()} {getPopupElement()} </div> ); }, };