import warning, { noteOnce } from '../../vc-util/warning'; import { SelectProps } from '..'; import { convertChildrenToData } from './legacyUtil'; import { OptionData } from '../interface'; import { toArray } from './commonUtil'; import { RawValueType, LabelValueType } from '../interface/generator'; import { isValidElement } from '../../_util/props-util'; import { VNode } from 'vue'; function warningProps(props: SelectProps) { const { mode, options, children, backfill, allowClear, placeholder, getInputElement, showSearch, onSearch, defaultOpen, autofocus, labelInValue, value, inputValue, optionLabelProp, } = props; const multiple = mode === 'multiple' || mode === 'tags'; const mergedShowSearch = showSearch !== undefined ? showSearch : multiple || mode === 'combobox'; const mergedOptions = options || convertChildrenToData(children); // `tags` should not set option as disabled warning( mode !== 'tags' || mergedOptions.every((opt: any) => !opt.disabled), 'Please avoid setting option to disabled in tags mode since user can always type text as tag.', ); // `combobox` & `tags` should option be `string` type if (mode === 'tags' || mode === 'combobox') { const hasNumberValue = mergedOptions.some(item => { if (item.options) { return item.options.some( (opt: OptionData) => typeof ('value' in opt ? opt.value : opt.key) === 'number', ); } return typeof ('value' in item ? item.value : item.key) === 'number'; }); warning( !hasNumberValue, '`value` of Option should not use number type when `mode` is `tags` or `combobox`.', ); } // `combobox` should not use `optionLabelProp` warning( mode !== 'combobox' || !optionLabelProp, '`combobox` mode not support `optionLabelProp`. Please set `value` on Option directly.', ); // Only `combobox` support `backfill` warning(mode === 'combobox' || !backfill, '`backfill` only works with `combobox` mode.'); // Only `combobox` support `getInputElement` warning( mode === 'combobox' || !getInputElement, '`getInputElement` only work with `combobox` mode.', ); // Customize `getInputElement` should not use `allowClear` & `placeholder` noteOnce( mode !== 'combobox' || !getInputElement || !allowClear || !placeholder, 'Customize `getInputElement` should customize clear and placeholder logic instead of configuring `allowClear` and `placeholder`.', ); // `onSearch` should use in `combobox` or `showSearch` if (onSearch && !mergedShowSearch && mode !== 'combobox' && mode !== 'tags') { warning(false, '`onSearch` should work with `showSearch` instead of use alone.'); } noteOnce( !defaultOpen || autofocus, '`defaultOpen` makes Select open without focus which means it will not close by click outside. You can set `autofocus` if needed.', ); if (value !== undefined && value !== null) { const values = toArray<RawValueType | LabelValueType>(value); warning( !labelInValue || values.every(val => typeof val === 'object' && ('key' in val || 'value' in val)), '`value` should in shape of `{ value: string | number, label?: any }` when you set `labelInValue` to `true`', ); warning( !multiple || Array.isArray(value), '`value` should be array when `mode` is `multiple` or `tags`', ); } // Syntactic sugar should use correct children type if (children) { let invalidateChildType = null; children.some((node: any) => { if (!isValidElement(node) || !node.type) { return false; } const { type } = node as { type: { isSelectOption?: boolean; isSelectOptGroup?: boolean } }; if (type.isSelectOption) { return false; } if (type.isSelectOptGroup) { const childs = node.children?.default() || []; const allChildrenValid = childs.every((subNode: VNode) => { if ( !isValidElement(subNode) || !node.type || (subNode.type as { isSelectOption?: boolean }).isSelectOption ) { return true; } invalidateChildType = subNode.type; return false; }); if (allChildrenValid) { return false; } return true; } invalidateChildType = type; return true; }); if (invalidateChildType) { warning( false, `\`children\` should be \`Select.Option\` or \`Select.OptGroup\` instead of \`${invalidateChildType.displayName || || invalidateChildType}\`.`, ); } warning( inputValue === undefined, '`inputValue` is deprecated, please use `searchValue` instead.', ); } } export default warningProps;